Obama trolls Trump - Brilliantly!

Obama did all he could do to save this country; Trump is doing all he can to destroy it.
God Bless President Obama.

Perhaps.....GOD will make Hussein Barack pay....for all the damage he caused to America...and Americans

Have you thought of that?

God wanted Obama to be President, right?


GOD wanted to show the world who you should never vote again for

you moron!

With your posts God is showing me what it looks like when he made a mistake apparently, eh fuckstain?
It's Yin/Yang...After both parties almost destroyed us, Trump came along.
And how has Trump ruined your life? (Butt hurt is not an acceptable answer).

Never said such a thing loser
poor little corn pie

keep on living in your dream world

and keep defending the i
God Bless President Obama.

Perhaps.....GOD will make Hussein Barack pay....for all the damage he caused to America...and Americans

Have you thought of that?

God wanted Obama to be President, right?


GOD wanted to show the world who you should never vote again for

you moron!

With your posts God is showing me what it looks like when he made a mistake apparently, eh fuckstain?

poor little ignorant corn pie

keep on living in your dream world

and keep on defending the indefensible

You are the one believing some guy on a cloud controls your destiny.
God wanted Obama to be President, right?
Yes; doesn't that very thought piss you off?
Now God wants Trump to be President.

Quite the contrary...
It makes me laugh that grown people still believe that some guy sitting on a cloud makes things happen...like the holocaust, 9/11, sandy hook.
I believe my soul will last longer than the body it inhabits.

No explanation for why God wanted Sandyhook to happen? Didn’t think so.
Do you believe God will stop every evil in it's path?
What happens to free will?
Even your soul will last longer than the body it inhabits.

What? Your god isn’t powerful enough to stop freewill? Oh okay. What about Hurricane Harvey? What freewill was involved in that?

I don’t believe in God. I out grew other fairytales as well. Do you also avoid stepping on cracks in the sidewalks?
Perhaps.....GOD will make Hussein Barack pay....for all the damage he caused to America...and Americans

Have you thought of that?

God wanted Obama to be President, right?


GOD wanted to show the world who you should never vote again for

you moron!

With your posts God is showing me what it looks like when he made a mistake apparently, eh fuckstain?
It's Yin/Yang...After both parties almost destroyed us, Trump came along.
And how has Trump ruined your life? (Butt hurt is not an acceptable answer).

Never said such a thing loser
You have inferred as such and I respect the fact that you admit you’re loony.
Yes; doesn't that very thought piss you off?
Now God wants Trump to be President.

Quite the contrary...
It makes me laugh that grown people still believe that some guy sitting on a cloud makes things happen...like the holocaust, 9/11, sandy hook.
I believe my soul will last longer than the body it inhabits.

No explanation for why God wanted Sandyhook to happen? Didn’t think so.
Do you believe God will stop every evil in it's path?
What happens to free will?
Even your soul will last longer than the body it inhabits.

What? Your god isn’t powerful enough to stop freewill? Oh okay. What about Hurricane Harvey? What freewill was involved in that?

I don’t believe in God. I out grew other fairytales as well. Do you also avoid stepping on cracks in the sidewalks?
You really want to lose your free will?
Try being a quadriplegic and tell us how much fun it is.
Jews are not superstitious but Liberals are idiots

Then for seven years his recovery floundered until President Trump put it on steroids.

Canadian eh? Trade ya Trump for Trudeau and we’ll throw in the repressed albino sidekick Veep and a corrupt attorney general!

You can have, Trudeau, Canada needs a President Trump.

President Obama knows economics like you know facts. You both flounder

We have a deal. Shipping the Three Stooges your way. And like Amazon Prime, the postage is on US. And for the 280 lb Orange Blob & his 275 lb Billy, that ain’t cheap!

Just be sure to have a bakers dozen of Big Mac hamberders ready for their arrival. Donnie and his new Roy Cohn will be hundry!! :)
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Who are the people taking to the streets destroying property, sacking businesses, clobbering people with bicycle locks, and pepper spraying innocent bystanders?

Hint: it's not the Trumpsters, Gomer Pyle.
Liberals think that's normal behavior.
Those are no liberals....And despite their claims, they're not anarchists either....They're stone commie scum.
I think the average Democrat of today is actually close to being an Independent.
They've left the party in droves to the Walk Away people who first treat them for their TDS, then share opportunities for their future politics. Many of them came liking President Trump anyway because he encouraged private businesses to bring back their companies to America and others just to double down right where they are and increase their earnings with new trade partners who used to take our business with zero return. President Trump used his art-of-the-deal skills to cause our trade partners to also trade with us a lot more than before. So millions of people have high-paying jobs now, while 3 million no longer need to be on welfare because they're happier working for their own American dream in the future. Some of the university students who were lied to for four years are actually able to realize Marxism is incompatible with a free trade country whose main benefit is giving all people equality under the Constitutional protections developed over the past 244 years. Go America!

Obama gave away part of Alaska's land in the form of its westerly Aleutian Islands. He did not bother his arrogant self to ask Alaska if he could give their property away, he just did it. With it, he gave away a trillion dollars in oil and gas in and around the islands to Russia. Earlier, he and his Secretary of State Hillary in an also secretive move, gave away 20% of America's up-gradable uranium to Russia, who is in cohoots up to their necks with the ayatollah of Iran who just threatened America with a nuclear attack if a gay man is elected President. He will also have to take out our ally Israel to satisfy his murder-god who tells him to murder infidels in a process called jihad in which they take young men with nothing to do to go kill people who are not muslims. These young men get a bonus if they kill a Jew, and it's doubled if they kill an American "by accident." If they get killed killing people, their families are given income for life.

Pardon me if I don't stand up and cheer the idiot along with you. He has imperiled this nation with his give-aways, not to mention his theft of other mens' thunder and hard work.
Fake news.

