Obama, the most divisive president in the history of this country


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
Had he and his administration kept their mouths shut and not commented about it, there wouldn't be riots and people's businesses and jobs being destroyed in Ferguson. He does this every single time there is a crime involving a black person. Although throughout his administration, he has made it his mission to pit American against American, it seems stoking the flames of racial division is his personal favorite.
Had he and his administration kept their mouths shut and not commented about it, there wouldn't be riots and people's businesses and jobs being destroyed in Ferguson.

According to who? You seem rather certain in your alternative hypothetical time line. What makes you believe you have any idea what you're talking about?

He does this every single time there is a crime involving a black person. Although throughout his administration, he has made it his mission to pit American against American, it seems stoking the flames of racial division is his personal favorite.

he does this when there's a crime of national note. No black people died in the Newtown shootings. Yet Obama spoke on those crimes as well. Obama spoke on CIA torture, despite the fact that it didn't involve a black person specifically. Obama spoke of former Marine Andrew Tahmooressi despite Andrew Tahmooressi not being black.

Race is not the common denominator. National relevance is. And often racially charged cases are of national relevance.
Had he and his administration kept their mouths shut and not commented about it, there wouldn't be riots and people's businesses and jobs being destroyed in Ferguson. He does this every single time there is a crime involving a black person. Although throughout his administration, he has made it his mission to pit American against American, it seems stoking the flames of racial division is his personal favorite.

There you go! It's Obama's fault! Glad I have someone to blame! Here I was thinking it had something to do with a long history of black oppression. I'm glad you made it more simple minded for me.
Had he and his administration kept their mouths shut and not commented about it, there wouldn't be riots and people's businesses and jobs being destroyed in Ferguson. He does this every single time there is a crime involving a black person. Although throughout his administration, he has made it his mission to pit American against American, it seems stoking the flames of racial division is his personal favorite.
Thats stupid. No one even knew about the POTUS when the LA riots occurred. What a dumbass!
so obama is responsible for the riots?
Yes, indirectly. He interjects his opinion and takes a side, in a situation where he has no idea what the facts of the case are. He did the same shit in the Travon Martin case "If I had a son he would look like Travon Martin", before the case even went to trial. Instead of encouraging people to respect and abide by the decisions of a totally independent and impartial grand jury, he questions the fairness of our system and our laws, and interjects racial division.

And now thanks to Obama and the mentally ill liberals in the media, we now have "justice", blacks burning down and looting their own neighborhoods. Once the fires are put out and the people loose their businesses, jobs and properties, good luck getting people to reopen anything in that neighborhood. Well done Mr. President. You got what you wanted, a race war.
The LA riots were instigated by Mayor Bradley.
LA riots occurred because the liberal media started bashing the police. The police then backed off and let savages loot and burn down the city.

Same shit is now happening in Fergusen. The cops aren't appreciated? They will back off and let the city get burnt down by criminals and thugs.
o the irony of you calling anyone else 'mentally ill'
The mentally ill liberals in the media have been promoting protests and riots if there is no indictment, have they not? This whole situation has been conducted by the leftist media in my opinion. And the police and fire department will now back off and let Ferguson burn down.
Had he and his administration kept their mouths shut and not commented about it, there wouldn't be riots and people's businesses and jobs being destroyed in Ferguson.

According to who? You seem rather certain in your alternative hypothetical time line. What makes you believe you have any idea what you're talking about?

He does this every single time there is a crime involving a black person. Although throughout his administration, he has made it his mission to pit American against American, it seems stoking the flames of racial division is his personal favorite.

he does this when there's a crime of national note. No black people died in the Newtown shootings. Yet Obama spoke on those crimes as well. Obama spoke on CIA torture, despite the fact that it didn't involve a black person specifically. Obama spoke of former Marine Andrew Tahmooressi despite Andrew Tahmooressi not being black.

Race is not the common denominator. National relevance is. And often racially charged cases are of national relevance.

