Obama Urges Soviet-Style Voting Laws

I'm all for it. If it means defeating big money in politics, then let's do it. Afterall, most Americans side with today's most important issues such as raising the minimum wage, raising taxes on the wealthy, and the government acting on climate change. Unfortunately, Americans seem confused which party supports what so too many vote republican which is a complete travesty.

Obama Maybe it s time for mandatory voting - CNN.com
It will never make it through Congress.
Another inaccurate thread title. The President did no such thing.

You're a special kind of stupid aren't you?

CNN made it up?

CNN article title;

Obama: Maybe it's time for mandatory voting.

totally different from the THREAD TITLE !

you're a special kind of stupid aren't you ?

sure you are.

(smile) Obama actually said he thought it might be time for mandatory voting, that eluded you didn't?

I c/p'd the title of the article ...

you're a special kind of stupid aren't you ?
Another inaccurate thread title. The President did no such thing.

You're a special kind of stupid aren't you?

CNN made it up?

CNN article title;

Obama: Maybe it's time for mandatory voting.

totally different from the THREAD TITLE !

you're a special kind of stupid aren't you ?

sure you are.

(smile) Obama actually said he thought it might be time for mandatory voting, that eluded you didn't?

I c/p'd the title of the article ...

you're a special kind of stupid aren't you ?

LOL, what is the topic of the thread 7?
FYI - BOTH political parties need uninformed voters to win an election, not just the Democrats. Political division keeps politicians in business. As long as we argue over one party being better than the other, we're playing right into the hands of ALL professional politicians. Division is our enemy, and unity is politicians enemy. A united citizenry is the worst fear of professional politicians. They (politicians) know that most voters aren't smart enough to figure it out, so they continue to play one side against the other, laughing and enjoying the show. And, we wonder why this country is in the mess that it's in. Go figure.

A united citizenry is never going to happen. It didn't even happen during the Revolution.

It's time you learned to accept that fact.
I can see why conservatives are so against education.
It's those college professors filling their students up with all that historical and political junk. Maybe it would be better if schools were just closed and soon America would have better informed voters.

Those college professors are filling their students heads with propaganda. "Political junk" is a good way to describe it.

It would be great if all the government schools closed. That would be the best thing that could ever happen to this country.
Another inaccurate thread title. The President did no such thing.

You're a special kind of stupid aren't you?

CNN made it up?

CNN article title;

Obama: Maybe it's time for mandatory voting.

totally different from the THREAD TITLE !

you're a special kind of stupid aren't you ?

sure you are.

(smile) Obama actually said he thought it might be time for mandatory voting, that eluded you didn't?

I c/p'd the title of the article ...

you're a special kind of stupid aren't you ?

You do realize that the OP is on your side?
I don't get ANY emails about politics idiot. I am not on a single mailing list.
You remain a dedicated liberal troll
You remain a blind partisan tool who asks how high when Fox tells you to jump.
I'll take that over being a liberal ANY DAY
So, you like being an uninformed fool, you're even proud of it.


Well thanks for being honest :lol:
You are too stupid to get it I see.

No surprise I guess
You said that being an uninformed tool is better than being a liberal. Those were your words. You tiled yourself into a corner so to speak. Thanks for the laugh, dipshit.
No what I said was I'd GLADLY be seen as a tool or any other adjective for that matter than a fucking lib
Another inaccurate thread title. The President did no such thing.

You're a special kind of stupid aren't you?

CNN made it up?

CNN article title;

Obama: Maybe it's time for mandatory voting.

totally different from the THREAD TITLE !

you're a special kind of stupid aren't you ?

sure you are.

(smile) Obama actually said he thought it might be time for mandatory voting, that eluded you didn't?

I c/p'd the title of the article ...

you're a special kind of stupid aren't you ?

LOL, what is the topic of the thread 7?

the topic wasn't the question .. the title of the thread differs from the title of the article, and was mentioned it did .. you in return came up with your special kind of stupid bs..

which, in fact, you are.

try and keep up if you insist on playing ... explaining simple comments to you is really quite BORING.


You're a special kind of stupid aren't you?

CNN made it up?

CNN article title;

Obama: Maybe it's time for mandatory voting.

totally different from the THREAD TITLE !

you're a special kind of stupid aren't you ?

sure you are.

