Obama should start flying commercial


Diamond Member
Dec 1, 2010
So Obama says that corporate jets aren't a legitimate business expense for execs of multinational companies. Well, he's a servant of the people of the United States. He's not only not just writing off his jets, but we're directly paying for it.

So Obama, walk the walk. If international CEOs who actually create our economy and work for a profit can't deduct jets, how can a "servant of the people" actually make the people PAY for their jet. They can't. Buy a ticket. Even if you buy tickets for half the plan to be secret service, it's still a lot cheaper for your customers then paying for your personal 747.
So Obama says that corporate jets aren't a legitimate business expense for execs of multinational companies. Well, he's a servant of the people of the United States. He's not only not just writing off his jets, but we're directly paying for it.

So Obama, walk the walk. If international CEOs who actually create our economy and work for a profit can't deduct jets, how can a "servant of the people" actually make the people PAY for their jet. They can't. Buy a ticket. Even if you buy tickets for half the plan to be secret service, it's still a lot cheaper for your customers then paying for your personal 747.

Dude- Shut up.
It's stuff like this that delegitimizes real criticism of President Obama. If you want to lose in 2012, keep focusing on stuff like this.
So Obama says that corporate jets aren't a legitimate business expense for execs of multinational companies. Well, he's a servant of the people of the United States. He's not only not just writing off his jets, but we're directly paying for it.

So Obama, walk the walk. If international CEOs who actually create our economy and work for a profit can't deduct jets, how can a "servant of the people" actually make the people PAY for their jet. They can't. Buy a ticket. Even if you buy tickets for half the plan to be secret service, it's still a lot cheaper for your customers then paying for your personal 747.

Dude- Shut up.

How does it make sense it's not a legitimate business expense for business executives to own jets, they can't just deduct jets as a business expense, but it does make sense for a servant of the people to make them actually pay for his jets? Explain.
It's stuff like this that delegitimizes real criticism of President Obama. If you want to lose in 2012, keep focusing on stuff like this.

I'm not a Republican so I will lose. But if I were a Republican, then if the price of winning were to acquiesce to even more Obama class warfare then I chose to lose. The class warfare has to stop. He's going after this for that reason alone, it gives him the millionaire and greedy corporation talking points.
It should really be Obama's campaign slogan. Obama 2012: Do as I say, not as I do. Pretty much could apply to every politician though.
So Obama says that corporate jets aren't a legitimate business expense for execs of multinational companies. Well, he's a servant of the people of the United States. He's not only not just writing off his jets, but we're directly paying for it.

So Obama, walk the walk. If international CEOs who actually create our economy and work for a profit can't deduct jets, how can a "servant of the people" actually make the people PAY for their jet. They can't. Buy a ticket. Even if you buy tickets for half the plan to be secret service, it's still a lot cheaper for your customers then paying for your personal 747.
Yeah, he should pack his own toilet paper, too!

Who the hell does he think he is???
So Obama says that corporate jets aren't a legitimate business expense for execs of multinational companies. Well, he's a servant of the people of the United States. He's not only not just writing off his jets, but we're directly paying for it.

So Obama, walk the walk. If international CEOs who actually create our economy and work for a profit can't deduct jets, how can a "servant of the people" actually make the people PAY for their jet. They can't. Buy a ticket. Even if you buy tickets for half the plan to be secret service, it's still a lot cheaper for your customers then paying for your personal 747.

Obama just doesn't understand history. This is like the Yacht tax all over again. Of course he probably does know how bad of an idea this is, but he's going for class envy which most of his voters fall for.
Yeah, he should pack his own toilet paper, too!

Who the hell does he think he is???

why? He sure seems to have enough people in line to wipe his ass, I'm sure they would bring it with them. Starting with Chris Matthews and quite a few on this board..:lol::lol:
So Obama says that corporate jets aren't a legitimate business expense for execs of multinational companies. Well, he's a servant of the people of the United States. He's not only not just writing off his jets, but we're directly paying for it.

So Obama, walk the walk. If international CEOs who actually create our economy and work for a profit can't deduct jets, how can a "servant of the people" actually make the people PAY for their jet. They can't. Buy a ticket. Even if you buy tickets for half the plan to be secret service, it's still a lot cheaper for your customers then paying for your personal 747.
Yeah, he should pack his own toilet paper, too!

Who the hell does he think he is???

Try reading the post before responding to it. It was about his hypocrisy. Google is a great tool. Hypocrisy means saying one thing and doing another. It has nothing to do with who you think you are. Anything to say about the actual subject?
So Obama says that corporate jets aren't a legitimate business expense for execs of multinational companies. Well, he's a servant of the people of the United States. He's not only not just writing off his jets, but we're directly paying for it.

So Obama, walk the walk. If international CEOs who actually create our economy and work for a profit can't deduct jets, how can a "servant of the people" actually make the people PAY for their jet. They can't. Buy a ticket. Even if you buy tickets for half the plan to be secret service, it's still a lot cheaper for your customers then paying for your personal 747.

Dude- Shut up.

I agree!

So Obama says that corporate jets aren't a legitimate business expense for execs of multinational companies. Well, he's a servant of the people of the United States. He's not only not just writing off his jets, but we're directly paying for it.

So Obama, walk the walk. If international CEOs who actually create our economy and work for a profit can't deduct jets, how can a "servant of the people" actually make the people PAY for their jet. They can't. Buy a ticket. Even if you buy tickets for half the plan to be secret service, it's still a lot cheaper for your customers then paying for your personal 747.