Crime of national note? What is the crime? A person who happened to be black robs a convenient store, and then jumps a police officer trying to grab his gun. All I see here is Obama and liberals constantly making it difficult for the police to do their jobs. Only a suicidal maniac would attack a police officer.
Had he and his administration kept their mouths shut and not commented about it, there wouldn't be riots and people's businesses and jobs being destroyed in Ferguson.

According to who? You seem rather certain in your alternative hypothetical time line. What makes you believe you have any idea what you're talking about?

He does this every single time there is a crime involving a black person. Although throughout his administration, he has made it his mission to pit American against American, it seems stoking the flames of racial division is his personal favorite.

he does this when there's a crime of national note. No black people died in the Newtown shootings. Yet Obama spoke on those crimes as well. Obama spoke on CIA torture, despite the fact that it didn't involve a black person specifically. Obama spoke of former Marine Andrew Tahmooressi despite Andrew Tahmooressi not being black.

Race is not the common denominator. National relevance is. And often racially charged cases are of national relevance.

Crime of national note? What is the crime? A person who happened to be black robs a convenient store, and then jumps a police officer trying to grab his gun. All I see here is Obama and liberals constantly making it difficult for the police to do their jobs. Only a suicidal maniac would attack a police officer.

It's not about this one case; it's about this happening time and time again. Cops never face any consequences, even when they kill unarmed citizens for no reason at all. This has been building and it's going to get worse. Police departments across the nation have been given a license to kill anyone they choose with impunity.
I'm no fan of the cops and I've made no attempt to hide it but it would not have mattered if they had indicted Wilson. Our president has stirred up so much hate in the black community, they would have rioted either way. Let the city burn, and the businesses should move to another town and let Ferguson end up like Detroit.
Had he and his administration kept their mouths shut and not commented about it, there wouldn't be riots and people's businesses and jobs being destroyed in Ferguson.

According to who? You seem rather certain in your alternative hypothetical time line. What makes you believe you have any idea what you're talking about?

He does this every single time there is a crime involving a black person. Although throughout his administration, he has made it his mission to pit American against American, it seems stoking the flames of racial division is his personal favorite.

he does this when there's a crime of national note. No black people died in the Newtown shootings. Yet Obama spoke on those crimes as well. Obama spoke on CIA torture, despite the fact that it didn't involve a black person specifically. Obama spoke of former Marine Andrew Tahmooressi despite Andrew Tahmooressi not being black.

Race is not the common denominator. National relevance is. And often racially charged cases are of national relevance.

Crime of national note? What is the crime? A person who happened to be black robs a convenient store, and then jumps a police officer trying to grab his gun. All I see here is Obama and liberals constantly making it difficult for the police to do their jobs. Only a suicidal maniac would attack a police officer.

It's not about this one case; it's about this happening time and time again. Cops never face any consequences, even when they kill unarmed citizens for no reason at all. This has been building and it's going to get worse. Police departments across the nation have been given a license to kill anyone they choose with impunity.

I don't see police departments killing with impunity. I see lack of police in predominately black areas, mostly because of the shit that is happening today. You can't ask police to put their lives at risk with one hand tied behind their backs.

This wasn't the civil rights moment that the press kept pushing for. This was a thug robbing a convenience store and then violently attack the police officer that stopped him. What happened afterwards was up to the grand jury and they made their decision based on the evidence at hand. However the liberal media had decided beforehand that the police was guilty without even being privy to the facts of the case. I'm sure now that the media and the president have incited race riots and Ferguson is burning they must all be extremely happy. And if there any businesses left standing after this, they will all close shop and leave soon, turning Ferguson into a no man's land ghetto. Good job Mr. President. :clap2:
I'm no fan of the cops and I've made no attempt to hide it but it would not have mattered if they had indicted Wilson. Our president has stirred up so much hate in the black community, they would have rioted either way. Let the city burn, and the businesses should move to another town and let Ferguson end up like Detroit.

I'm no fan of cops either. It's a dirty job and somebody's got to do it. But, as you said, this president has used every opportunity to lead as an opportunity to divide Americans.
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"Obama, the most divisive president in the history of this country"

My guess would have been Lincoln what with the Civil War and everything...

That little dust up must have escaped the OP's attention.

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