Obama secretly taped.Confesses vote fraud on Ron Paul.Also says they want Mittens in.


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2008
I met to say confesses vote fraud on Paul.will have to pm a mod.

While Obama was being secretly taped,he exposed what many people already knew confessing himself that vote fraud has taken place against Ron Paul.

I mentioned a long tome ago that workers came out and said in the Iowa caucuses that Karl Rove told them to go to a meeting in secretly recount the votes.Obama talks about another state where vote fraud happened against him.

Also goes on to reveal The Bilderbergers want Mittens in.Well he doesnt say The Bilderbergers.Just say they but he is obviously talking about them.Mittens and his advisor attended the past Bilderberger meeting.:D

You Romney fans are idiots if you think fellow zionest puppet Mittens will make any difference.Just like Obama,in the pockets of the zionests.

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Nice quote mining you found there, Rimmy.

I especially like the fake metallic static they overlaid on the tape. I haven't heard that on a tape since my cassette recorder in the 70's.

I can hear it now... Hey, let's find an old recorder and secretly tape the president. :lmao:

But you'll ignore this, and just make a post about farts and poop.
someone farted in here.:poop:come on,Im not interested in looking at what disinformation agent trolls have to say.Im interested in what objective open minded people have to say.
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amazing how the troll replied so fast.His handlers sure sent him here quickly.:D
Nice quote mining you found there, Rimmy.

I especially like the fake metallic static they overlaid on the tape. I haven't heard that on a tape since my cassette recorder in the 70's.

I can hear it now... Hey, let's find an old recorder and secretly tape the president. :lmao:

But you'll ignore this, and just make a post about farts and poop.

Funny how the most compelling things on film, or tape (Bigfoot, UFO's, etc.) are ALWAYS captured with the most dysfunctional recording devises on the planet.
Nice quote mining you found there, Rimmy.

I especially like the fake metallic static they overlaid on the tape. I haven't heard that on a tape since my cassette recorder in the 70's.

I can hear it now... Hey, let's find an old recorder and secretly tape the president. :lmao:

But you'll ignore this, and just make a post about farts and poop.

Funny how the most compelling things on film, or tape (Bigfoot, UFO's, etc.) are ALWAYS captured with the most dysfunctional recording devises on the planet.

ahh and the denials begin.:D:clap2: I dont know why I even bother at this site.it attracks the biggest deniar idiots in the world far worse than any other political site out there.

thats the funniest one of them all that I have heard from the deniars. so far from this site and another site i have posted this at I have heard-Thats not even his voice,one admitting its his voice saying-He is probably talking about something else involving Romney.and NOW this one!!!! you Romney apologists cant even agree on one thing.:D:D:clap2::badgrin:
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Nice quote mining you found there, Rimmy.

I especially like the fake metallic static they overlaid on the tape. I haven't heard that on a tape since my cassette recorder in the 70's.

I can hear it now... Hey, let's find an old recorder and secretly tape the president. :lmao:

But you'll ignore this, and just make a post about farts and poop.

Funny how the most compelling things on film, or tape (Bigfoot, UFO's, etc.) are ALWAYS captured with the most dysfunctional recording devises on the planet.

Amazing, isn't it?

We have the technology to mass produce devices like this...


Spy Microphone Super Ear

... yet, our conspiracy friends always seem to use one of these when they get the dirt on something.


Nice quote mining you found there, Rimmy.

I especially like the fake metallic static they overlaid on the tape. I haven't heard that on a tape since my cassette recorder in the 70's.

I can hear it now... Hey, let's find an old recorder and secretly tape the president. :lmao:

But you'll ignore this, and just make a post about farts and poop.

Funny how the most compelling things on film, or tape (Bigfoot, UFO's, etc.) are ALWAYS captured with the most dysfunctional recording devises on the planet.

ahh and the denials begin.:D:clap2: I dont know why I even bother at this site.it attracks the biggest deniar idiots in the world far worse than any other political site out there.

thats the funniest one of them all that I have heard from the deniars. so far from this site and another site i have posted this at I have heard-Thats not even his voice,one admitting its his voice saying-He is probably talking about something else involving Romney.and NOW this one!!!! you Romney apologists cant even agree on one thing.:D:D:clap2::badgrin:

Not to mention to the anger of disnfo agent troll Moron In The Hats anger that Romney the the bilderbergers poster boy.that his camp has been caught committing vote fraud.:badgrin::D there were reports from some of the workers that Karl Rove had them do a secret vote count. oh and Romney and one of his political advisors attended the bilderberger meeting as well.yep no conspiracy against Ron Paul.:cuckoo:

Iowa vote fraud official - Denver Conspiracy | Examiner.com
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Funny how the most compelling things on film, or tape (Bigfoot, UFO's, etc.) are ALWAYS captured with the most dysfunctional recording devises on the planet.

ahh and the denials begin.:D:clap2: I dont know why I even bother at this site.it attracks the biggest deniar idiots in the world far worse than any other political site out there.

