Obama says Capitalism has failed and it is time for Communism.


VIP Member
Jan 20, 2011
Obama says that the individual economy has failed. He says it failed before the great depression and it failed before him. He said that we need to change the economy from the individual to the collective. He is saying that capitalism has failed and we need Communism. Why no one is reporting this and no one is bothered by it gets me. I guess I live to close to Cuba and I know what that really means.
I know some out there are going to act like I’m crazy and say it is a conspiracy theory. It is not a conspiracy theory if he is saying it. You tell me what he is referring to when he says the individual economy. What exactly is that to you? Is there another type of individual economy out there that I don’t know about?

I don't have a link to the speech I heard today. But here is a link to a speech where he said something similar.

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Obama says that the individual economy has failed. He says it failed before the great depression and it failed before him. He said that we need to change the economy from the individual to the collective. He is saying that capitalism has failed and we need Communism. Why no one is reporting this and no one is bothered by it gets me. I guess I live to close to Cuba and I know what that really means.
I know some out there are going to act like I’m crazy and say it is a conspiracy theory. It is not a conspiracy theory if he is saying it. You tell me what he is referring to when he says the individual economy. What exactly is that to you? Is there another type of individual economy out there that I don’t know about?

Obama says that the individual economy has failed. He says it failed before the great depression and it failed before him. He said that we need to change the economy from the individual to the collective. He is saying that capitalism has failed and we need Communism. Why no one is reporting this and no one is bothered by it gets me. I guess I live to close to Cuba and I know what that really means.
I know some out there are going to act like I’m crazy and say it is a conspiracy theory. It is not a conspiracy theory if he is saying it. You tell me what he is referring to when he says the individual economy. What exactly is that to you? Is there another type of individual economy out there that I don’t know about?

Have you got a link with a full quote? If all he said is that Capitalism has failed and you are injecting "It is time for Communism" then there is really no reason to start this thread.

Obama says that the individual economy has failed. He says it failed before the great depression and it failed before him. He said that we need to change the economy from the individual to the collective. He is saying that capitalism has failed and we need Communism. Why no one is reporting this and no one is bothered by it gets me. I guess I live to close to Cuba and I know what that really means.
I know some out there are going to act like I’m crazy and say it is a conspiracy theory. It is not a conspiracy theory if he is saying it. You tell me what he is referring to when he says the individual economy. What exactly is that to you? Is there another type of individual economy out there that I don’t know about?

WIthout a link, you look like a dumbass saying this.


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Here is a quote "the same old you’re-on-your-own economics.

It just doesn’t work. In fact, it’s never worked. It didn’t work in the decade before the Great Depression. It didn’t work when we tried it during the last decade. Why do we think it would work now? "

and more "We got to build an economy that lasts because we’ve all got a stake in each other’s success.

The speech I referred to was today so I can not find a transcript on it yet. I will look later to see if I can get the direct quote. But he is saying the same thing here just a different way.

President Obama’s Speeches For Tour Of California At 5 Campaign Events – 16 & 17 February 2012 – Transcript Text – (TCP)CHICAGO « The Critical Post – (TCP)Chicago
It just doesn’t work. In fact, it’s never worked. It didn’t work in the decade before the Great Depression. It didn’t work when we tried it during the last decade. Why do we think it would work now?

He said that in reference to tinkle down economics.

And, he's right.
It just doesn’t work. In fact, it’s never worked. It didn’t work in the decade before the Great Depression. It didn’t work when we tried it during the last decade. Why do we think it would work now?

He said that in reference to tinkle down economics.

And, he's right.

How is do it yourself economy = tinkle down economics?
Obama says that the individual economy has failed. He says it failed before the great depression and it failed before him. He said that we need to change the economy from the individual to the collective. He is saying that capitalism has failed and we need Communism. Why no one is reporting this and no one is bothered by it gets me. I guess I live to close to Cuba and I know what that really means.
I know some out there are going to act like I’m crazy and say it is a conspiracy theory. It is not a conspiracy theory if he is saying it. You tell me what he is referring to when he says the individual economy. What exactly is that to you? Is there another type of individual economy out there that I don’t know about?

Here is a quote "the same old you’re-on-your-own economics.

It just doesn’t work. In fact, it’s never worked. It didn’t work in the decade before the Great Depression. It didn’t work when we tried it during the last decade. Why do we think it would work now? "

and more "We got to build an economy that lasts because we’ve all got a stake in each other’s success.

The speech I referred to was today so I can not find a transcript on it yet. I will look later to see if I can get the direct quote. But he is saying the same thing here just a different way.

President Obama’s Speeches For Tour Of California At 5 Campaign Events – 16 & 17 February 2012 – Transcript Text – (TCP)CHICAGO « The Critical Post – (TCP)Chicago

So he never said "Capitalism has failed" or "It's time to try Communism".

Hence you are lying.
Obama says that the individual economy has failed. He says it failed before the great depression and it failed before him. He said that we need to change the economy from the individual to the collective. He is saying that capitalism has failed and we need Communism. Why no one is reporting this and no one is bothered by it gets me. I guess I live to close to Cuba and I know what that really means.
I know some out there are going to act like I’m crazy and say it is a conspiracy theory. It is not a conspiracy theory if he is saying it. You tell me what he is referring to when he says the individual economy. What exactly is that to you? Is there another type of individual economy out there that I don’t know about?

Link, or you're just spouting partisan horse pucky.
Here is a quote "the same old you’re-on-your-own economics.

It just doesn’t work. In fact, it’s never worked. It didn’t work in the decade before the Great Depression. It didn’t work when we tried it during the last decade. Why do we think it would work now? "

and more "We got to build an economy that lasts because we’ve all got a stake in each other’s success.

The speech I referred to was today so I can not find a transcript on it yet. I will look later to see if I can get the direct quote. But he is saying the same thing here just a different way.

President Obama’s Speeches For Tour Of California At 5 Campaign Events – 16 & 17 February 2012 – Transcript Text – (TCP)CHICAGO « The Critical Post – (TCP)Chicago

So he never said "Capitalism has failed" or "It's time to try Communism".

Hence you are lying.

Does someone have to say it specific. You tell me what the "you’re-on-your-own economics" is. What type of economic system is that? And what is the "economy that lasts because we’ve all got a stake in each other’s success" mean. What kind of economy is that?
Here is a quote "the same old you’re-on-your-own economics.

It just doesn’t work. In fact, it’s never worked. It didn’t work in the decade before the Great Depression. It didn’t work when we tried it during the last decade. Why do we think it would work now? "

and more "We got to build an economy that lasts because we’ve all got a stake in each other’s success.

The speech I referred to was today so I can not find a transcript on it yet. I will look later to see if I can get the direct quote. But he is saying the same thing here just a different way.

President Obama’s Speeches For Tour Of California At 5 Campaign Events – 16 & 17 February 2012 – Transcript Text – (TCP)CHICAGO « The Critical Post – (TCP)Chicago

So he never said "Capitalism has failed" or "It's time to try Communism".

Hence you are lying.

Does someone have to say it specific. You tell me what the "you’re-on-your-own economics" is. What type of economic system is that? And what is the "economy that lasts because we’ve all got a stake in each other’s success" mean. What kind of economy is that?

You're making some pretty wild and hyperbolic accusations here.

So yeah..you have to be specific.

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