Obama Single Handedly Destroyed The FBI

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
Just like Hillary Clinton, everything Obama Touched Turned to Shit.

He’s a Bizarro kind of Midas, with a Shity Finger that corrupts everything he lays his stinky hands on.

Obama pushed The FBI to Centralize The FBI tips line in to one massive Bureaucratic Impacted mess in Virginia.

He did this even against objections within The FBI itself. This is one of the largest factors in The FBI missing all of these tips on butt hurt Lefty Punks that want to shoot up Their OWN Schools.

Add that to fact he abused his own power to spy on Americans, and worked to politicize and weaponize The FBI, IRS, State Department and DOJ and other Federal Agencies and Bureaus and you have The Dysfunctional Corrupt Mess we have today.

The Left Scoffs at Corruption, even Embraces Sloth, Dysfunction, and Corruption so long as it’s Their Dysfunctional Cronies Pushing Their Crappy Dysfunctional Agendas.

You Get The Government You Deserve.

The Entire Government needs Bleach Bitted of All Traces of Obama & Clinton Corruption and Political Cronyism!

If we don’t clean it up, we’ll deserve the shit The Government Monkies Fling at us on a nightly and daily basis!

It’s time to give The Finger To The Man With The Shitty Finger that turned our Government in to a Shithole!

Time for Obama Bin Lying and his Cronies and Clinton’s Turds to be flushed down the toilet like the pieces of shit that they are!
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I still have hope that the FBI can be cleaned up... We can not let the bad apples spoil the whole bushel basket... There are plenty of people with enough stones to clean the organization up...
Just like Hillary Clinton, everything Obama Touched Turned to Shit.

He’s a Bizarro kind of Midas, with a Shity Finger that corrupts everything he lays his stinky hands on.

Obama pushed The FBI to Centralize The FBI tips line in to one massive Bureaucratic mess in Virginia.

He did his even against objections within The FBI itself. This is one of the largest factors in The FBI missing all of these tips on butt hurt Lefty Punks that want to shoot up Their schools.

Add that to fact he abused his own power to spy on Americans, and worked to politicize and weaponize The FBI, IRS, State Department and DOJ and other Federal Agencies and Bureaus and you have The Dysfunctional Corrupt Mess we have today.

The Left scoffs at Corruption, even Embraces Sloth, Dysfunction, and Corruption so long as it’s Their Dysfunctional Cronies Pushing Their Dysfunctional Agendas.

You Get The Government You Deserve.

The Entire Government needs Bleach Bitted of All Traces of Obama & Clinton Corruption and Political Cronyism!

If we don’t clean it up, we’ll deserve the shit The Government Monkies Fling at us on a nightly and daily basis!

It’s time to give The Finger To The Man With The Shitty Finger that turned our Government in to a Shithole!

Time for Obama Bin Lying and his Cronies and Clinton’s Cronies to be flushed down the toilet like the pieces of shit that they are!

Apparently, he single handedly destroyed your brain. Seek help
I want The FBI ceaned up too, but they are fighting it.

This in my opinion is The Sole Function of Mueller’s Investigation

It’s obvious He Refuses to look at Fusion GPS so one can only conclude he is there to check the powers of The President and keep The Deep State in Power and in place.

Like Comey, Mueller’s function is to protect Clinton and Obama from being exposed as Political Criminals as well as to protect all the corrupt FBI and DOJ officials from the long arm of The Law!

I still have hope that the FBI can be cleaned up... We can not let the bad apples spoil the whole bushel basket... There are plenty of people with enough stones to clean the organization up...
Just like Hillary Clinton, everything Obama Touched Turned to Shit.

He’s a Bizarro kind of Midas, with a Shity Finger that corrupts everything he lays his stinky hands on.

Obama pushed The FBI to Centralize The FBI tips line in to one massive Bureaucratic Impacted mess in Virginia.

He did this even against objections within The FBI itself. This is one of the largest factors in The FBI missing all of these tips on butt hurt Lefty Punks that want to shoot up Their OWN Schools.

Add that to fact he abused his own power to spy on Americans, and worked to politicize and weaponize The FBI, IRS, State Department and DOJ and other Federal Agencies and Bureaus and you have The Dysfunctional Corrupt Mess we have today.

The Left Scoffs at Corruption, even Embraces Sloth, Dysfunction, and Corruption so long as it’s Their Dysfunctional Cronies Pushing Their Crappy Dysfunctional Agendas.

You Get The Government You Deserve.

The Entire Government needs Bleach Bitted of All Traces of Obama & Clinton Corruption and Political Cronyism!

If we don’t clean it up, we’ll deserve the shit The Government Monkies Fling at us on a nightly and daily basis!

It’s time to give The Finger To The Man With The Shitty Finger that turned our Government in to a Shithole!

Time for Obama Bin Lying and his Cronies and Clinton’s Turds to be flushed down the toilet like the pieces of shit that they are!

You silly assed losers are cryin' Buh-buh-buh-Obama! Because you can't defend the ScumBag in Chief.
The man is so fucking stupid he had to have someone write him up simple things to say today at the White House with the Parkland parents and survivors:

Photo shows Trump's personal notes reminding him to say 'I hear you' during a listening session with shooting survivors

Such a dumb fucking bastard. But you idiots just keep those bags over your heads and blame Obama.

I want The FBI ceaned up too, but they are fighting it.

This in my opinion is The Sole Function of Mueller’s Investigation

It’s obvious He Refuses to look at Fusion GPS so one can only conclude he is there to check the powers of The President and keep The Deep State in Power and in place.

Like Comey, Mueller’s function is to protect Clinton and Obama from being exposed as Political Criminals as well as to protect all the corrupt FBI and DOJ officials from the long arm of The Law!

