Obama Wants To Meet With GOP On Health Care


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
The last meeting on CSPAN was a positive for Obama. At least after all this time he's finally talking to Republicans.

Problem is during his inauguration speech he promised to end the petty squabbles and begin working with the loyal opposition. Does he honestly think that showing up and appearing to ask them questions after over a year of shutting them out of the process is going make him look like he's really interested in what they have to say and willing to change some of his policies on health care?

So this one meeting erases all of the arrogance of the past year on his part and the Democrats. He wants to show the GOP as the party of no. This is his chance. This is his way of making them look like they aren't willing to work with him, not vice-verse.

Is anyone buying this?
The last meeting on CSPAN was a positive for Obama. At least after all this time he's finally talking to Republicans.

Problem is during his inauguration speech he promised to end the petty squabbles and begin working with the loyal opposition. Does he honestly think that showing up and appearing to ask them questions after over a year of shutting them out of the process is going make him look like he's really interested in what they have to say and willing to change some of his policies on health care?

So this one meeting erases all of the arrogance of the past year on his part and the Democrats. He wants to show the GOP as the party of no. This is his chance. This is his way of making them look like they aren't willing to work with him, not vice-verse.

Is anyone buying this?

I don't think so.

I do hope the Republicans articulate what issues they believe need to be addressed for real reform, the majority of Americans agree with reform, not wholesale change of system.

I do hope they highlight those issues that Americans are disgusted by that occurred over the past 12 months in both versions of the bill. I expect them to show the pork and bribes present in the Senate version, the more 'conservative of the two.'
GOP needs to step to the plate on healthcare

They said they were serious, now its time to show it.
The individual citizens in this country need to step to the plate for their own healthcare.... many say they seriously need it, so they need to show that they will work whatever they have to to provide for their own personal need
Problem is Obama isn't serious.

He's gonna show up with makeup on, a fancy suit, 3-point lighting, and enough BS to make everyone think he's really interested. I think he should show up like he did last night before the Super Bowl with just a long-sleeved shirt on and a pencil and notebook ready to work out the details.

This is a pure Dog and Pony show. We're tired of the lectures and we need him to listen.

And this doesn't mean he's being transparent. We want to see all of the negotiations that are being done....not this.
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Problem is Obama isn't serious.

He's gonna show up with makeup on, a fancy suit, 3-point lighting, and enough BS to make everyone think he's really interested. I think he should show up like he did last night before the Super Bowl with just a long-sleeved shirt on and a pencil and notebook ready to work out the details.

This is a pure Dog and Pony show.

You hit it directly on the head
But I thought the GOP was blocking health care reform. Why would Obama want to work with people who have been blocking his agenda??

Anyway, back on planet Earth: This is the usual gesture Obama makes when he's done something wrong and been caught at it.
When he started getting slammed for spending more than every American president since George Washington, combined, he suddenly became the voice of fiscal discipline. Now he is Mr Bipartisan. None of it is true. All of it is a fake.
The GOP needs to stand firm and discard anything that looks like buying in to Obama's Big Government vision of health care. If they fall for this, they really are suckers.
But I thought the GOP was blocking health care reform. Why would Obama want to work with people who have been blocking his agenda??

Anyway, back on planet Earth: This is the usual gesture Obama makes when he's done something wrong and been caught at it.
When he started getting slammed for spending more than every American president since George Washington, combined, he suddenly became the voice of fiscal discipline. Now he is Mr Bipartisan. None of it is true. All of it is a fake.
The GOP needs to stand firm and discard anything that looks like buying in to Obama's Big Government vision of health care. If they fall for this, they really are suckers.

GOP needs to show now that they are not just giving lip service. Now that they have a "super majority" of 41% they will be looked at to deliver a workable, afordable solution like the said they would.

Tort reform and interstate competition are not the total solution. Put them in and get us healthcare
Yep. Seems to me I remember hearing that the Reps have been sending OL'BO their plans for healthcare reform from the getgo. The Dems weren't interested in anything they had to offer. Couldn't get anything the floor for a vote. I also remember hearing nothing from the Prez and the Dems except that the Reps are the party of "No".

I doubt serioiusly that he's interested in anything they have to say. Althought self preservation is the strongest motivator of all. Will have to see if he adopts anything they have to offer.

The "dog and pony" show should be interesting, if nothing else.
But I thought the GOP was blocking health care reform. Why would Obama want to work with people who have been blocking his agenda??

Anyway, back on planet Earth: This is the usual gesture Obama makes when he's done something wrong and been caught at it.
When he started getting slammed for spending more than every American president since George Washington, combined, he suddenly became the voice of fiscal discipline. Now he is Mr Bipartisan. None of it is true. All of it is a fake.
The GOP needs to stand firm and discard anything that looks like buying in to Obama's Big Government vision of health care. If they fall for this, they really are suckers.

GOP needs to show now that they are not just giving lip service. Now that they have a "super majority" of 41% they will be looked at to deliver a workable, afordable solution like the said they would.

Tort reform and interstate competition are not the total solution. Put them in and get us healthcare

Only in your world is 41% a "supermajority."
The GOP has floated a very good, workable plan for health care reform. All of it ignored by Obama, who admitted as much in his Q&A.
Quit peddling that "Party of NO" shit. It isn't true, was never true.
Why couldn't Democrats pass their own health care bill, even when they had unprecedented control of Congress? Reagan got his agenda through a largely Democratic Congress.
The last meeting on CSPAN was a positive for Obama. At least after all this time he's finally talking to Republicans.

