Obama White House told GSA to 'stand-down' on Occupy protesters


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
Obama White House told GSA to 'stand-down' on Occupy protesters

Documents obtained by Judicial Watch confirm that somebody in the White House told officials with the General Services Administration (GSA) to "stand down" and not arrest Occupy Portland protestors who may have broken the law last year.

Former GSA Public Buildings Service Commissioner Robert Peck told a senior Department of Homeland Security official that the federal housekeeping agency had been instructed by the Obama White House to go easy on the Occupy protestors.

In a Nov. 6, 2011, DHS/National Protection and Programs Directorate Chief of Staff Caitlin Durkovich asked GSA's Peck if it was true that his agency had asked Federal Protective Service officials not to take action against the Occupy Portland protestors.

"Yes, that is our position," Peck responded. "It's been vetted with our Administrator and Michael Robertson, our chief of staff, and we have communicated with the WH [White House], which has afforded us the discretion to fashion our approach to Occupy issues...The arrests last week were carried out despite our request that the protesters [sic] be allowed to remain and to camp overnight..."

The Occupy Portland protestors had been protesting for several days on GSA-owned property in the Portland area. Eleven of the protestors had chained themselves to a railing in a downtown Portland park. A week before the Peck email, Portland police, some dressed in riot gear, had arrested more than two dozen Occupy Portland protestors.

The Obama White House denied on multiple occasions during the Occupy protests last year that anybody in the Obama administration had given aid or encouragement to the demonstrations, many of which erupted into public and private property destruction, arrests for drug dealing and prostitution and public health violations.
Obama White House told GSA to 'stand-down' on Occupy protesters | WashingtonExaminer.com

Another case of the White House ignoring the laws of the land for their own agendas.
This administration continues to lie to the people of America.
I'm sure they did, they are his Union goons disrupting, occupying and destroying peoples businesses
No surprise since both the WH and Nancy Pelosi were all-in with the OWS scum.

“God bless them for their spontaneity,” Pelosi told reporters. “It’s young, it’s spontaneous, it’s focused and it’s going to be effective.”

The comments from Pelosi, the top Democrat in the House, came after President Barack Obama embraced the protesters in a nationally televised news conference, saying their furor would “express itself politically in 2012 and beyond.”

It's a lot easier to be effective when the cops are handcuffed.

Nancy Pelosi: ?God bless? Wall Street protesters - Seung Min Kim - POLITICO.com
Obama White House told GSA to 'stand-down' on Occupy protesters

Documents obtained by Judicial Watch confirm that somebody in the White House told officials with the General Services Administration (GSA) to "stand down" and not arrest Occupy Portland protestors who may have broken the law last year.

Former GSA Public Buildings Service Commissioner Robert Peck told a senior Department of Homeland Security official that the federal housekeeping agency had been instructed by the Obama White House to go easy on the Occupy protestors.

In a Nov. 6, 2011, DHS/National Protection and Programs Directorate Chief of Staff Caitlin Durkovich asked GSA's Peck if it was true that his agency had asked Federal Protective Service officials not to take action against the Occupy Portland protestors.

"Yes, that is our position," Peck responded. "It's been vetted with our Administrator and Michael Robertson, our chief of staff, and we have communicated with the WH [White House], which has afforded us the discretion to fashion our approach to Occupy issues...The arrests last week were carried out despite our request that the protesters [sic] be allowed to remain and to camp overnight..."

The Occupy Portland protestors had been protesting for several days on GSA-owned property in the Portland area. Eleven of the protestors had chained themselves to a railing in a downtown Portland park. A week before the Peck email, Portland police, some dressed in riot gear, had arrested more than two dozen Occupy Portland protestors.

The Obama White House denied on multiple occasions during the Occupy protests last year that anybody in the Obama administration had given aid or encouragement to the demonstrations, many of which erupted into public and private property destruction, arrests for drug dealing and prostitution and public health violations.
Obama White House told GSA to 'stand-down' on Occupy protesters | WashingtonExaminer.com

Another case of the White House ignoring the laws of the land for their own agendas.
This administration continues to lie to the people of America.

Obama also refused to prosecute the Black Panthers who threatened voters at the polls and refused to charge the Black panther who openly solicited for the murder of George Zimmerman. He also ordered race-based disciplinary action at public schools. The POS POTUS actually mandated that members of major racial and ethnic groups be penalized at equal rates, regardless of the individuals’ behavior. This means that if 2 Whites receive disciplinary action, only 2 Blacks will be disciplined even if 100 or more commit the same offense.

Obama is a racist piece of shit, hence the title POS POTUS.
No surprise since both the WH and Nancy Pelosi were all-in with the OWS scum.

