Obama Silent As Pakistani Doctor Who Found Bin Laden Sentenced For Treason...

The Pakistani doctor who helped the U.S. find Osama bin Laden by running a fake vaccination program was sentenced on Wednesday to 33 years in prison for treason, according to The New York Times.

A tribal court found 48-year-old Shakil Afridi guilty of acting against the state, fined him $3,500 and sent him to Central Prison in Peshawar. Afridi may appeal the verdict. The verdict, the Times reported, would likely have been the death penalty had he been charged under Pakistani penal code, but Afridi was instead charged under a British-era regulation.

President Barack Obama, who has been criticized for taking too much credit for bin Laden’s death, has so far remained silent on the verdict. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, though, has called for Afridi’s release, and American officials are working to shorten the sentence or appeal it.

Afridi admitted his involvement with the CIA to Pakistani officials before the raid and bin Laden’s death in May 2011. Shortly after, Afridi was detained near Peshawar by Pakistan’s military intelligence agency. Pakistani judicial officials recommended in October that Afridi be charged with high treason.

Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said in January that the U.S. had been working with Afridi to locate bin Laden’s compound in the months leading up to his death in May 2011.

“For them to take this kind of action against somebody who was helping to go after terrorism, I just think is a real mistake on their part,” Panetta said on “60 Minutes” in January.

Afridi ran a fake hepatitis B vaccination program to acquire DNA evidence from the bin Laden family. Although Afridi gained access to the bin Laden compound, he never obtained DNA samples from inside the compound and he did not know the identity of his target, American officials told the Times.

Read more: Pakistani doctor who found bin Laden sentenced for treason | The Daily Caller

Could be.

GOP Rep. Peter King, chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, expressed concern Wednesday about the extent of the Obama administration’s efforts to protect the Pakistan doctor who was sent to prison in Pakistan for treason after helping to find Usama bin Laden.

"This has been handled very poorly right from the time of the raid," King told FoxNews.com.

Dr. Shakil Afridi ran a vaccination program for the CIA to collect DNA and verify bin Laden's presence at the compound in the town of Abbottabad where U.S. commandos killed the Al Qaeda chief in a May 2011 raid.
The operation outraged Pakistani officials, who portrayed it as an act of treachery by a supposed ally.

King, R-N.Y., said administration officials talked about the doctor and his DNA sampling.

"They put him out there," said King, who made clear he didn't know the exact details about what, if anything, the administration may have done to get the doctor out of Pakistan or otherwise protect him. "I'm focused on that they disclosed his identity."


Another example of those who hate the American system. Obama did the right thing, his orders resulted in OBL getting snuffed, and paulitician's nose is out of joint.

What a paulidoosh,

The right thing? The right thing to do is to expose your informants?
Whatever kid...[flip]...here's a nickel, it is all you need to entertain yourself.
The guy was a spy working for the U.S. government and a traitor to his country.

If we caught an American citizen doing the exact same thing in the U.S. for a foreign government.

He would also receive a lengthy sentence for espionage. :cool:

Espionage involves passing state secrets to another country

Is Pakistan claiming that the fact that Osama bin Laden was hiding in Pakistan was a state secret?
I never said Pakistan is admitting anything.

But in my opinion, yes, people in the Pakistan government knew about the compound and who allegedly was hiding there. :cool:

And we have given them 16 billion dollars since 2001. We do have strange bed fellows.
We need to cut the ties with Pakistan if nothing is done about this. Let them grow some poppies to make up the difference.
Topic title is a lie. The doctor did not find bin Laden.

He failed.

Regardless, we should be using all our pull to get the guy free.

Another example of those who hate the American system. Obama did the right thing, his orders resulted in OBL getting snuffed, and paulitician's nose is out of joint.

What a paulidoosh,

The right thing? The right thing to do is to expose your informants?
Whatever kid...[flip]...here's a nickel, it is all you need to entertain yourself.

Another doosh appears. You must have supported Osama.
We should have flew this guy out of the country as soon as Bin Laden was killed.

Damn straight. It could have been arranged and should have been.
This will make it much harder for informants to trusts us now.
Just plain despicable. I don't give a shit who is in the White House...this is unforgivable.
As I stated last night on a very similiar thread...

