Obama’s European-esque attitude towards work


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
We are just two months into 2014, and President Obama is going on his third vacation. Normally, this wouldn’t be a big deal because we all know presidents can work remotely. Sources indicate, however, our current president rarely shows up before 9am and rarely stays past 5pm. To add insult to injury, we already know how often he skips things like national security briefings.

Like most Democrats - Obama lacks work ethic
We are just two months into 2014, and President Obama is going on his third vacation. Normally, this wouldn’t be a big deal because we all know presidents can work remotely. Sources indicate, however, our current president rarely shows up before 9am and rarely stays past 5pm. To add insult to injury, we already know how often he skips things like national security briefings.

Like most Democrats - Obama lacks work ethic
Glenn Beck. LOL.

Find something constructive to do with your time.
We are just two months into 2014, and President Obama is going on his third vacation. Normally, this wouldn’t be a big deal because we all know presidents can work remotely. Sources indicate, however, our current president rarely shows up before 9am and rarely stays past 5pm. To add insult to injury, we already know how often he skips things like national security briefings.

Like most Democrats - Obama lacks work ethic
Glenn Beck. LOL.

Find something constructive to do with your time.

If you have to attack the messenger (Glenn Beck) it can only mean it's because you can't dispute the message (Barack Obama is a lazy piece of shit community organizer). Just say'n....
The lower class has always been the slave to the nobility. Thank god we have robots and computers now that we have a choice...A choice of automation that can feed our population.

Then the little guy can eat!

The sad part is, the Dumbocrats in this country want to expand the lower class to ensure their power. The more slaves on the government plantation, the more likely the Dumbocrats are to gain and retain power. The only thing they really care about.
I think the president should vacation in luxurious Somalia, the jewel of eastern Africa. There he can enjoy an evening swim in shark infested, warm, soothing waters. In the morning, he can do his prayers and tip the dude with the loud speaker on top of the minaret.
Sources indicate, however, our current president rarely shows up before 9am and rarely stays past 5pm.

"Sources"...yeah right.

In other words, they made it up.
Genetic. He was conceived by two individuals who themselves possessed a genetic predisposition toward an aversion to work. In genetics as well as numerous other facets of life, two wrongs never make a right.
Irregardless of his falling approval ratings Obama remains busy trying to turn America into a third and fourth world nation, trashing the nation's laws and tearing down its borders, trolling the worlds slums looking for more people of indolence and sloth to bring here to reward with welfare, healthcare, and other luxuries beyond their wildest dreams in return for their votes. Where's the common sense in a man who wants to open our borders even wider when the number of illegals presently in the United States exceeds the number of unemployed. Bring 'em here and buy their votes, instead of the common sense way of shutting the f#@king doors to new arrivals and let the unemployed gradually filter into the existing jobs available, hopefully, after which they'll eventually leave the government dole and start putting a little bit back into the 'kitty' for the next time the economy turns down. The Constitution specifically prohibits the United States from allowing indigents onto our soil but Comrade Cucksocker is busy shredding that provision along with every other one he's shredded over the past five years pursuing a series of infinite Democratic electoral majorities for him and his party. He's never worked a day in his life and he's busy using the American taxpayer's monies to ensure that he and his 'goombahs' will never have to.
We are just two months into 2014, and President Obama is going on his third vacation. Normally, this wouldn’t be a big deal because we all know presidents can work remotely. Sources indicate, however, our current president rarely shows up before 9am and rarely stays past 5pm. To add insult to injury, we already know how often he skips things like national security briefings.

Like most Democrats - Obama lacks work ethic

Glenn Beck?

Sources indicate, however, our current president rarely shows up before 9am and rarely stays past 5pm.

"Sources"...yeah right.

In other words, they made it up.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jegXu3vPdZI]Leaked Video Glenn Beck uses Vicks Vapor Rub to Cry - YouTube[/ame]


"Leaked video"... :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

The fact that you don't know the back story on this well known incident (ie it was for a magazine cover) shows just how uninformed you are...
"Sources"...yeah right.

In other words, they made it up.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jegXu3vPdZI]Leaked Video Glenn Beck uses Vicks Vapor Rub to Cry - YouTube[/ame]


"Leaked video"... :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

The fact that you don't know the back story on this well known incident (ie it was for a magazine cover) shows just how uninformed you are...

I could care less if it was for a reality show.

Shows what a fake your hero is..

Glenn Beck's Favorite Gold Company Forced to Refund $4.5 Million to Customers | Mother Jones



"Leaked video"... :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

The fact that you don't know the back story on this well known incident (ie it was for a magazine cover) shows just how uninformed you are...

I could care less if it was for a reality show.

Shows what a fake your hero is..

Glenn Beck's Favorite Gold Company Forced to Refund $4.5 Million to Customers | Mother Jones



:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

That was the whole point you buffoon. The fact that you admit you don't care if it was intended to be fake (ie for a reality show) just proves how desperate you are to lie about him! :lol:
At the 30th class reunion last May, I tracked down legendary Columbia History professor and Presidential Historian, Henry Graff. For 46 years, all the American political leaders who attended Columbia were in Professor Graff’s classes. Not Obama. Graff never met him, never saw him, never heard of him.

