Obama to Romney: ‘We have one president at a time'


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
New York City


President Barack Obama scolded Mitt Romney and his campaign late Tuesday for violating the unwritten rule that American politics stops at the water's edge by criticizing him overseas.

"I would point out that we have one president at a time, and one administration at a time," Obama said as he wrapped up a trip to Mexico centered on a summit of the Group of 20 nations.

"And I think traditionally the notion has been America's political differences end at the water's edge," the president told reporters, echoing a message from Republican Sen. Arthur Vandenberg in the 1940s.

( Vandenberg had urged Americans "to unite our official voice at the water's edge" to achieve "maximum authority" against the country's enemies. However, the senator had also affirmed that foreign policy "must be totally debated," though not for partisan gain, but to forge a consensus.)

Top Obama aides bristled recently when an adviser to Romney, Columbia Business School Dean R. Glenn Hubbard, assailed the president's handling of the European financial crisis in the pages of the German business journal Handelsblatt. Asked about Hubbard's piece, which described Obama's policies as "unwise" and charged they "reveal ignorance" of how Europe got into the mess it's in, Obama replied: "With respect to Mr. Romney's advisers, I suggest you go talk to Mr. Romney about his advisers."
Obama to Romney:

So, when Romney's advisers say something, we can blame Romney... but when Obama's Administration says something stupid, that's nothing to do with Obama. Got it.

And... for the record... If Obama wants to be called 'the President', perhaps he should stop calling conservatives 'the enemy'. That's not very Presidential. Fuck him.
'Barack Obama criticizes Bush as he outlines foreign policy goals'


LIES, all LIES! Obama said that isn't supposed to happen! You made it up! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa................

/end sarcasm

I DID like the closing comments though...

"Obama has no foreign policy experience; therefore has no record of having done anything - wrong or otherwise. His comments today blamed others and failed to detail his own plan for success."
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Obama to Romney: ‘We have one president at a time'

Remember this

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PtuCmxv8znc]President-elect Barack Obama's on Office Appointments - YouTube[/ame]
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Bit of a yawner.

big 0 "owned" someone that knows more about economics than he does?


A kid that earns an allowance knows more about economics than obama.


Romney knows much more then Obama on how to make Romney rich.

Everything else? Not so much.
Bit of a yawner.

big 0 "owned" someone that knows more about economics than he does?


A kid that earns an allowance knows more about economics than obama.


Romney knows much more then Obama on how to make Romney rich.

Everything else? Not so much.


Obama doesn't know how to make anyone money.

One of my friends is going to go out of biz b/c he can't afford obamacare if it's not stopped.
While I agree with the principle that contenders criticisim of a American President should "stop at the water's edge," I do not see where Romney was over that line?

Was Romney outside the USA?

Clearly, Obama was in Mexico, but assuming Romney was inside the USA, it appears that Obama is either

A. misinterpreting the "unwritten rule," or
B. all US presidents should remain outside the USA during their political campaign to be protected from opponent's critical remarks.

I'm guessing Barak Hussein, so unaccustomed to hearing anyone critisize Him, needs to grow a MUCH thicker skin, or take a Lyndon Johnson and let someone with bigger balls (Hillary Clinton) lead the Democratic Party.
I'm convinced this Obama clown is still hitting the bong... he reminds me of every hardcore pothead I've ever known... totally detached from reality and emotionally stunted.
Bit of a yawner.

big 0 "owned" someone that knows more about economics than he does?


A kid that earns an allowance knows more about economics than obama.


Romney knows much more then Obama on how to make Romney rich.

Everything else? Not so much.

That is true with most people, only Problems is Obama not only does not know how to make anyone else Rich, Obama only knows how to make just about everyone else Poor...

High Un-employment
More People of Food Stamps
Life Savings lost
Highest foreclosures

Don't you dare attack me, Julius Caesar, for I know better than all of you. "Dmitri, tell Vlad to wait until after the election, I'll have more flexibility then."
"Alll Hail Casear!"
Tell me, is this the day, because of the impending Contempt of Congress vote against Eric Holder, then that Ceasar, aka Barack Hussein Obama, suspends the term of the House Of Representatives and its members pending the election of a Democratic House next November? Will the internet be shut down as well? What about the Supreme Court when it declares the individual mandate Unconstitutional? Or just the terms of Justices Roberts, Thomas, Scalia, and Alito?

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