(smile) Obama actually said he thought it might be time for mandatory voting, that eluded you didn't?

I c/p'd the title of the article ...

you're a special kind of stupid aren't you ?

LOL, what is the topic of the thread 7?

the topic wasn't the question .. the title of the thread differs from the title of the article, and was mentioned it did .. you in return came up with your special kind of stupid bs..

which, in fact, you are.

try and keep up if you insist on playing ... explaining simple comments to you is really quite BORING.



Sorry 7, each day you prove to be more stupid than the last;)

I so enjoy bitch slapping you like this,
You remain a blind partisan tool who asks how high when Fox tells you to jump.
I'll take that over being a liberal ANY DAY
So, you like being an uninformed fool, you're even proud of it.


Well thanks for being honest :lol:
You are too stupid to get it I see.

No surprise I guess
You said that being an uninformed tool is better than being a liberal. Those were your words. You tiled yourself into a corner so to speak. Thanks for the laugh, dipshit.
No what I said was I'd GLADLY be seen as a tool or any other adjective for that matter than a fucking lib
Nope. That's not what you said.

I said:
j.e.d said:
You remain a blind partisan tool who asks how high when Fox tells you to jump.

To which you replied:
Grampa Murked U said:
I'll take that over being a liberal ANY DAY

What a dumb ass
FYI - BOTH political parties need uninformed voters to win an election, not just the Democrats. Political division keeps politicians in business. As long as we argue over one party being better than the other, we're playing right into the hands of ALL professional politicians. Division is our enemy, and unity is politicians enemy. A united citizenry is the worst fear of professional politicians. They (politicians) know that most voters aren't smart enough to figure it out, so they continue to play one side against the other, laughing and enjoying the show. And, we wonder why this country is in the mess that it's in. Go figure.

A united citizenry is never going to happen. It didn't even happen during the Revolution.

It's time you learned to accept that fact.
FYI - I accepted that fact many years ago, probably before you were born.
Here's a question for those who favor making voting mandatory. Do you also favor making it mandatory that in order to vote you must take and pass a test on the issues and the candidates positions on them? Surly if you want it mandatory that everyone vote you would want everyone to be knowledgeable on the issues and candidates as well right?
Here's a question for those who favor making voting mandatory. Do you also favor making it mandatory that in order to vote you must take and pass a test on the issues and the candidates positions on them? Surly if you want it mandatory that everyone vote you would want everyone to be knowledgeable on the issues and candidates as well right?

All you need to know is which candidate you want to represent you
You people have completely lost it. Fabricating stories and lying over a pretty tame quote. He didn't advocate forcing anyone to vote; he didn't suggest any punishment for a failure to vote; he simply said that mandatory voting might be a good thing. And the result: right-wing nutjobs huddled up, trembling, clutching tear-soaked handkerchiefs, anxiously waiting on Fox or Limbaugh to tell them how scared they should be.
Here's a question for those who favor making voting mandatory. Do you also favor making it mandatory that in order to vote you must take and pass a test on the issues and the candidates positions on them? Surly if you want it mandatory that everyone vote you would want everyone to be knowledgeable on the issues and candidates as well right?

All you need to know is which candidate you want to represent you
That's all you need to know huh you just need to know I like this one you don't need to know anything about the issues they will be dealing with where the candidate stands on them or where they may have stood on them in the past. So making it mandatory everyone vote is good as is having them be as low information and uniniformed as they like wow.
I'll take that over being a liberal ANY DAY
So, you like being an uninformed fool, you're even proud of it.


Well thanks for being honest :lol:
You are too stupid to get it I see.

No surprise I guess
You said that being an uninformed tool is better than being a liberal. Those were your words. You tiled yourself into a corner so to speak. Thanks for the laugh, dipshit.
No what I said was I'd GLADLY be seen as a tool or any other adjective for that matter than a fucking lib
Nope. That's not what you said.

I said:
j.e.d said:
You remain a blind partisan tool who asks how high when Fox tells you to jump.

To which you replied:
Grampa Murked U said:
I'll take that over being a liberal ANY DAY

What a dumb ass
The only dumb ass is the one telling me what I ment.

Fucking queer

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