Obama’s most Trusted Advisor, Valerie Jarrett questionable ties to socialism, communi


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
Obama’s most Trusted Advisor, Valerie Jarrett questionable ties to socialism, communism

I. Darrell Delamaide, a columnist for Dow Jones’s MarketWatch, says that “what has baffled many observers is how Jarrett, a former cog in the Chicago political machine and a real-estate executive, can exert such influence on policy despite her lack of qualifications in national security, foreign policy, economics, legislation or any of the other myriad specialties the president needs in an adviser.”

2. Delamaide believes the term “vacuous cipher” that was applied to Jarrett stung so much because it could be used as a metaphor for the administration in general. He writes that what “has remained consistent about the Obama administration is that vacuity — the slow response in a crisis, the hesitant and contradictory communication, a lack of conviction and engagement amid constant political calculation.” The stunning revelation that President Obama wasn’t kept properly apprised of problems with Obamacare’s website is just the latest example of how dysfunctional Obama World can be.

3. It was recently revealed that for several months Jarrett, has been leading secret negotiations with representatives of Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei, in an effort to develop normalized relations between the U.S. and Iran. Hallmarks of such a relationship would include the commencement of direct airline flights between American cities and Tehran; the granting of entry permits for citizens of each country to visit the other; and most significantly, high-level diplomatic dialogue regarding Iran’s nuclear ambitions.
Jarrett, however, has no experience whatsoever in international negotiations. Her major area of expertise has been to help President Obama “fundamentally transform” the United States into a socialist paradise.

4. Toward that end, for instance, Jarrett helped recruit to the Administration such luminaries as the self-identified communist revolutionary Van Jones (as green jobs czar), the Alinskyite radical Mark Lloyd (as chief diversity officer within the Federal Communications Commission), and the die-hard advocate of wealth redistribution Cass Sunstein (as regulatory czar). But for the task of striking a bargain with the America-hating Islamic supremacists in Iran, it is difficult to identify any qualifications Jarrett posesses apart from the fact that she was born in that country and lived there till age 5.

5. Jarrett’s weak resumé in that regard might well explain not only why the Administration tried so hard to keep a lid on her talks with Iranian leaders, but also ”why Obama refused to back Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s call for a clearly defined “red line beyond which Iran’s nuclear program would not be permitted to progress.

6. Like so many Obama appointees, Valerie Jarrett bears the unmistakable imprint of the president’s ideology. She is a leftist to her core, with notable personal ties to the communist movement. Jarrett’s maternal grandfather, for instance, was a Chicagoan named Robert Taylor, who in the 1940s was involved with such communist fronts as the American Peace Mobilization and the Chicago Civil Liberties Committee. Also a member of these groups was Frank Marshall Davis, the communist journalist who in the 1970s would mentor a young Barack Obama.Jarrett’s mother (and Robert Taylor’s daughter) is early-childhood-education author Barbara Taylor Bowman, who co-founded a Chicago-based graduate school in child development known as the Erikson Institute, named after the psychoanalyst Erik Erikson; in 1950 Erikson became a hero to the left by choosing to resign from his professorship at the University of California rather than sign an anti-communist loyalty oath as the school required. Indicative of the Erikson Institute’s radical political orientation is the #"fact that its board of trustees has included, in addition to Bowman, such figures as Tom Ayers (father of the former Weather Underground terrorist and lifelong Marxist Bill Ayers) and Bernardine Dohrn (longtime wife of Bill Ayers).

7. In 1983 Valerie Jarrett married the son of Vernon Jarrett, a black journalist who formerly wrote for the communist-influenced Chicago Defender. In the 1940s, Mr. Jarrett was a leader of the Chicago chapter of American Youth for Democracy—youth wing of the Communist Party USA. He also served on a publicity committee for the Packinghouse Workers Union, a Chicago-based entity dominated by the CPUSA. In each of these endeavors, Mr. Jarrett had close contact with the aforementioned communist, Frank Marshall Davis.