“God bless them for their spontaneity,” Pelosi told reporters. “It’s young, it’s spontaneous, it’s focused and it’s going to be effective.”

The comments from Pelosi, the top Democrat in the House, came after President Barack Obama embraced the protesters in a nationally televised news conference, saying their furor would “express itself politically in 2012 and beyond.”

It's a lot easier to be effective when the cops are handcuffed.

Nancy Pelosi: ?God bless? Wall Street protesters - Seung Min Kim - POLITICO.com

Yes, it's young, spontaneous and not allowed near the Democratic National Convention in September. lol!
Obama White House told GSA to 'stand-down' on Occupy protesters

Documents obtained by Judicial Watch confirm that somebody in the White House told officials with the General Services Administration (GSA) to "stand down" and not arrest Occupy Portland protestors who may have broken the law last year.

Former GSA Public Buildings Service Commissioner Robert Peck told a senior Department of Homeland Security official that the federal housekeeping agency had been instructed by the Obama White House to go easy on the Occupy protestors.

In a Nov. 6, 2011, DHS/National Protection and Programs Directorate Chief of Staff Caitlin Durkovich asked GSA's Peck if it was true that his agency had asked Federal Protective Service officials not to take action against the Occupy Portland protestors.

"Yes, that is our position," Peck responded. "It's been vetted with our Administrator and Michael Robertson, our chief of staff, and we have communicated with the WH [White House], which has afforded us the discretion to fashion our approach to Occupy issues...The arrests last week were carried out despite our request that the protesters [sic] be allowed to remain and to camp overnight..."

The Occupy Portland protestors had been protesting for several days on GSA-owned property in the Portland area. Eleven of the protestors had chained themselves to a railing in a downtown Portland park. A week before the Peck email, Portland police, some dressed in riot gear, had arrested more than two dozen Occupy Portland protestors.

The Obama White House denied on multiple occasions during the Occupy protests last year that anybody in the Obama administration had given aid or encouragement to the demonstrations, many of which erupted into public and private property destruction, arrests for drug dealing and prostitution and public health violations.
Obama White House told GSA to 'stand-down' on Occupy protesters | WashingtonExaminer.com

Another case of the White House ignoring the laws of the land for their own agendas.
This administration continues to lie to the people of America.

It's quite clear that if you support Obama laws don't apply to you, not only that but if you belong to an organization that supports Obama (labor unions, activist groups, special interest groups) you will be handsomely rewarded with money he steals from those who generally oppose him such as hardworking people in the private non-union sector and small business owners...

Obama is the most partisan president this nation has ever seen. Oh and he had the fucking audacity to run on "transparency" in 08...

What a piece of shit...
Obama White House told GSA to 'stand-down' on Occupy protesters

Documents obtained by Judicial Watch confirm that somebody in the White House told officials with the General Services Administration (GSA) to "stand down" and not arrest Occupy Portland protestors who may have broken the law last year.

Former GSA Public Buildings Service Commissioner Robert Peck told a senior Department of Homeland Security official that the federal housekeeping agency had been instructed by the Obama White House to go easy on the Occupy protestors.

In a Nov. 6, 2011, DHS/National Protection and Programs Directorate Chief of Staff Caitlin Durkovich asked GSA's Peck if it was true that his agency had asked Federal Protective Service officials not to take action against the Occupy Portland protestors.

"Yes, that is our position," Peck responded. "It's been vetted with our Administrator and Michael Robertson, our chief of staff, and we have communicated with the WH [White House], which has afforded us the discretion to fashion our approach to Occupy issues...The arrests last week were carried out despite our request that the protesters [sic] be allowed to remain and to camp overnight..."

The Occupy Portland protestors had been protesting for several days on GSA-owned property in the Portland area. Eleven of the protestors had chained themselves to a railing in a downtown Portland park. A week before the Peck email, Portland police, some dressed in riot gear, had arrested more than two dozen Occupy Portland protestors.

The Obama White House denied on multiple occasions during the Occupy protests last year that anybody in the Obama administration had given aid or encouragement to the demonstrations, many of which erupted into public and private property destruction, arrests for drug dealing and prostitution and public health violations.
Obama White House told GSA to 'stand-down' on Occupy protesters | WashingtonExaminer.com

Another case of the White House ignoring the laws of the land for their own agendas.
This administration continues to lie to the people of America.

Obama also refused to prosecute the Black Panthers who threatened voters at the polls and refused to charge the Black panther who openly solicited for the murder of George Zimmerman. He also ordered race-based disciplinary action at public schools. The POS POTUS actually mandated that members of major racial and ethnic groups be penalized at equal rates, regardless of the individuals’ behavior. This means that if 2 Whites receive disciplinary action, only 2 Blacks will be disciplined even if 100 or more commit the same offense.