Problem is during his inauguration speech he promised to end the petty squabbles and begin working with the loyal opposition. Does he honestly think that showing up and appearing to ask them questions after over a year of shutting them out of the process is going make him look like he's really interested in what they have to say and willing to change some of his policies on health care?

So this one meeting erases all of the arrogance of the past year on his part and the Democrats. He wants to show the GOP as the party of no. This is his chance. This is his way of making them look like they aren't willing to work with him, not vice-verse.

Is anyone buying this?

Not for a minute!
This is an act of desperation and trying to save face. Perhaps if he did this within the first few months of his Presidency, I'd be more apt to believe he is sincere. Sorry, but not at this point in the game. Or should I say, not at this point in his Presidency.
Problem is Obama isn't serious.

He's gonna show up with makeup on, a fancy suit, 3-point lighting, and enough BS to make everyone think he's really interested. I think he should show up like he did last night before the Super Bowl with just a long-sleeved shirt on and a pencil and notebook ready to work out the details.

This is a pure Dog and Pony show.

You hit it directly on the head

I'll second those two points!
But I thought the GOP was blocking health care reform. Why would Obama want to work with people who have been blocking his agenda??

Anyway, back on planet Earth: This is the usual gesture Obama makes when he's done something wrong and been caught at it.
When he started getting slammed for spending more than every American president since George Washington, combined, he suddenly became the voice of fiscal discipline. Now he is Mr Bipartisan. None of it is true. All of it is a fake.
The GOP needs to stand firm and discard anything that looks like buying in to Obama's Big Government vision of health care. If they fall for this, they really are suckers.

GOP needs to show now that they are not just giving lip service. Now that they have a "super majority" of 41% they will be looked at to deliver a workable, afordable solution like the said they would.

Tort reform and interstate competition are not the total solution. Put them in and get us healthcare

But ... they are a hell of a start! Sure, I have no problem with the government helping out needy citizens and working towards lowering healthcare costs, but what I don't need is a complete take-over of healthcare by the government.
But I thought the GOP was blocking health care reform. Why would Obama want to work with people who have been blocking his agenda??

Anyway, back on planet Earth: This is the usual gesture Obama makes when he's done something wrong and been caught at it.
When he started getting slammed for spending more than every American president since George Washington, combined, he suddenly became the voice of fiscal discipline. Now he is Mr Bipartisan. None of it is true. All of it is a fake.
The GOP needs to stand firm and discard anything that looks like buying in to Obama's Big Government vision of health care. If they fall for this, they really are suckers.

GOP needs to show now that they are not just giving lip service. Now that they have a "super majority" of 41% they will be looked at to deliver a workable, afordable solution like the said they would.

Tort reform and interstate competition are not the total solution. Put them in and get us healthcare

The individual citizens need to show they are not just giving lip service to dems in an effort to satisfy their entitlement fix. Since they have their freedoms, they will continue to be looked at to take care of their own personal responsibilities instead of thinking that they are owed their personal care at the expense of others, facilitated by the government... If they fail to provide and pay for their own insurance and care, too bad too sad

Government does not exist to be the 'solution' to your personal issues about your personal upkeep.. you and only you are that solution
But I thought the GOP was blocking health care reform. Why would Obama want to work with people who have been blocking his agenda??

Anyway, back on planet Earth: This is the usual gesture Obama makes when he's done something wrong and been caught at it.
When he started getting slammed for spending more than every American president since George Washington, combined, he suddenly became the voice of fiscal discipline. Now he is Mr Bipartisan. None of it is true. All of it is a fake.
The GOP needs to stand firm and discard anything that looks like buying in to Obama's Big Government vision of health care. If they fall for this, they really are suckers.

GOP needs to show now that they are not just giving lip service. Now that they have a "super majority" of 41% they will be looked at to deliver a workable, afordable solution like the said they would.

Tort reform and interstate competition are not the total solution. Put them in and get us healthcare

You forget that the GOP had the door slammed in their faces from day one.

This doesn't change that. Obama is already going in with pre-conditions instead of going in with an open mind.

All of the immoral deals that are in the bill, all of the confusing wording, all of the waste and corruption that it represents is not going to be erased just by a few fancy words.

If Obama wants to talk to them then they need to put away the cameras and get to work.
Number one: Obama can't be trusted.

They need to treat him like the liar that he has proved to be. Question everything he says. Put him on the spot. Don't let him filibuster and control the meeting.

Number two: Make sure if there are any agreements made assure that the Democrats don't go around them as they usually do.

And number three: Demand that they be allowed to be part of the process, not just this time but every single time.
The last meeting on CSPAN was a positive for Obama. At least after all this time he's finally talking to Republicans.

Problem is during his inauguration speech he promised to end the petty squabbles and begin working with the loyal opposition. Does he honestly think that showing up and appearing to ask them questions after over a year of shutting them out of the process is going make him look like he's really interested in what they have to say and willing to change some of his policies on health care?

So this one meeting erases all of the arrogance of the past year on his part and the Democrats. He wants to show the GOP as the party of no. This is his chance. This is his way of making them look like they aren't willing to work with him, not vice-verse.

Is anyone buying this?

Are you on drugs?

Have you been drunk for a year?

Have you been off the planet?

Republicans began obstructing Obama's agenda before he was sworn-in.

Frankly, I disappointed in Obama. He seems a fool for thinking Republicans will do anything but continue their obstruction.
If the republicans were so ON THIS healthcare issue why did they do nothing about it as it grew and grew into a bigger mess right under their eyes?

This is an issue they have fought any fix to for decades.

Where were they when they controled EVERYTHING!

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