Obama Said No Serious Person Believes that U.S. Election Can Be Rigged


Mike Griffith
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 23, 2012
"There is no serious person out there," said Obama barely two years ago, "who would suggest somehow that you could even rig America's elections, in part because they're so decentralized and the numbers of votes involved." He said this before the 2016 election, when Trump was voicing concern that the election would be rigged. Obama added that there was no evidence that this had happened in the past and no evidence that it could happen in that election, and that Trump should stop "whining" about the election being rigged and go out and try to get more votes.

Here's the video, if you doubt any of this:

"There is no serious person out there," said Obama barely two years ago, "who would suggest somehow that you could even rig America's elections, in part because they're so decentralized and the numbers of votes involved." He said this before the 2016 election, when Trump was voicing concerned that the election would be rigged. Obama added that there was no evidence that this had happened and no evidence that it could happen in the future, and that Trump should stop "whining" about the election being rigged and go out and try to get more votes.

Here's the video, if you doubt any of this:

Obama's not a serious person.
He means litteral hacking and changing votes .

The russia thing is about spreading misinformation and propaganda in order to fool people .
That’s before he had more details. DUH.

That argument won't work. He said it can't be done, period--not before and not in the future, because of the nature of U.S. elections. And, I might add that this was late 2016 and he was still President, so he was getting regular intel briefs. Gee, so even at that late date, he had heard NOTHING about alleged Russian attempts to meddle in the election???
Obama Said No Serious Person Believes that U.S. Election Can Be Rigged

So does Hillary.

He means litteral hacking and changing votes .

The russia thing is about spreading misinformation and propaganda in order to fool people .

Show us on the doll where Putin touched you to make you flip your vote

Lol. How many threads here were posted based on fake Russian stories. ?

All of Muellers
what obama said about rigging elections, that would be like Joe Biden claiming he has never felt a female woman
2016 was not rigged. Russians attempted to influence public opinion and to get Americans to fight each other (not that it's all that difficult, it turns out). They tried to put a thumb on the scale. We don't know if they made a difference or not.
There is no convincing s Lefty that Russia did not impact the 2016 Election. Remind Lefties of one of their favorite mantras: “Who’s watch did this event happen under?” - Obama’s.
"There is no serious person out there," said Obama barely two years ago, "who would suggest somehow that you could even rig America's elections, in part because they're so decentralized and the numbers of votes involved." He said this before the 2016 election, when Trump was voicing concern that the election would be rigged. Obama added that there was no evidence that this had happened in the past and no evidence that it could happen in that election, and that Trump should stop "whining" about the election being rigged and go out and try to get more votes.

Here's the video, if you doubt any of this:

Funny. So are the videos of Trump saying the election WAS rigged. Truth is malleable among their ilk.
He means litteral hacking and changing votes .

The russia thing is about spreading misinformation and propaganda in order to fool people .

You mean like the anti trump propaganda and the organization of several marches in protest of his election?

Thousands attended protest organized by Russians on Facebook

Or do you mean propaganda like releasing the truth about what the DNC was saying behind closed doors. Truth is not usually referred to as Propaganda. It is usually used to stop propaganda from gaining influence. Or to marginalize those who are spreading propaganda.

So what you are doing, in remaining steadfastly anti trump, is to stay in the Russian propaganda shed as a useful tool. Got it.

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