Obama says "You're on your own' economics" won't work...


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
"It was tried in the decades before the Great Depression. It didn't work then. It was tried in the last decade. It didn't work," he said. "You know, the idea you would keep on doing the same thing over and over again, even though it's been proven not to work. That's a sign of madness."
Did Obama Say Capitalism Doesn

So folks.. is capitalism dead?
Is self initiative dead?
Do more people today want the govt. to tell them how many kids to have? What food to eat?
Where to live? Where to work? No choices? Not responsibility for their own life?
By the way... every month I get a social security check which I find helpful.. but not enough!
Therefore I have a small business that is paying me 3 times social security.
My point is that I am all in favor of FORCED savings that SS and Medicare provide.
The major problem though is I had NO control as to where MY money and my employer's money went!
If when I started working in 1967 no stock market investing.. simple interest from FDIC secured account would have accumulated to over $500,000 today!

It would have been MINE!
taking 5% of that $500,000 would be more then to what I'm getting today in SS!
In addition.. Medicare would NOT have to be spent on me!
My $500,000 over my remaining 16 years would pay my health insurance!
And when I die... I have a little nest egg for my heirs!
What is wrong with that???
"It was tried in the decades before the Great Depression. It didn't work then. It was tried in the last decade. It didn't work," he said. "You know, the idea you would keep on doing the same thing over and over again, even though it's been proven not to work. That's a sign of madness."
Did Obama Say Capitalism Doesn

So folks.. is capitalism dead?
Is self initiative dead?
Do more people today want the govt. to tell them how many kids to have? What food to eat?
Where to live? Where to work? No choices? Not responsibility for their own life?

Saying that Wall Street should be bound by a certain set of rules and regulations is NOT the same as saying "capitalism doesn't work". or that "self initiative is dead".

I suggest finding a news source that doesn't assume its readers/viewers have an IQ of less than 50; I think most rational people (conservative and liberal) regard Fox News as total garbage.
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Ever greater levels of risk/fraud will kill capitalism faster than anything and yet they want to tell the cops to take the locks off the cash drawer and go home.
The problem isn't the risk and fraud associated with malinvestment due to credit expansion and low interest rates. The problem is the same tards that were elected to hold people accountable are the same tards that cause the moral hazards of malinvestment in the first place. No one is being tried for fraud. Some, including those elected officials and their corp crony pals, never get punished. Regulate the fucker into the ground, but it wont work. Because that isn't the problem. Failure to uphold the law is the problem. But thats to be expected when the same turds are causing the problem to begin with.
The problem isn't the risk and fraud associated with malinvestment due to credit expansion and low interest rates. The problem is the same tards that were elected to hold people accountable are the same tards that cause the moral hazards of malinvestment in the first place. No one is being tried for fraud. Some, including those elected officials and their corp crony pals, never get punished. Regulate the fucker into the ground, but it wont work. Because that isn't the problem. Failure to uphold the law is the problem. But thats to be expected when the same turds are causing the problem to begin with.

They attack the regulatory structure, the law itself, with the highest paid lawyers in the business, basically if you can steal enough to get the right mouthpiece or pay the rare paltry settlement it's practically legal to defraud while republicans continually cut funding to all regulatory agencies and appoint collaborators.
Regulatory agencies dont do the job anyway. And it was both republicans and democrats that voted regulatory repeal and funding cuts. Your partisan hackery is showing.
Ever greater levels of risk/fraud will kill capitalism faster than anything and yet they want to tell the cops to take the locks off the cash drawer and go home.

So you and others are of the mind set that there should be a cop on every corner?
You favor MORE rules, more regulations?
What ever happened to teaching people personal responsibility?
Really think think!
Which is more efficient.. people that are inculcated from pre-school on in lessons of common sense OR a cop following you everywhere you go making SURE you are obeying the myrid of laws?
Tell me which is MORE efficient society one where people POLICE their actions THEMSELVEs or a society dependent on a total police state akin to the movie "Minority Report"?

In talking to my 12 yr old granddaughter we discussed why there would be NO need for law texting and driving. Of course she recognized that it is not wise to do so BUT she didn't REALLY understand WHY until I explained simply the physics!
Of course it is "not good" BUT when people REALLY are taught WHY.. then there is more compliance!
In the case of Wall Street? I use to be a broker and when we sold a mutual fund investor we had to have the investor SIGN acknowledging that 50% of the first year's payments would be my commission! Tell me when you bought your last car did the salesman sign a form ADVISING YOU of his commission?

My point is there was a valid reason the investor UNDERSTOOD why but would sign anyway.
The rule requiring this signature DIDN"T prevent the buyer and idiots maybe you would never understand why but people smarter did and they DIDN"T need this to understand!

Common Sense is NOT taught and without it the USA will never be the same as people like you continue to abrogate your personal responsibilities to the STATE!!!
Regulatory agencies dont do the job anyway. And it was both republicans and democrats that voted regulatory repeal and funding cuts. Your partisan hackery is showing.

Lately? After the crash I don't think you can find too many democrats that favor further deregulating the financial markets. Besides, why are you calling for greater enforcement while attacking the only legal framework we have to hold these people accountable?
History has proven over and over again unfettered capitalism reverts to all the wealth being concentrated at the top and NO MORE capitalism
Regulatory agencies dont do the job anyway. And it was both republicans and democrats that voted regulatory repeal and funding cuts. Your partisan hackery is showing.

Lately? After the crash I don't think you can find too many democrats that favor further deregulating the financial markets. Besides, why are you calling for greater enforcement while attacking the only legal framework we have to hold these people accountable?

It was the democrats that pushed freddy and fannie as a healthy institution in the first place. We don't need regulation to manage fraud. We have laws for that already. Regulatory agencies thqat dont even do their job or can be bought off don't solve anything.

It's like the Bloomberg eatery initiative. Where a regulator shows up and does a check on an establishments cleanliness. Strange, every restaurant in the city got an 'A'. Wanna take a guess how that happened and who paid for this lousy intiative? Same thing.

The government body and its policies are causing the problem you want them to solve and then wonder why some of us dont want that as a solution.
Regulatory agencies dont do the job anyway. And it was both republicans and democrats that voted regulatory repeal and funding cuts. Your partisan hackery is showing.

Lately? After the crash I don't think you can find too many democrats that favor further deregulating the financial markets. Besides, why are you calling for greater enforcement while attacking the only legal framework we have to hold these people accountable?

It was the democrats that pushed freddy and fannie as a healthy institution in the first place. We don't need regulation to manage fraud. We have laws for that already. Regulatory agencies thqat dont even do their job or can be bought off don't solve anything.

It's like the Bloomberg eatery initiative. Where a regulator shows up and does a check on an establishments cleanliness. Strange, every restaurant in the city got an 'A'. Wanna take a guess how that happened and who paid for this lousy intiative? Same thing.

The government body and its policies are causing the problem you want them to solve and then wonder why some of us dont want that as a solution.

Trotting out the scapegoat twins F+F as if they are the source of the problem is kind of a cop-out also you might want to check out the time line of F+F regulation.


It seems no regulation hit the president's desk until democrats got control of the house and the key committees, not that F+F was anything more that a contributor to a much larger problem.

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