thats the funniest one of them all that I have heard from the deniars. so far from this site and another site i have posted this at I have heard-Thats not even his voice,one admitting its his voice saying-He is probably talking about something else involving Romney.and NOW this one!!!! you Romney apologists cant even agree on one thing.:D:D:clap2::badgrin:

Not to mention to the anger of disnfo agent troll Moron In The Hats anger that Romney the the bilderbergers poster boy.that his camp has been caught committing vote fraud.:badgrin::D there were reports from some of the workers that Karl Rove had them do a secret vote count.yep no conspiracy against ron paul.:D:cuckoo:

Iowa vote fraud official - Denver Conspiracy | Examiner.com

You only defend Ron Paul because he's a TrutherTM (Mom, I need more Cheetos) idiot like yourself.

I bet that when he gets ignored at the convention, he will demand a new investigation with full subpoena powers. :cuckoo:
Oh and this disinformation agent troll Moron In The Hat has exposed himself as the government troll he is.He used to mock Ron Paul with an avatar with a tin foil hat over his head-something you'll NEVER see him do with any of the other candidates,well he never has in the past and might do so now since I exposed him for that,This agent troll Rat that has his handlers keep sending him to,he has exposed himself as the troll he is because he not only mocks ron paul but he makes fun of all these people here that support him saying THEY are tin foil hatters as well since they support him.

Face it, Republicans do not want Ron Paul to represent them. And all the lies and tricks you can come up with won't change that.

By the way, that's the worst fake tape I've heard in a long time.........
Oh and this disinformation agent troll Moron In The Hat has exposed himself as the government troll he is.He used to mock Ron Paul with an avatar with a tin foil hat over his head-something you'll NEVER see him do with any of the other candidates,well he never has in the past and might do so now since I exposed him for that,This agent troll Rat that has his handlers keep sending him to,he has exposed himself as the troll he is because he not only mocks ron paul but he makes fun of all these people here that support him saying THEY are tin foil hatters as well since they support him.

PolitiFact Texas | Ron Paul says members of military have given him far more money than other GOP candidates and Barack Obama

By the way...

He used to mock Ron Paul with an avatar with a tin foil hat over his head

... how would you know that if you've had me on ignore, LIAR???

Nice quote mining you found there, Rimmy.

I especially like the fake metallic static they overlaid on the tape. I haven't heard that on a tape since my cassette recorder in the 70's.

I can hear it now... Hey, let's find an old recorder and secretly tape the president. :lmao:

But you'll ignore this, and just make a post about farts and poop.

Mitt Romney is the presumptive nominee, no one named MITTENS. (I don't like NObama either, but find "Mittens" more irritating.)
Face it, Republicans do not want Ron Paul to represent them. And all the lies and tricks you can come up with won't change that.
Well of course not, Ron Paul speaks of the Constitution and Individual Liberties. Republicans don't want anything to do with that.
Face it, Republicans do not want Ron Paul to represent them. And all the lies and tricks you can come up with won't change that.
Well of course not, Ron Paul speaks of the Constitution and Individual Liberties. Republicans don't want anything to do with that.

Then why did he run as a Republican instead of a Libertarian?

Just admit the tape is fake for crying out loud......... Anyone with half a brain knows it..
Face it, Republicans do not want Ron Paul to represent them. And all the lies and tricks you can come up with won't change that.
Well of course not, Ron Paul speaks of the Constitution and Individual Liberties. Republicans don't want anything to do with that.
Then why did he run as a Republican instead of a Libertarian?
Because he's trying to pull the party BACK to following the Constitution rather than just be Democrat Light.
Just admit the tape is fake for crying out loud......... Anyone with half a brain knows it..
And YOU'VE certainly proven THAT! :D

That sounds like Obama on the tape. If you wanna' say it was manipulated in some way, maybe string certain words together to make it sound like he actually said those things ok, I might believe that. Like when a "sound board" is put together.

But that IS his voice. So until it's proven that Dan Rather or someone else faked it, you gotta' believe it's real.

Could Democrat operatives have put this out there to make guys like 9/11 Inside Job look bad? Perhaps.
Well of course not, Ron Paul speaks of the Constitution and Individual Liberties. Republicans don't want anything to do with that.
Then why did he run as a Republican instead of a Libertarian?
Because he's trying to pull the party BACK to following the Constitution rather than just be Democrat Light.
Just admit the tape is fake for crying out loud......... Anyone with half a brain knows it..
And YOU'VE certainly proven THAT! :D

That sounds like Obama on the tape. If you wanna' say it was manipulated in some way, maybe string certain words together to make it sound like he actually said those things ok, I might believe that. Like when a "sound board" is put together.

But that IS his voice. So until it's proven that Dan Rather or someone else faked it, you gotta' believe it's real.

Could Democrat operatives have put this out there to make guys like 9/11 Inside Job look bad? Perhaps.

That's his voice? Have you had it analyzed? My bet is that if anyone cared enough to spend the money they would find what thinking people already know. the tape is a fake.

You're a tool........

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