Obama Reminds Us That Pilgrims Were Refugees Once, Too


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
"The world is still full of pilgrims."

WASHINGTON, Nov 26 (Reuters) -- President Barack Obama urged Americans to show generosity to Syrian refugees in his Thanksgiving message on Thursday, reminding them that the Pilgrims who came to America in 1620 were themselves fleeing persecution.

"Nearly four centuries after the Mayflower set sail, the world is still full of pilgrims – men and women who want nothing more than the chance for a safer, better future for themselves and their families," Obama said in his address.

More: Obama Reminds Us That Pilgrims Were Refugees Once, Too

Thank you, President Obama, for reminding us of the obvious. However, the ones who are against the Syrian refugees already know this - and they just don't care.
More to the point, I think, is this:

When “refugees” from Europe started flowing into North America, we ended up displacing the people that already occupied this land, effectively wiping out what cultures and civilizations they had.

The previous occupants of this land did not have the means to prevent this from happening to them. We do. The question now is whether we have the will to prevent this, or whether we will invite the same fate on ourselves and our posterity that our forbears imposed on the previous occupants.
"The world is still full of pilgrims."

WASHINGTON, Nov 26 (Reuters) -- President Barack Obama urged Americans to show generosity to Syrian refugees in his Thanksgiving message on Thursday, reminding them that the Pilgrims who came to America in 1620 were themselves fleeing persecution.

"Nearly four centuries after the Mayflower set sail, the world is still full of pilgrims – men and women who want nothing more than the chance for a safer, better future for themselves and their families," Obama said in his address.

More: Obama Reminds Us That Pilgrims Were Refugees Once, Too

Thank you, President Obama, for reminding us of the obvious. However, the ones who are against the Syrian refugees already know this - and they just don't care.

and just look what happened to the country after they got a foothold.
More to the point, I think, is this:

When “refugees” from Europe started flowing into North America, we ended up displacing the people that already occupied this land, effectively wiping out what cultures and civilizations they had.

The previous occupants of this land did not have the means to prevent this from happening to them. We do. The question now is whether we have the will to prevent this, or whether we will invite the same fate on ourselves and our posterity that our forbears imposed on the previous occupants.

You started out so nice - and then fucked it all up. Whites have admitted millions of refugees since they fucked over Native Americans.
According to the left the pilgrims were invaders who took advantage of the nice Indians. They allowed them to move onto their soil. Maybe we should learn from the Indians mistakes.
Since the RWs are lying about Obama, I thought I'd add some facts. You all know that the Rs as well as the Clown Car Candidates have consistently been against helping our vets ...

If Obama said the earth is flat, I suspect you would post a thread defending the flat-earth theory.

When are you and other liberals going to deal with the repeatedly demonstrated fact that Muslim immigrants have proven to be ripe recruiting material for jihadist terrorism? You keep ducking this fact.

Every single jihadist terrorist attack--every single one--has been done by people who were raised Muslim or who became Muslim before they engaged in terrorism. Perhaps you missed the news, but this was proven to be the case again just in the last two weeks--in Paris and Mali.

In spite of the left's suicidal demagoguery and phony appeals for "compassion" and "kindness," polls are showing that a majority of Americans oppose allowing in more Syrian refugees. They, unlike most liberals, are not blind to reality and recent history.
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"The world is still full of pilgrims."

WASHINGTON, Nov 26 (Reuters) -- President Barack Obama urged Americans to show generosity to Syrian refugees in his Thanksgiving message on Thursday, reminding them that the Pilgrims who came to America in 1620 were themselves fleeing persecution.

"Nearly four centuries after the Mayflower set sail, the world is still full of pilgrims – men and women who want nothing more than the chance for a safer, better future for themselves and their families," Obama said in his address.

More: Obama Reminds Us That Pilgrims Were Refugees Once, Too

Thank you, President Obama, for reminding us of the obvious. However, the ones who are against the Syrian refugees already know this - and they just don't care.

Really? What a fucking moron. And look what those pilgrim-refugees did to the native inhabitants.
This is scintillating. On one lib hand, pilgrims were raping and pillaging as soon as they stepped off the mayflower. On the other lib hand, pilgrims were great people..but not as nice as the syrian pilgrims hence the comparison analogy to tug on the heart strings.
GOP outta make a anti-democrat political ad using that insanity.

"Pilgrims were refugees once too. And promptly exterminated the native citizens." Show some massacre atrocity and what eventually happens to the natives. :)
When the French tried to 'immigrate' to America we shot them with guns and cannons and told them to go back to France. We waged war on Mexico also. That was back when we defended our borders.
A. obama is an idiot.
B. His apologists are even bigger idiots.
C. The Pilgrims were not refugees. They fled England after breaking away for the state church and lived in Holland. obama, like ALL liberals, sees the world the way he wants it to be, not the way it is.

The Pilgrims - Facts & Summary - HISTORY.com
The group that set out from Plymouth, in southwestern England, in September 1620 included 35 members of a radical Puritan faction known as the English Separatist Church. In 1607, after illegally breaking from the Church of England, the Separatists settled in the Netherlands, first in Amsterdam and later in the town of Leiden, where they remained for the next decade under the relatively lenient Dutch laws. Due to economic difficulties, as well as fears that they would lose their English language and heritage, they began to make plans to settle in the New World.
I guess Obama forgot to mention the reason the Pilgrims were on the Mayflower in the first place was because they were kicked out of Holland for being complete twats to the Dutch. See, they weren't getting their way in England (they would have to wait until Cromwell and friends cut of Charles I's head for the Puritans to finally get their way), so they went to Holland for "religious freedom" and promptly went about telling the Dutch how shitty they were. Eventually the Dutch got tired of being harassed by "refugees" and told the Pilgrims to get out. So they did.

And he forgot to mention that the very first thing the Pilgrims did when they got off the boat was to raid an Indian food cache. It wasn't like the locals would need food for the winter or anything. And it wasn't like that didn't piss off the locals.

Even when Obama is trying to spin a tale for political reasons, he manages to fuck it up.

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