obama to dems: "Don't Make Me Look Bad."


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI
President Obama rallies faithful in Md.

By ABBY PHILLIP | 10/7/10 7:21 PM EDT

BOWIE, Md. - President Barack Obama’s message to thousands of African Americans who came to see the man they voted for two years ago was simple: Get out and vote for the Democratic ticket in next month’s mid-term elections, even though he’s not on the ballot.

“Don’t make me look bad, now,” he quipped.

Read more: President Obama rallies faithful in Md. - Abby Phillip - POLITICO.com

Aaaaww don't worry obama, there's only one person making you look bad.... YOURSELF!
“So for the last 20 months, me and Martin and Steny and Barbara and all these folks, we have gotten down into the ditch, put on our boots. We’re down there. It’s hot. We were sweating. Bugs everywhere,” Obama said.

:cuckoo: :lol:
Maybe he should be less worried about the people making him look bad and more about whether he makes the people look bad.

Not him... the kenyan hasn't taken blame for one damn thing wrong with anything he's done. He's not only one of the biggest liars the Presidency has ever seen, but one of the biggest whiners and procrastinator too.
Words are tricky things with this President. Maybe it was just an appeal to Democrats to keep it in their pants til after the election?
Words are tricky things with this President. Maybe it was just an appeal to Democrats to keep it in their pants til after the election?

What's happening is the kenyan sees how bad things are for the dems right now along with all the rest of the dems. He knows that if conservatives have an extremely good day in November and liberals get kicked to the curb in record numbers, that reflects back to HIM, and what he and his merry band of radicals has been doing to the country for the last two years. Yes, it's HIM that the vote will reflect on, and he doesn't want to get a virtual "slap in the face."

Well sorry barry... it's coming. You and your freakin' radicals have done your damage. You ignored the country and rammed your radical, socialist agenda down our throats in spite of us, and now you're going to pay for such blatant arrogance, and that FUCK YOU attitude towards America and our constitution. November will be OUR turn to tell you... FUCK YOU. How do you like it now ass hat?
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