According to The Washington Post, Vernon Jarrett was “a key influence” in persuading Harold Washington, a politician with powerful socialist ties, to run for mayor of Chicago in 1983. Four years later Mr. Jarrett helped his daughter-in-law, Valerie, enter the political arena as an official in Mayor Washington’s Administration. After Washington’s death in 1987, Ms. Jarrett worked as deputy chief of staff for his successor, Richard Daley.

Valerie Jarrett’s ties to Barack and Michelle Obama were first formed in 1991, when Ms. Jarrett recruited Michelle (who at the time was engaged to Barack) to Chicago’s City Hall. Jarrett quickly became a trusted confidante of both the Obamas. Thus would she play a key role in then-Senator Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign. Following the election, Jarrett was appointed as a senior advisor and assistant to Mr. Obama, who admittedly consults Jarrett on every important political decision he makes.

8. Indeed, the president once told a New York Times reporter that he completely trusts Jarrett “to speak for me, particularly when we’re dealing with delicate issues.” It seems that this trust extends even to Jarrett’s handling of such “delicate issues” as whether Iran, the world’s leading state sponsor of Islamic terrorism, will develop a nuclear weapon and, in its own way, forever “fundamentally transform” life not only in the United States, but throughout the world.
Valerie Jarrett?s Radical Roots | FrontPage Magazine

Obama's Valerie Jarrett: Often Whispered about, But Never Challenged | National Review Online
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Obama is a goddamned Marxist.

Just read through his list of UNELECTED Czars...read about where they came from and what their philosophies are.

We are being control by a bunch of goddamned leftist pigs that HATE AMERICA! No wonder we're in the shitter!
Ummm..... Last I checked, subscribing to a particular philosophy isn't a crime???ALSO, I thought this was 'America you rw thought police?

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#7 is my fave.

It ties in the Jarretts with Frank Marshal Davis which ties them with Obama.
We all know Jarrett has been behind all of the decisions made in the oval office. It even came out that the decision to get Bin Laden was delayed 3 times because Obama could not give the okay on 3 different dates when the weather and conditions were perfect. Whether it was Jarrett or Obama, both had to be in agreement and it didn't happen until the third date. Navy Seals were very upset, realizing they couldn't keep it secret forever.

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Nothing more entertaining than these Glenn Beck Chalkboard-style "questionable ties".

This had nothing to do with Beck. Facts are hard to argue against.

It doesn't have anything specifically to do with Beck. But it's coming from the same conspiracy connections mindset as Beck's Chalkboard of Doom.
We all know Jarrett has been behind all of the decisions made in the oval office. It even came out that the decision to get Bin Laden was delayed 3 times because Obama could not give the okay on 3 different dates when the weather and conditions were perfect. Whether it was Jarrett or Obama, both had to be in agreement and it didn't happen until the third date. Navy Seals were very upset, realizing they couldn't keep it secret forever.

"We" don't "know" any of this.

This is all nonsensical speculation, not reality.
Ummm..... Last I checked, subscribing to a particular philosophy isn't a crime???ALSO, I thought this was 'America you rw thought police?

Sent from my Barnes & Noble Nook HD+ using Tapatalk 4

No, it isn't a crime. But why wouldn't they be proud of their political beliefs if those Commies are good for America and want the best for US?

We all know Jarrett has been behind all of the decisions made in the oval office. It even came out that the decision to get Bin Laden was delayed 3 times because Obama could not give the okay on 3 different dates when the weather and conditions were perfect. Whether it was Jarrett or Obama, both had to be in agreement and it didn't happen until the third date. Navy Seals were very upset, realizing they couldn't keep it secret forever.

"We" don't "know" any of this.

This is all nonsensical speculation, not reality.

I provided one link, think I can supply another.
We all know Jarrett has been behind all of the decisions made in the oval office. It even came out that the decision to get Bin Laden was delayed 3 times because Obama could not give the okay on 3 different dates when the weather and conditions were perfect. Whether it was Jarrett or Obama, both had to be in agreement and it didn't happen until the third date. Navy Seals were very upset, realizing they couldn't keep it secret forever.

"We" don't "know" any of this.

This is all nonsensical speculation, not reality.

I provided one link, think I can supply another.

Linking to other people's opinions and rumors isn't evidence of truth.

You believe the rumors because you want to, not because there's any actual reason to.


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