Obama stacks the deck...


Uppity Senior Citizen
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 20, 2009
The commission to investigate the oil spill is lacking in scientific expertise...heavy in politician's and others with subjective approaches to investigating a rare physical incident. The commission should have NO politicians, few lawyers and many engineers with expertise in drilling, deep water operations and the like.

Obama spill panel big on policy, not engineering - Yahoo! News

Obama has an agenda, and it ain't to find the truth.
The commission to investigate the oil spill is lacking in scientific expertise...heavy in politician's and others with subjective approaches to investigating a rare physical incident. The commission should have NO politicians, few lawyers and many engineers with expertise in drilling, deep water operations and the like.

Obama spill panel big on policy, not engineering - Yahoo! News

Obama has an agenda, and it ain't to find the truth.

Obama using this crisis to advance his political agenda? Say it ain't so!
I had hoped this was going to be Similar to the Challenger Commission. First figure out the technical cause of failure, second figure out the management/communications causes of failure, and third determine what needs to be done to prevent such failures in the future.

If the article posted is accurate, they seem to want to skip to step 3. my fear is this will turn into an "OIL BAD" puff piece that comes to the conclusion that the only way to avoid these accidents is to not drill at all, and come to said conclusion based on pre determined politics, and not the results of the investigation.
Didn't Obama say at his press conference that he was still totally clueless as to the causes?
Is the honeymoon over??? Does this mean that Obama is NOT the Messiah???? Dang it anyway!!! I was enjoying watching Chris Matthews get tingly all over.......
this creep obamaramma is a musium
DANG those musiums!!!!!!
Not to mention the administration is sending $2 billion to a Soros owned Brazilian firm (Petrobas)for deep-water offshore exploration. Yeah... that Obama sure loves America!
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This after Obama's confidently telling us that:

a. We're out of oil
b. Deep water drilling is bad.
Obama Administration Blocks Clean-Up of Oil Spill by Louisiana and Foreign Allies By Imposing Red Tape|GlobalWarming.org

Anybody wanna take a crack at this and explain it?

We turned down assistance for the spill clean up.

Obama sees this catastrophic event as a way to fundamentally change the system, not directly deal with the problem
Why do Obama, BP refuse to use most effective method of oil cleanup?

As the Gulf oil disaster closes in on the 50-day[SIC] mark, the Obama Administration and BP refuse to use the most effective method of oil cleanup. The top oil barons of the world--the Saudis--have used this method to avoid a mammoth oil disaster.
And the result was swift, effective, and conclusive.
(AP Photo/Dave Martin).

In 1993 and '94 the Saudis faced an oil spill of historic proportions in the Arabian Gulf as four leaking tankers and two oil gushers threatened to spur a catastrophic event that was 65 times worse than the Exxon-Valdez spill.

An American engineer, Nick Pozzi, was part of a task force charged with developing a solution to the looming disaster.

Pozzi had used various methods to clean up oil spills prior to this event. However, the time was short, and an effective solution was needed post-haste.

That's when Pozzi decided that the huge, empty oil tankers, sitting in the dock, could be used to simply vacuum up the oil right off of the top of the water.
The result was that 85% of the oil was recovered.

Pozzi believes that the tanker method is the fastest and most effective way of dealing with the Gulf Oil disaster, but no one in the Obama Administration or BP is willing to consider the idea. Instead, they have insisted on using untested techniques, one of which involves the use of chemical dispersants manufactured and sold by a company in which Obama cronies, Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, Hathaway-Berkshire, and BP, are heavily invested.
That company, NALCO, is also one of the so-called 'green' industries that Obama and the Leftwing favor due to its development of water purification systems.

In an interview with Esquire, Pozzi stated the following:
NICK POZZI: Keep in mind that what supertankers typically do is they sit in the middle of the ocean waiting for all the traders to come up with the right price. When they feel that the price is right, the tankers that are full, they take off, and they can be anywhere in the world in a few days. Right now there are probably 25 supertankers, waiting for orders, full of oil. So all they got to do is come to Texas, in the Gulf, unload the oil, and then turn around and suck up all this other stuff and pump it onto shore into on-shore storage. It's not rocket science. It's so simple. It's a Robinson Crusoe fix, but it works.

However, Esquire also reported that nearly FIFTY (50) super-tankers were sitting empty and ready to go, and on the cheap.

The Obama Administration and BP have totally ignored them.
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The commission to investigate the oil spill is lacking in scientific expertise...heavy in politician's and others with subjective approaches to investigating a rare physical incident. The commission should have NO politicians, few lawyers and many engineers with expertise in drilling, deep water operations and the like.

Obama spill panel big on policy, not engineering - Yahoo! News

Obama has an agenda, and it ain't to find the truth.


The panel appointed by President Barack Obama to investigate the Gulf of Mexico oil spill is short on technical expertise but long on talking publicly about "America's addiction to oil." One member has blogged about it regularly.

Only one of the seven commissioners, the dean of Harvard's engineering and applied sciences school, has a prominent engineering background — but it's in optics and physics. Another is an environmental scientist with expertise in coastal areas and the after-effects of oil spills. Both are praised by other scientists.

The five other commissioners are experts in policy and management.

The White House said the commission will focus on the government's "too cozy" relationship with the oil industry. A presidential spokesman said panel members will "consult the best minds and subject matter experts" as they do their work.

The commission has yet to meet, yet some panel members had made their views known.

Environmental activist Frances Beinecke on May 27 blogged: "We can blame BP for the disaster and we should. We can blame lack of adequate government oversight for the disaster and we should. But in the end, we also must place the blame where it originated: America's addiction to oil." And on June 3, May 27, May 22, May 18, May 4, she called for bans on drilling offshore and the Arctic.

"Even as questions persist, there is one thing I know for certain: the Gulf oil spill isn't just an accident. It's the result of a failed energy policy," Beinecke wrote on May 20.

Two other commissioners also have gone public to urge bans on drilling
During his Oval Office address to the nation this week, President Obama stressed that steps are being taken to ensure that a catastrophe like the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico never happens again.

One of these steps is - you guessed it - a newly formed blue-ribbon panel, appointed by Obama himself.

As he put it: "Because there has never been a leak this size at this depth, stopping it has tested the limits of human technology. That's why just after the rig sank, I assembled a team of our nation's best scientists and engineers to tackle this challenge."

Translation: I need to look good so I've compiled a jury of Ivy League-educated intelligentsia, lawyers and politicians to extend the sins of one company to an entire industry, all in six months.

Meet the magnificent seven: Frances Beinecke, Donald Boesch, Terry Garcia, Cherry Murray, Frances Ulmer, former EPA Administrator William Reilly and former Sen. Bob Graham (D-Fla.). The team will be led by Energy Secretary Steven Chu.

Graham and Reilly are D.C. bureaucrats. Garcia and Ulmer are lawyers. Chu, who had to be told how BP's funnel worked, is a Nobel Prize winner (just like the President). Feel better?

Bizarrely, not one member of the commission has actual experience in the oil industry


You see, in addition to acting as props, commissions are also good for advancing ideology. They spend months "researching," and in their final report, after hundreds of pages of blamestorming, make recommendations designed to make the case for or against a specific political policy position. This also gives the politicians cover.

In this case, you can be sure the panel will seek to end the age of big, easy oil by deeming the entire industry unsafe - when the truth is, offshore drilling has been done safely for decades, with thousands of wells all over the world. Making big oil the bad guy will allow Obama to push for climate change legislation over fossil fuels - something that isn't just unrealistic, it's stupid.

Obama's bogus blue-ribbon oil spill panel has no expertise - and is poised to do his bidding

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