Obama just doesn't understand history. This is like the Yacht tax all over again. Of course he probably does know how bad of an idea this is, but he's going for class envy which most of his voters fall for.

Agreed it's like the yacht tax, but it's even worse. The yacht tax as you are alluding to greatly harmed the industry and led to layoffs and an actual reduction in government revenue if you count all taxes collected. This is worse because it won't just harm the small jet industry but it harms all corporations which rely on jets to do the work.

I'm confused how since this is clearly a thread about the budget deal it was reassigned to "general." The budget deal isn't "politics?" Hmm. Then again I never get how the mods here decide to reassign threads.
So Obama says that corporate jets aren't a legitimate business expense for execs of multinational companies. Well, he's a servant of the people of the United States. He's not only not just writing off his jets, but we're directly paying for it.

So Obama, walk the walk. If international CEOs who actually create our economy and work for a profit can't deduct jets, how can a "servant of the people" actually make the people PAY for their jet. They can't. Buy a ticket. Even if you buy tickets for half the plan to be secret service, it's still a lot cheaper for your customers then paying for your personal 747.

Dude- Shut up.

I agree!


You agree you can't address the point either? How does it make sense that jets are not a legitimate business expense for CEOs, but Obama can have his funded?
The president gets to fly on Air Force One. It's one of the perks for probably the toughest job in the world for which he gets a measley $400,000 a year; an amount a corporate big wig wouldn't even consider wiping his ass with.
We should have delta contracting bombing runs in Afganistan too?

You may say wtf? but Obama is the military commander and chief of the US military.
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The president gets to fly on Air Force One. It's one of the perks for probably the toughest job in the world for which he gets a measley $400,000 a year; an amount a corporate big wig wouldn't even consider wiping his ass with.

It's a "perk?" I don't want to pay for perks for any politician. If that's what they want, don't run. Again, they are supposed to be a public "servant."

But once again a liberal who doesn't address the actual point. Obama made this the issue. He's saying private companies should not be able to write off their jets as business expenses. It's the "new revenue" side of his budget demands. They actually run massive international companies, in what possible way is a jet not a completely legitimate business expense?

And they are the ones who drive the economy that allow his jet to be paid for. But they shouldn't be able to write off theirs. It's a perk, please.
We should have delta contracting bombing runs in Afganistan too?

You may say wtf? but Obama is the military commander and chief of the US military.

OK, the point is that OBAMA said that companies should not be able to write off their jets. Yet he has one. That is the point. Address his hypocrisy. That is the point. I'm not seriously suggesting that he not fly a jet, I'm saying wtf to his hypocrisy. They drive the economy forward, he drives it into the ground. I'd rather they have jets then him, at least we'd have jobs.

Repeat after me. Obama made this an issue in his budget. That he flies commercial is ridiculous. That execs from big companies on business fly commercial is just as ridiculous. Why does he get a pass?
We should have delta contracting bombing runs in Afganistan too?

You may say wtf? but Obama is the military commander and chief of the US military.

OK, the point is that OBAMA said that companies should not be able to write off their jets. Yet he has one. That is the point. Address his hypocrisy. That is the point. I'm not seriously suggesting that he not fly a jet, I'm saying wtf to his hypocrisy. They drive the economy forward, he drives it into the ground. I'd rather they have jets then him, at least we'd have jobs.

Repeat after me. Obama made this an issue in his budget. That he flies commercial is ridiculous. That execs from big companies on business fly commercial is just as ridiculous. Why does he get a pass?

Your point is null and void for the commander of the armed forces not to ride in a military transport. It is not a corporate jet, it is not a private jet, it is a military aircraft ie Air Force1.
So Obama says that corporate jets aren't a legitimate business expense for execs of multinational companies. Well, he's a servant of the people of the United States. He's not only not just writing off his jets, but we're directly paying for it.

So Obama, walk the walk. If international CEOs who actually create our economy and work for a profit can't deduct jets, how can a "servant of the people" actually make the people PAY for their jet. They can't. Buy a ticket. Even if you buy tickets for half the plan to be secret service, it's still a lot cheaper for your customers then paying for your personal 747.

Obama just doesn't understand history. This is like the Yacht tax all over again. Of course he probably does know how bad of an idea this is, but he's going for class envy which most of his voters fall for.

Agreed it's like the yacht tax, but it's even worse. The yacht tax as you are alluding to greatly harmed the industry and led to layoffs and an actual reduction in government revenue if you count all taxes collected. This is worse because it won't just harm the small jet industry but it harms all corporations which rely on jets to do the work.

I'm confused how since this is clearly a thread about the budget deal it was reassigned to "general." The budget deal isn't "politics?" Hmm. Then again I never get how the mods here decide to reassign threads.

Yes, it is worse. I've flown on many corporate jets and I've never been an executive. If 6-8 people needed to make a day trip, many times it's more cost effective to fly private. Obama will not only cripple the small commercial jet industry, but cripple business in general. Perhaps that's by design.
Your point is null and void for the commander of the armed forces not to ride in a military transport

That wasn't my point, never was and I already told you that.

It is not a corporate jet, it is not a private jet, it is a military aircraft ie Air Force1.

Obama made an issue of saying that in his budget proposal corporate jets should not be deductible. Obama needs a jet to do his job. So do they. Here's an idea, before you reply again Google the word "hypocrisy" and see if any bells ring as to my actual point. This would be a lot more interesting if you'd argue what I'm saying rather then continuing to argue what I'm not saying.

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