Obama: the US can no longer fight the world's battles


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Obama: the US can no longer fight the world's battles

President plans to cut half a million troops and says US can't afford to wage two wars at once

The mighty American military machine that has for so long secured the country's status as the world's only superpower will have to be drastically reduced, Barack Obama warned yesterday as he set out a radical but more modest new set of priorities for the Pentagon over the next decade.

Click HERE to view 'America's shrinking military' graphic

After the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan that defined the first decade of the 21st century, Mr Obama's blueprint for the military's future acknowledged that America will no longer have the resources to conduct two such major operations simultaneously.

The specifics of the new proposals, set out in a document entitled "Sustaining US Global Leadership: Priorities for 21st Century Defense", have yet to be fleshed out. But they are likely to entail a reduction of up to 490,000 in a total military personnel now standing at some 1.6 million worldwide, as well as cuts in costly procurement programmes – some originally designed for a Cold War environment.


I totally agree with Barack Obama on this as WE need not be the worlds police anymore. This sounds much like what I wanted anyways with the focus shifted to the pacific and out of the middle east. I want Obama to pull all of our troops out of the middle east and Africa...Close the fucking bases too. Refocus our military on national defense using the pacific as screwing around in a sand pit is a waste of time. This means keep our navy to make sure no nations can get here and put troops on the borders.

I'd cut the military to 400 billion per year. To hell with the middle east...We tried, but those people will never ever change. WE need to wash our hands of it. Obama is right!

No war with Iran or Pakistan. Let them rule the middle east if they so wish. What's it to us? :eusa_boohoo:

Between this and the improving economy, I'm starting to think Obama may get another 4 years.
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Wise move. Defense spending consumes too much of budget.

I'd cut to 400 billion or 4 times the next up military and reduce our military to 650,000. ON the other hand I'd keep the navy intact so no nation can get to our shores to fight us, ever! Fuck the rest of the world. Time for europe to build their own military's!:badgrin: Go Obama!!!
Over 10 years? That's it?? LOLZ...

Either get it done in your time as President or don't pretend others will do it for you.
We shouldn't be the worlds policemen. Let the damned UN do that job with its other member nations. We pay for it, let the others do the bleeding for once.
Wise move. Defense spending consumes too much of budget.

I'd cut to 400 billion or 4 times the next up military and reduce our military to 650,000. ON the other hand I'd keep the navy intact so no nation can get to our shores to fight us, ever! Fuck the rest of the world. Time for europe to build their own military's!:badgrin: Go Obama!!!

Your the pigeon that the enemies are banking on. Our enemy knows our weakness, pigeon. Where do we start? Finances.....
GOLDMAN: The World's Going To Hell In A Handbasket?Here's How To Cash In! - Business Insider

Soros: Euro Crisis More Serious than the Crash of 2008
Soros: Euro Crisis More Serious than the Crash of 2008

Soros is shorting the dollar. He wants the domino effect....war. He set you up.
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I love that the president said it, but his actions during his first four years tells a very different story. I cannot take his statement as anything but campaigning.
obama will do anything to make sure that America can't defend itself. The sooner we are defeated and crushed the sooner he can claim his place as caliph as promised.
obama will do anything to make sure that America can't defend itself. The sooner we are defeated and crushed the sooner he can claim his place as caliph as promised.

Ah yes, the typical neo-con fearmongering. The U.S. spends more on our military than every other nation in the world combined, but somehow making some cuts translates into us no longer being able to defend ourselves. Tell me, whose ass would you like to pull the money out of to keep paying for our worldwide military empire, being how we're going broke and all?
Why does everyone sound more and more like Ron Paul?? Not to bad for the guy the neocons say has 'no leadership'.

Obama is a liar and a deceiver. He is not making real cuts. He is doing more lip service and trying to create another campaign that resonates with the people, while his true intent he has shown us over the last three years.

He is a socialist dictator that enjoys a war economy. He is a corporate liberal. Same as Romney.
Has anybody ever calculated how many US military lives and how much money we would have saved if we weren't the world's cop?
Wise move. Defense spending consumes too much of budget.

