The audacity of nope...

"You know the way to boost your poll numbers is not do anything," Obama said at a town hall gathering in Ohio last week. "That's how you do it. You don't offend anybody. I'd have real high poll numbers. All of Washington would be saying, 'What a genius.' "

Was he explaining away the current discontent of the masses with this portion of his talk?
:cuckoo::lol: Sit back stay stupid and say nothing.That's how Obama figures it.:lol:
Sounds a bit different to me. More like a rhetorical thing as if he is doing something that is really pissing people off. Still in all seems a bit clueless if this is want truly he thinks. Sounds more like what he is saying or trying to say in that short blip is he is pissing people off and his numbers are down because he is really doing something.

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