Obama Supports Al Qaeda?


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2008
It sure looks that way. :(
Hillary Clinton has admitted that Al-Qaeda is supporting the Syrian rebels, who are backed by the Obama administration with $200 million dollars in aid. According to McClatchy Newspapers one of these groups, Al Nusra Front, an Al-Qaeda affiliate, is now conducting “the heaviest frontline fighting” in Syria and has been responsible for terrorist attacks.

The petition is timely given that 29 different Syrian opposition groups this week pledged their allegiance to Al Nusra, an Al-Qaeda-affiliated group which, as the New York Times reported on Saturday, “killed numerous American troops in Iraq,” dismissing the notion that Al Nusra is merely is one “bad apple” amongst the rebels. In reality, the United States is backing an uprising that has placed the imposition of Sharia law and the ultimate destruction of the United States at the core of its long term agenda once Assad is deposed.

» Syrian Rebels Pledge Allegiance to Al-Qaeda Group That Killed U.S. Troops Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
Obama supports al Qaeda. By killing them.

Bush's way was better. He let them go.

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