I still have hope that the FBI can be cleaned up... We can not let the bad apples spoil the whole bushel basket... There are plenty of people with enough stones to clean the organization up...

You're so brainwashed....The top FBI people are always fucking Republicans. If Obama had screwed them up they would have taken him down.
You're so fucking stupid.
Just like Hillary Clinton, everything Obama Touched Turned to Shit.

He’s a Bizarro kind of Midas, with a Shity Finger that corrupts everything he lays his stinky hands on.

Obama pushed The FBI to Centralize The FBI tips line in to one massive Bureaucratic Impacted mess in Virginia.

He did this even against objections within The FBI itself. This is one of the largest factors in The FBI missing all of these tips on butt hurt Lefty Punks that want to shoot up Their OWN Schools.

Add that to fact he abused his own power to spy on Americans, and worked to politicize and weaponize The FBI, IRS, State Department and DOJ and other Federal Agencies and Bureaus and you have The Dysfunctional Corrupt Mess we have today.

The Left Scoffs at Corruption, even Embraces Sloth, Dysfunction, and Corruption so long as it’s Their Dysfunctional Cronies Pushing Their Crappy Dysfunctional Agendas.

You Get The Government You Deserve.

The Entire Government needs Bleach Bitted of All Traces of Obama & Clinton Corruption and Political Cronyism!

If we don’t clean it up, we’ll deserve the shit The Government Monkies Fling at us on a nightly and daily basis!

It’s time to give The Finger To The Man With The Shitty Finger that turned our Government in to a Shithole!

Time for Obama Bin Lying and his Cronies and Clinton’s Turds to be flushed down the toilet like the pieces of shit that they are!

still spewing Obama-deranged conspiracy garbage, eh, dum dum?
He turned it into a weapon against the opposition. He did the same with the IRS. Personally, i felt he should have been Impeached for his awful IRS abuses. And it's now clear there was Collusion between Clinton, Obama, the Brits, and Russians. They did collude with foreign entities to influence our Election. Clinton and Obama need to be investigated.
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This is how I know Mueller is completely bogus.

He refuses to Investigate Documented abuses of Camapign Finance Law by The DNC. Clinton-Obama, COIE Lawfirm and Fusion GPS.

If he had any integrity why does he refuse to have anything to do with Fusion GPS which they Knew was Russian Sourced and Knew was paid for by Clinton & Obama?

Mueller is only investigating minor players associated with Manafort charging them with Trumped up Jay Walking Offenses And targeting anyone he can that is associated with President Trump.

He won’t even look at Podesta or The Crooked FISA Warrant where they used Russian Propaganda to Spy on a Rival Political Campaign.

He refuses to look at People Like Steele or have Assange Testify that the Emails came from Seth Rich not any mythical Russians.

The whole Russian myth is itself Propaganda. President Obama and his NSA, CIA, DOJ, FBI said our Elections were too decentralized to be hacked by any Russians or Foreign Power.

Yet here we are a 17 months later Ignoring Russian Collusion with Clinton & Obama while unable to find the very thing Mueller’s Witch Hunt was tasked to find in The Trump Campaign.

He turned it into a weapon against the opposition. He did the same with the IRS. Personally, i felt he should have been Impeached for his awful IRS abuses. It's now clear there was Collusion between Clinton, Obama, the Brits, and Russians. They did collude with foreign entities to influence our Election. Clinton and Obama need to be investigated.
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Just like Hillary Clinton, everything Obama Touched Turned to Shit.

He’s a Bizarro kind of Midas, with a Shity Finger that corrupts everything he lays his stinky hands on.

Obama pushed The FBI to Centralize The FBI tips line in to one massive Bureaucratic Impacted mess in Virginia.

He did this even against objections within The FBI itself. This is one of the largest factors in The FBI missing all of these tips on butt hurt Lefty Punks that want to shoot up Their OWN Schools.

Add that to fact he abused his own power to spy on Americans, and worked to politicize and weaponize The FBI, IRS, State Department and DOJ and other Federal Agencies and Bureaus and you have The Dysfunctional Corrupt Mess we have today.

The Left Scoffs at Corruption, even Embraces Sloth, Dysfunction, and Corruption so long as it’s Their Dysfunctional Cronies Pushing Their Crappy Dysfunctional Agendas.

You Get The Government You Deserve.

The Entire Government needs Bleach Bitted of All Traces of Obama & Clinton Corruption and Political Cronyism!

If we don’t clean it up, we’ll deserve the shit The Government Monkies Fling at us on a nightly and daily basis!

It’s time to give The Finger To The Man With The Shitty Finger that turned our Government in to a Shithole!

Time for Obama Bin Lying and his Cronies and Clinton’s Turds to be flushed down the toilet like the pieces of shit that they are!

More nonsense from the traitor.

Obama and Clinton are no longer working in the government. Quit crying and get a life.
Last thing i have to say about Mueller: If he wasn’t too busy taking it up the ass from Obama and sucking Comey’s cock while Clinton watches, he’d force The DNC to turn over their server to an impartial investigative body and have the evidence published so IT experts could verify it. No way in Hell was that DNC Server hacked by The Russians.
Last thing i have to say about Mueller: If he wasn’t too busy taking it up the ass from Obama and sucking Comey’s cock while Clinton watches, he’d force The DNC to turn over their server to an impartial investigative body and have the evidence published so IT experts could verify it. No way in Hell was that DNC Server hacked by The Russians.

Mueller is, and always has been, a Republican. You left out that inconvenient fact. I know a mentally ill, deranged Repug traitor such as yourself did not intentionally overlook that fact.

It's OK, fucktard, mistakes happen from time to time.

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