Obama Pushes Universal Income in Africa While Rhambo Touts Universal Income in Chicago


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Obama slams populist 'right-wing billionaires,' touts liberal push for 'universal income'

"Obama, meanwhile, on Tuesday seemed to embrace some talking points of the resurgent progressive left -- including opening the door to proposals for a guaranteed income. One such proposal is being considered in Chicago.

"It's not just money a job provides," Obama said. "It provides dignity and structure and a sense of place and a sense of purpose. So we're going to have to consider new ways of thinking about these problems, like a universal income, review of our work week, how we retrain our young people, how we make everybody an entrepreneur at some level. But we're going have to worry about economics if we want to get democracy back on track."

Chicago could become largest US city to test basic universal income for families

"The city of Chicago might become the largest U.S. city to test a universal basic income program, The Intercept reported.

Alderman Ameya Pawar recently introduced legislation that would hand out $500 a month to 1,000 families in the Windy City. In addition to the no-strings-attached cash payments, Pawar’s proposal would modify the Earned Income Tax Credit program for those families, so they would receive EITC payments on a monthly basis rather than at the end of the year."

Half a world away, 2 Liberal Progressive schmucks read off the same talking points....

Notice how the Democrats' answer to poverty is MORE DEPENDENCE ON THE GOVT. $500 A MONTH - don't have to work for it, don't have to do anything for it. Just keep sucking off the govt teat while those who do work for their money won't 'mind' paying more to support this initiative.

:rolleyes: That basically sums up Obama's Economy as President and got the expected results - high unemployment, high numbers of Americans on food stamps, welfare, and unemployment, poor economy, etc...

Faced with a booming economy before the mid-terms the Democrats are forced to try to convince the sheep that all this success is a bad thing, that being more independent on own your own two feet ids a bad thing. 'Remember the good ol' days when you sat around waiting for your gub'ment check ,totally dependent on the Democrats?

To try to bring back those 'good ol' days', the Democrats are running on a platform of raising taxes, eliminating jobs, eliminating full-time jobs, ending higher wages, eliminating bonuses, ending the best economy in decades, returning record numbers of Americans to the unemployment line and onto welfare unemployment, and food stamps.

'Free Money!' Dependency on the Government again.....

While trying to sell his snake oil, Barry tried make the argument that 'people' make enough money and should not mind paying a little extra to fund more programs to increase dependency on the govt:

"I am surprised at how much money I've got. I don't have half as much as these others, but there's only so much you can eat, only so many nice trips you can take," Obama said, met by applause. "I mean, it's enough. You don't have to take a vow of poverty to say let me help others out. I'll pay a little more in taxes. It's okay, I can afford it."

What Barry did NOT say is that Liberals don't like to spend THEIR money. They like to tell YOU how to spend YOUR money, they like to spend YOUR money.

Under Trump:
Best economy seen in DECADES - getting stronger
Most Jobs / Full-time Jobs in decades
Lowest Unemployment / most Americans working in decades
Higher wages, bonuses
Fewer Americans on Welfare, Unemployment, food stamps
Record Stock Market
Higher Home Values
Record Consumer Confidence

Barry and Rhambo can keep their snake-oil...and if they want to spend more of THEIR money, nothing is stopping them.

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