"Q: Is President Obama giving away several Alaskan islands to Russia?

A: No. The U.S. has never claimed ownership of the islands identified in viral emails and websites. They lie far closer to the coast of Siberia than to Alaska."

Alaskan Island Giveaway?

You've been lied to again.
Why do you keep going back for more?
That's my story, and I'm stickin' to it. WE no longer own those islands, no thanks to Barack Obama who released title on them without consulting the state of Alaska.
What's the weather like on your planet?
Planet Texas is just fine, How did cobwebs ever start growing in your brain, sweetie?
that's in a few


Liar - you voted fire trump, you must love liars.

Idiot - Obama is better educated that Trump & can talk above a 4th grace level.

Phony, there was nothing phony about Obama. Trump is a proven fraud & business cheat, adulterer,molester

Leftist, nothing wrong with being on the left. At least we are not lying pieces of shit like the posters here defending Drumpf
Is Trump threatening your welfare check?

Funny how people so fucking stupid that you voted for Trump think those that didn't are on welfare.

If God thought he was the best thing since sliced bread, why has his legacy become gone with the wind?

Personally, I'm surprised a big old bolt of lightning didn't come down out of the sky and fry his ass for all the lies he told you.
Why do you think that Trumps reversing a lot of what Obama did takes anything away from Obama? When a Democrat is President, all of Trump's actions will be reversed.

Obama built.
Trump tore down.

Tearing down in easy.

When will Trump build something.

The stupid fuck can't even start a race that runs more than 20 laps.
Quite the contrary...
It makes me laugh that grown people still believe that some guy sitting on a cloud makes things happen...like the holocaust, 9/11, sandy hook.
I believe my soul will last longer than the body it inhabits.

No explanation for why God wanted Sandyhook to happen? Didn’t think so.
Do you believe God will stop every evil in it's path?
What happens to free will?
Even your soul will last longer than the body it inhabits.

What? Your god isn’t powerful enough to stop freewill? Oh okay. What about Hurricane Harvey? What freewill was involved in that?

I don’t believe in God. I out grew other fairytales as well. Do you also avoid stepping on cracks in the sidewalks?
You really want to lose your free will?
Try being a quadriplegic and tell us how much fun it is.
Jews are not superstitious but Liberals are idiots

I guess when you can’t explain why your God hates Texas—As Hurricane Harvey must have proven—your only option is to dodge and say something ridiculous
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, Obama cock-gobblers, but your "glory days" of the magnificent magic negro are gone forever. There isn't one single current Democrat running today who has the charisma of a dead fish, if you want to know the truth.

Obama won for two reasons: Because he had charisma, and because he was black. It was a "feel good moment" for you self-hating white liberal Democrats because at long last, a clean and articulate black man had been found to represent you.

Unlike those scary darkies who lurked around every corner, waiting to kick your asses on the school playground and steal your lunch money, Barack Obama was there to gently soothe your fears, sing you an old plantation song, and make you feel that "everythin' gonna be awright, yowsa, you betcha."

Those days aren't coming back, no matter who you run. Sorry, that's just the way it is. Deal with it. Get over yourselves.

Stormfront, 4Chan or American Renaissance would be a better posting forum for you. Not that USMB isn’t approaching a similar level mind ya.

Sorry, them guys and gurls at Stormfront and 4chan are too scary for me.

Besides, I like Jews, why don't you?

Funny, them guys said the same about USMB.

Did I say something anti-Semitic or was that an echo ya heard upstairs?

I know for a fact that you hate the Jews. You probably have two or three of them tied up in your closet right now, you anti-Semitic bastid.

Long live Israel! I"m gonna tell the IDF all about you.

For the record, the only Jew I don’t like is the corrupt neocon criminal who’s been ruining the joint. Lock his ass up. He can come here. Excellent cellie for Tangerine Tornado!
What a strange mind you have, doll. Your alleged "Jew" is my fellow Presbyterian in another state. The only difference is that I make quilts for poor kids. President Trump is going to put me out of work, because he gives their parents a shot at high-paying jobs that they often land, and they become participants in the American dream and lift themselves and their chidlren out of the poverty bracket. And at my age, it's hard to figure out finding a different occupation when my aging issues render getting a day job out of my ability range.

In the meantime, I'm going to support President Trump because of his legacy of giving Americans what they need--jobs and the dignity that goes with being able to support a family while children need to have parents to guide them into successful living.

And the best thing kids can learn right now is to vote Republican because we will never turn our children into murderous communists who do not tolerate thinking for oneself, self-improvement, self-support, and the self-worth that comes with freedom and independence from bullies that threaten their own with disadvantages if they don't tow the party line for their self-adulation. Communism in any euphemism you call it such as socialism is deadly to freedom and should give congress a just cause to reread and practice the Communist Control Act (68 Stat. 775, 50 U.S.C. 841-844).
Obama did all he could do to save this country; Trump is doing all he can to destroy it.
Just what did Obama accomplish, and what is Trump doing?
Obama took us from an economy shrinking at a rate over 6%, loosing 800,0900 jobs a month, a stock market heading to 6000, a housing collapse, a near financial meltdown, two quagmire wars into a growing economy with record setting straight months of growth, increased world status, cutting deficits in half. Trump has borrowed 1.5 trillion dollars to try to do better but his tax cut has failed, his increased spending & decreasing revenues has skyrocketed the deficit. His failed trade war has manufacturing shrinking, farmers hurting 2020 incomes to shrink by 9%, our air can now be dirtier, our water more polluted, our workplaces more dangerous, our food less safe. We are no longer world leaders, we no longer lead against human rights violations. He has bilked taxpayers millions in dollars by funneling money into his pocket. He is impeached.

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