Obama Thinks He's The Most Respected Leader On Earth


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

He didn't word it exactly that way, but this is what he meant. Yesterday he said America, and thus himself, is the most respected country in the world. He's basically saying that just because he, Barack H. Obama, is president of the United States, we are the most respected country in the world.

Obama I ve Restored the US as the Most Respected Country in the World - Breitbart

So many of our former allies have written us off because this dick is our president. His Camp David summit a couple of weeks ago fell apart because more than half of the expected participants wouldn't show. He's snubbed our allies and sucked up to our enemies.....so he feels that the damage Bush supposedly did has been repaired and now everyone respects us.

This guy is so out of touch it's breathtaking.

FIFA may be almost as corrupt and hated as the administration that made several of it's officials do the perp-walk in Switzerland last week. I'm sure that made foreign countries just love us.

Almost as breathtaking as when the NYT David Brooks said that the Obama Administration was absolutely scandal-free. I wonder if these people really feel that anyone believes this nonsense. Well.....maybe someone who doesn't speak English does......like a million new illegals ready to get the go ahead to vote in our next election.

David Brooks Obama Has Run An Amazingly Scandal-Free Administration

I believe that FIFA is more respected than America today, but I don't think FIFA is well liked either.

If you want to know why America is not respected today you simply need to look at the Iran Nuclear deal.

This is an example of what Democrats do.

They trash everyone who is more respected than they are.....and that way they feel they are raising their status in the world.

He didn't word it exactly that way, but this is what he meant. Yesterday he said America, and thus himself, is the most respected country in the world. He's basically saying that just because he, Barack H. Obama, is president of the United States, we are the most respected country in the world.

Obama I ve Restored the US as the Most Respected Country in the World - Breitbart

So many of our former allies have written us off because this dick is our president. His Camp David summit a couple of weeks ago fell apart because more than half of the expected participants wouldn't show. He's snubbed our allies and sucked up to our enemies.....so he feels that the damage Bush supposedly did has been repaired and now everyone respects us.

This guy is so out of touch it's breathtaking.

FIFA may be almost as corrupt and hated as the administration that made several of it's officials do the perp-walk in Switzerland last week. I'm sure that made foreign countries just love us.

Almost as breathtaking as when the NYT David Brooks said that the Obama Administration was absolutely scandal-free. I wonder if these people really feel that anyone believes this nonsense. Well.....maybe someone who doesn't speak English does......like a million new illegals ready to get the go ahead to vote in our next election.

David Brooks Obama Has Run An Amazingly Scandal-Free Administration

I believe that FIFA is more respected than America today, but I don't think FIFA is well liked either.

If you want to know why America is not respected today you simply need to look at the Iran Nuclear deal.

You have to understand that Barack Obama has spent an entire lifetime pretending to be what he's not. It really shouldn't surprise anyone that he's now pretending that he's a well respected leader...IT'S WHAT HE DOES!
A few groups that don't like him:
- ACLU (due to his handling of NSA surveillance programs).
- ANCA (as he broke his promise to recognize the Armenian Genocide).
- NRA (due to his advocacy of gun control).
- Police Associations (his support of various incidents hadn't made Obama popular).
- HRW (due to his use of drone strikes, indefinite detention, and assassinations of US citizens abroad).
- Amnesty International (same as HRW, but they also don't like Obama due to his foreign policy and support of human rights violating countries).
- UN (not they normally don't have a go at America, but seem to have it more in for Obama than Bush).
- Jewish lobby groups (as they don't like the Iran deal, or Obama's position on Israel).
- Muslim lobby groups (after meddling in Syria, Libya, Yemen, Iraq, Pakistan,etc and the drone strikes, they don't like him much).
- Hard Blue Democrats (who wanted UHC instead of ACA, more financial regulation, out of Iraq quicker, and a long list of objections that could take up another thread).

Groups where he has the highest approval:
- LGBTIQ groups (as he refused, as a result of lobbying within his party, to continue defending DOMA).
- NAACP (due to support of Garner, and so on).
- Banks and Wall Street (as he pretty much continued Bush Jr policies of turning a blind eye to weak finance regulation and risky loans or mortgages).
- Federal Reserve (as in their eyes Obama stabilized the economy the way they wanted, whatever that was).
- IMF (same as Federal Reserve).
- Light blue Democrats (who don't listen to dark blue Democrats criticisms of Obama, let alone to Warren or Clinton).
- Environmentalists (for not authorizing the XL pipeline).
- Illegal immigrants/new migrants (as he is more supportive than Bush Jr was on giving a path to citizenship).

Obama has a mixed record, with most either apathetic or content, but that doesn't mean that a large percentage don't find him a divisive figure).
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No question at all that BHO is far more popular in the world than the American political, social, and religious far right.
He has a lot more havoc left to wreak on America and the rest of the world before he's done and his legacy completed.

It comes out in drips and drabs. Not all at once. He doesn't give us enough at one time to force us into reckless actions.

No wonder he made sure that he would receive Secret Service protection for the rest of his life.
Obama says America is the most respected country in the world and Conservatives gripe

Imagine the hundreds of threads we would get if Obama said we were not the most respected country in the world?
People don’t remember, but when I came into office, the Untied States in world opinion ranked below China and just barley above Russia, and today once again, the Untied States is the most respected country on earth
No question at all that BHO is far more popular in the world than the American political, social, and religious far right.
How quickly people forget about the Bush disaster...

Bush is looking real good right now.

Trust me!!

You're the kind of person Obama's lies work on.

People that can't be honest due to their warped ideology......or retardation.
No question at all that BHO is far more popular in the world than the American political, social, and religious far right.
How quickly people forget about the Bush disaster...

Bush is looking real good right now.

Trust me!!

You're the kind of person Obama's lies work on.

People that can't be honest due to their warped ideology......or retardation.
You're the kind of person who Christ himself could run as a Democrat, and you'd still make it your mission to make him a one term President before he even set foot in the office.
He gives me the creeps. He truly believes he is THE ONE we have all be waiting for and now we all need to bow

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