He just had a bad lawyer...he should have blamed Obama since Obama took the credit for killing Usama bin-Laden..Go after Obama not him.

Secretary of State Clinton was pretty irate over it

Yeah she looks real 'irate.' Every recent photo i've seen of her, she's drinkin & partying it up. And she's becoming a big ole fat ass too. Must be nice.

An ad hominem? Really?

Clinton has said publicly that the doctor should be released.

You have no idea what is going on behind the scenes. Any kinds of negotiations would be very sensitive and any public statements by the President could ruin the man's chances.
Espionage involves passing state secrets to another country

Is Pakistan claiming that the fact that Osama bin Laden was hiding in Pakistan was a state secret?
I never said Pakistan is admitting anything.

But in my opinion, yes, people in the Pakistan government knew about the compound and who allegedly was hiding there. :cool:

And we have given them 16 billion dollars since 2001. We do have strange bed fellows.
We need to cut the ties with Pakistan if nothing is done about this. Let them grow some poppies to make up the difference.

I really think the biggest reason we pay them ANY mind is they have Nukes.
The Pakistani doctor who helped the U.S. find Osama bin Laden by running a fake vaccination program was sentenced on Wednesday to 33 years in prison for treason, according to The New York Times.

A tribal court found 48-year-old Shakil Afridi guilty of acting against the state, fined him $3,500 and sent him to Central Prison in Peshawar. Afridi may appeal the verdict. The verdict, the Times reported, would likely have been the death penalty had he been charged under Pakistani penal code, but Afridi was instead charged under a British-era regulation.

President Barack Obama, who has been criticized for taking too much credit for bin Laden’s death, has so far remained silent on the verdict. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, though, has called for Afridi’s release, and American officials are working to shorten the sentence or appeal it.

Afridi admitted his involvement with the CIA to Pakistani officials before the raid and bin Laden’s death in May 2011. Shortly after, Afridi was detained near Peshawar by Pakistan’s military intelligence agency. Pakistani judicial officials recommended in October that Afridi be charged with high treason.

Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said in January that the U.S. had been working with Afridi to locate bin Laden’s compound in the months leading up to his death in May 2011.

“For them to take this kind of action against somebody who was helping to go after terrorism, I just think is a real mistake on their part,” Panetta said on “60 Minutes” in January.

Afridi ran a fake hepatitis B vaccination program to acquire DNA evidence from the bin Laden family. Although Afridi gained access to the bin Laden compound, he never obtained DNA samples from inside the compound and he did not know the identity of his target, American officials told the Times.

Read more: Pakistani doctor who found bin Laden sentenced for treason | The Daily Caller

I didn't know the PResident of the United States had a say.
Pakistan is our enemy but we are only friendly with them since they provide a southern supply route into Afghanistan.

We need to get more supplies through the NDN, so we can cut our ties with the scumbag Pakistanis.

Also, we need to align ourselves with India against Pakistan for the long term.
Topic title is a lie. The doctor did not find bin Laden.

He failed.

Regardless, we should be using all our pull to get the guy free.

Is your first name Forrest?
WE gave them his name...little late and disingenuous for that don't you think?
(Assuming the report is true)
Pakistan is our enemy but we are only friendly with them since they provide a southern supply route into Afghanistan.

We need to get more supplies through the NDN, so we can cut our ties with the scumbag Pakistanis.

Also, we need to align ourselves with India against Pakistan for the long term.

You aren't the first person I've heard say that.
Pakistan is our enemy but we are only friendly with them since they provide a southern supply route into Afghanistan.

We need to get more supplies through the NDN, so we can cut our ties with the scumbag Pakistanis.

Also, we need to align ourselves with India against Pakistan for the long term.

Only problem is Pakistan has some serious long range missiles.
No MSM coverage?? I would expect it to be all over the front pages..........oh wait, only if it was a Republican that gave him up. Yea, dead and detained men tell no tales.

How is anyone on the left OK with this?? This administration gave him up, threw him under the bus, they are as guilty as he is. It makes me want to throw up that anyone thinks this is the way it should have been handled.:mad:

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