The problem is, Obama defenders and the media (I know, they’re the same) interpreted what I said wrongly. I never said Obama didn’t attend Columbia. I said he was never in class. I said while it was strange only one or two students, one professor, and one foreign exchange student (who was his roommate off campus) claim to have ever seen him at Columbia, they prove he most probably attended the university. I’m sure he wouldn’t be the first college student to rarely, if ever, attend classes. I said he was like “the ghost of Columbia.”

What it means is simple. Barack Obama is exactly the same today as he was as a student at Columbia thirty years ago: arrogant and egotistical. He’s either too lazy, or thinks he’s too smart to have to actually do the work expected of him. Nothing has changed in 30 years.

I’m sure he was rarely ever in class at Columbia because he had more important things to do. Besides, he already knew everything. Obama has always believed Obama is brilliant and better than the rest of us. What more could Columbia teach him?

It’s the same today. He rarely attends important meetings. In the past two weeks he’s skipped two national security meetings focused on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, a crisis that could lead to World War III. Yet our President chose not to attend.

Do you think this is conservative propaganda or exaggeration? Hardly. Obama’s absence from both national security meetings was reported by many media, including Reuters.

Why did Obama skip the first meeting? He chose to attend a White House Film Festival. Just like his days at Columbia University, Obama had more important things to do.

Obama Hasn't Changed Since Columbia University
Even if Obama isn’t impressed by Russia invading Ukraine, certainly he finds America’s jobs crisis important, right? Wrong.

Obama could find no time to meet about the sky high unemployment in America either. Even leftist HuffingtonPost.com reported in July 2012 that Obama had not convened a meeting of his Jobs Council in six months.

Politico updated the report in January 2013 – Obama never bothered to convene one meeting of his own Jobs Council in a full year, even with unemployment and under-employment at crisis levels.

Even more remarkable, within two weeks of that story, Obama closed down his Jobs Council – with 12 million Americans still counted officially as unemployed.

With over 92 million working-age Americans not working, and men suffering the lowest workforce participation rate since record-keeping began, Obama thought it unimportant to even continue having a Jobs Council?

So what was important in Obama’s life? Golf & fundraisers.

PolitiFact.com, the non-partisan fact checker, confirmed our president golfed 10 times and attended 106 fundraisers during just the original six-month period where he could find no time, or interest, to attend even one meeting of his own Jobs Council. Can you imagine the updated numbers for the full year?

And, where was he the night of the Benghazi attack? Both Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Martin Dempsey testified Obama was absent that night.

Four brave Americans died while Obama was “absent.” What could be more important than a U.S. embassy under attack with American lives at stake? What could be so important that Obama never checked in to ask a question or discuss a rescue attempt from 5:30 p.m. EST until the next morning (when everyone was dead)?

Just like his college days, Obama believes he’s too gifted to do the actual work of president. He’s just too busy to have to worry about unemployed Americans. He’s just too important to have to bother to check in every night. Those are all things only “the little people” have to do.

Obama Hasn't Changed Since Columbia University
At the 30th class reunion last May, I tracked down legendary Columbia History professor and Presidential Historian, Henry Graff. For 46 years, all the American political leaders who attended Columbia were in Professor Graff’s classes. Not Obama. Graff never met him, never saw him, never heard of him.

The problem is, Obama defenders and the media (I know, they’re the same) interpreted what I said wrongly. I never said Obama didn’t attend Columbia. I said he was never in class. I said while it was strange only one or two students, one professor, and one foreign exchange student (who was his roommate off campus) claim to have ever seen him at Columbia, they prove he most probably attended the university. I’m sure he wouldn’t be the first college student to rarely, if ever, attend classes. I said he was like “the ghost of Columbia.”

What it means is simple. Barack Obama is exactly the same today as he was as a student at Columbia thirty years ago: arrogant and egotistical. He’s either too lazy, or thinks he’s too smart to have to actually do the work expected of him. Nothing has changed in 30 years.

I’m sure he was rarely ever in class at Columbia because he had more important things to do. Besides, he already knew everything. Obama has always believed Obama is brilliant and better than the rest of us. What more could Columbia teach him?

It’s the same today. He rarely attends important meetings. In the past two weeks he’s skipped two national security meetings focused on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, a crisis that could lead to World War III. Yet our President chose not to attend.

Do you think this is conservative propaganda or exaggeration? Hardly. Obama’s absence from both national security meetings was reported by many media, including Reuters.

Why did Obama skip the first meeting? He chose to attend a White House Film Festival. Just like his days at Columbia University, Obama had more important things to do.

Obama Hasn't Changed Since Columbia University
Seems to me the only thing the bastard likes about the job are the perks...and lying to the people to get his way. That's about it.

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