Obama is a racist piece of shit, hence the title POS POTUS.

Don't forget his pandering to labor unions at the cost of the US taxpayer...
And the protesters pay obama back by throwing a brick through the window of his campaign office!

Good job.
Obama White House told GSA to 'stand-down' on Occupy protesters

Documents obtained by Judicial Watch confirm that somebody in the White House told officials with the General Services Administration (GSA) to "stand down" and not arrest Occupy Portland protestors who may have broken the law last year.

Former GSA Public Buildings Service Commissioner Robert Peck told a senior Department of Homeland Security official that the federal housekeeping agency had been instructed by the Obama White House to go easy on the Occupy protestors.

In a Nov. 6, 2011, DHS/National Protection and Programs Directorate Chief of Staff Caitlin Durkovich asked GSA's Peck if it was true that his agency had asked Federal Protective Service officials not to take action against the Occupy Portland protestors.

"Yes, that is our position," Peck responded. "It's been vetted with our Administrator and Michael Robertson, our chief of staff, and we have communicated with the WH [White House], which has afforded us the discretion to fashion our approach to Occupy issues...The arrests last week were carried out despite our request that the protesters [sic] be allowed to remain and to camp overnight..."

The Occupy Portland protestors had been protesting for several days on GSA-owned property in the Portland area. Eleven of the protestors had chained themselves to a railing in a downtown Portland park. A week before the Peck email, Portland police, some dressed in riot gear, had arrested more than two dozen Occupy Portland protestors.

The Obama White House denied on multiple occasions during the Occupy protests last year that anybody in the Obama administration had given aid or encouragement to the demonstrations, many of which erupted into public and private property destruction, arrests for drug dealing and prostitution and public health violations.
Obama White House told GSA to 'stand-down' on Occupy protesters | WashingtonExaminer.com

Another case of the White House ignoring the laws of the land for their own agendas.
This administration continues to lie to the people of America.

Well we all suspected the White House wanted this to be an "Obama Spring" till they realized all the dregs of society were showing up to party.

Too funny. They're busted.
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[The lawless one strikes again, ordering the GSA to stand back and let the occupiers run rampant, raping, pillaging, burning, sorta like what the Emperor Nero did while Rome burned.
Van Jones said it best when he described occupy's purpose last year, to collapse the American government and our society, from the "Top down and the bottom up". Certainly looks like Barry was doin his "Top down" part, alright. With friends like that, who needs enemies?]

"Records Show Obama White House Told GSA To “Stand-Down” And Not Arrest Occupy Protesters…

Of course this contradicts what the White House has been saying all along.

Via Washington Examiner:

Documents obtained by Judicial Watch confirm that somebody in the White House told officials with the General Services Administration (GSA) to “stand down” and not arrest Occupy Portland protestors who may have broken the law last year.

Former GSA Public Buildings Service Commissioner Robert Peck told a senior Department of Homeland Security official that the federal housekeeping agency had been instructed by the Obama White House to go easy on the Occupy protestors.

In a Nov. 6, 2011, DHS/National Protection and Programs Directorate Chief of Staff Caitlin Durkovich asked GSA’s Peck if it was true that his agency had asked Federal Protective Service officials not to take action against the Occupy Portland protestors.

“Yes, that is our position,” Peck responded. “It’s been vetted with our Administrator and Michael Robertson, our chief of staff, and we have communicated with the WH [White House], which has afforded us the discretion to fashion our approach to Occupy issues…The arrests last week were carried out despite our request that the protesters [sic] be allowed to remain and to camp overnight…”"

Records Show Obama White House Told GSA To “Stand-Down” And Not Arrest Occupy Protesters… | Weasel Zippers
And why do we still have a GSA? How much would Taxpayers save if it was eliminated? Just another corrupt useless bureaucracy. Get rid of it now.
The OP link is not the original source of the story. It plainly contains a link in it to the original story. So why not provide the original source?

If you had, you would have found this:

UPDATE: GSA denies WH gave Occupy directions

Mafara Hobson told The Washington Examiner today that former GSA Public Buildings Service Commissioner Robert Peck was wrong in telling a senior official at the Department of Homeland Security that his agency was told by the White House to "stand down" on arrests of Occupy Portland protestors demonstrating on federal property last year.

"The General Services Administration worked closely with the Portland Police Bureau and the Federal Protective Service (FPS) in maintaining the health and safety of the general public, protesters and federal employees during last year's Portland Occupy protests- however FPS and local law enforcement had the best understanding of the situation on the ground in Terry Schrunk Park, and determined the necessary action," Hobson said.

Asked if she was specifically saying Peck was in error, Hobson responded: "Yes, I'm saying that the decisions that were made were based on the judgment of the law enforcement folks on the ground ONLY. He's not correct."

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