Obama’s Gun Control Philosophy: Arm Al-Qaida And Disarm Americans


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
Obama?s Gun Control Philosophy: Arm Al-Qaida And Disarm Americans : Personal Liberty?

Citing his authority under the Arms Export Control Act, President Barack Obama last week waived the prohibition against supplying terrorist groups with arms.

This indicates that Obama knows the so-called Syrian “rebels” are mostly al-Nusra and al-Qaida terrorists, despite the Administration’s repeated lies that it could identify the “moderate” elements of the opposition army.

The façade that the Syrian civil war is simply an extension of the Arab Spring uprising that began almost three years ago has fully fallen away. This is manifested by the opposition to U.S. interference in the Syrian conflict that is expressed by the majority of the American people.

The Syrian civil war is a war manufactured by the United States — as was the Libyan civil war — on behalf of the petrodollar and Saudi Arabia and Israel. Those countries are driving U.S. policy in the region.

That Obama would seek to overtly arm the very terrorist organization that the United States is supposedly at war with in at least four other countries — and that a number of members of the U.S. Congress support such a thing — demonstrates inconclusively America is being governed by psychopaths and controlled by foreigners, banksters and the military-industrial complex.


And even while Obama was signing papers authorizing the arming of al-Qaida terrorists, he was “issuing more executive actions” in an attempt to disarm Americans, though exactly what those actions entailed was not specified by Presidential mouthpiece Jay Carney. In other words, Obama is perfectly content with arming the enemies of America with military grade weapons, but he believes that Americans should not be trusted or able to defend themselves with weapons that only resemble military weapons. In fact, the Obama regime — through the moronic imbecile Vice President Joe Biden — has stated that Americans should only have a shotgun for defense. The regime believes that Americans should only have weapons capable of firing six or fewer rounds.

This is clear and convincing evidence that the Obama regime believes that America’s enemies have a greater right to self-defense than do Americans.
does anybody here think the teetering petrodollar may be the real reason for both the arming and the disarming.....?

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