Obama to call for 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' repeal, adviser says

What's the point anyway. If the military DOES NOT ASK about a persons sexual preference--& I mean straight or gays--what's the big deal?

In order so some gay pride people & can walk into a recruitment office & say look at me I am gay? Who's give a rat's ass--as long as they can make good military personel.

Do you see straight people walking into a recruitment office--stating look at me--I'm straight?---:lol::lol:

Sexual preference should not be involved in recruitment--& no one should ask. If gays want to be treated EQUAL to straights then keep the "Don't ask--Don't tell" Da--duh--Da--duh--Da--duh.---:cuckoo::cuckoo:

In theory, ok...But what is YOUR definition of "don't tell". I'd like to hear it.

I will presume that you are either a male or female that engages is some type of sexual activity--either straight or gay. Why would what you do in the privacy of your bedroom or anywhere else be any of my business or anyone else's for that matter.

I am certainly not going to disclose to you about my sexual encounters--& I certainly don't want to hear about yours---:cuckoo::cuckoo:

That's why don't ask--because I can assure you I won't ask--& don't tell, because I certainly don't want you to tell me about your sexual encounters.

But what if am asked by who what I'm doing over the weekend and I say I am going away with my girlfriend. Or if I had a picture of me and my girlfriend on my desk at work. I would be discharged for that....it is considered "telling". I am not even allowed to tell you who I'm married to or wear a wedding ring. To be safe, many women make up stories about their "boyfriends" in order to turn away questions. Do straight servicemembers have to keep quiet like that?

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