I think that we should cut weapons systems and increase the pay and medical benefits to those in the military or those who served in the past.

There is nothing more imperative for a nation to do than say thanks to those who served and are serving. And follow that up with real investment in their futures.

We can't do enough for those who served

Wise move. Defense spending consumes too much of budget.

OK How much of the budget is "too" much?

Why with the internet do you idiots persist in these huge myths?

Defense is the ONLY Constitutional mentioned expenditure by the way..
U.S. Federal spending on:
6% Interest (not in the Constitution!)
43% Medicare&Medicaid & Social Security (NOT in the Constitution)
31% Discretionary/Other Mandatory (again no where in the Constitution!)
20% Defense Department MENTIONED see (d) below...
We the People of the United States,
in Order to form
a) a more perfect Union,
b) establish Justice,
c) insure domestic Tranquility,
d) provide for the common defence,
e) promote the general Welfare, and
f) secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity,
do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Again what is too much when the Constitution specifies "common defense" whereas none of the other 80% is enumerated as clearly??


  • $800px-U.S._Federal_Spending_-_FY_2007.png
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Wise move. Defense spending consumes too much of budget.

OK How much of the budget is "too" much?

Why with the internet do you idiots persist in these huge myths?

Defense is the ONLY Constitutional mentioned expenditure by the way..
U.S. Federal spending on:
6% Interest (not in the Constitution!)
43% Medicare&Medicaid & Social Security (NOT in the Constitution)
31% Discretionary/Other Mandatory (again no where in the Constitution!)
20% Defense Department MENTIONED see (d) below...
We the People of the United States,
in Order to form
a) a more perfect Union,
b) establish Justice,
c) insure domestic Tranquility,
d) provide for the common defence,
e) promote the general Welfare, and
f) secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity,
do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Again what is too much when the Constitution specifies "common defense" whereas none of the other 80% is enumerated as clearly??

i don't think reasonable people want to cut out our military (since it's critical to our country). we're just tired of sending our best and bravest (and spending our money) to defend other countries and fight other country's wars.
Obama: the US can no longer fight the world's battles

President plans to cut half a million troops and says US can't afford to wage two wars at once

The mighty American military machine that has for so long secured the country's status as the world's only superpower will have to be drastically reduced, Barack Obama warned yesterday as he set out a radical but more modest new set of priorities for the Pentagon over the next decade.

Click HERE to view 'America's shrinking military' graphic

After the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan that defined the first decade of the 21st century, Mr Obama's blueprint for the military's future acknowledged that America will no longer have the resources to conduct two such major operations simultaneously.

The specifics of the new proposals, set out in a document entitled "Sustaining US Global Leadership: Priorities for 21st Century Defense", have yet to be fleshed out. But they are likely to entail a reduction of up to 490,000 in a total military personnel now standing at some 1.6 million worldwide, as well as cuts in costly procurement programmes – some originally designed for a Cold War environment.

Obama: the US can no longer fight the world's battles - Americas - World - The Independent

I totally agree with Barack Obama on this as WE need not be the worlds police anymore. This sounds much like what I wanted anyways with the focus shifted to the pacific and out of the middle east. I want Obama to pull all of our troops out of the middle east and Africa...Close the fucking bases too. Refocus our military on national defense using the pacific as screwing around in a sand pit is a waste of time. This means keep our navy to make sure no nations can get here and put troops on the borders.

I'd cut the military to 400 billion per year. To hell with the middle east...We tried, but those people will never ever change. WE need to wash our hands of it. Obama is right!

No war with Iran or Pakistan. Let them rule the middle east if they so wish. What's it to us? :eusa_boohoo:

Between this and the improving economy, I'm starting to think Obama may get another 4 years.

I knew Obama's main interest was in prudent removal or our forces from the combat zone and then putting an end to the insanity that is "preemptive war". It's just taken three years to get there.

That's why I voted for him.

Despite what people say, there is a difference between Obama and Romney/Santorum/Newt. The former is trying to guide us into a rational foreign policy. The latter will have us in another war at the drop of a hat.

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