Obama Organization Behind Wisconsin Demonstrations


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
On Barrack Obama's own site he's organizing the riots and demonstrations going on in Madison Wisconsin, and others in Ohio and Indiana.

This Egyptian style protest points the finger directly at the President. He was in Madison today giving a speech, so it's getting hard for him to claim innocence.

This is the first time I've ever seen a President of the United States that was a troublemaker.

That's all he is after all. A community organizer out to stir shit up.

Organizing for America | BarackObama.com | OFA State Page

If you look at the crowd many of the are wearing their trademark Commie Red sweatshirts. Who knows where they're from or what other organizations they belong to.


Obama claimed today that the state is attacking them, but it looks like the unions are attacking the state.

RealClearPolitics - Video - Rep. Paul Ryan On Wisconsin Protests: "Like Cairo Moved To Madison"

The biggest question is why now? Why when the Middle East is on fire these unions feel they have to strike? Well, here's why.


The Democratic National Committee's Organizing for America arm -- the remnant of the 2008 Obama campaign -- is playing an active role in organizing protests against Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker's attempt to strip most public employees of collective bargaining rights.

OfA, as the campaign group is known, has been criticized at times for staying out of local issues like same-sex marraige, but it's riding to the aide of the public sector unions who hoping to persuade some Republican legislators to oppose Walker's plan. And while Obama may have his difference with teachers unions, OfA's engagement with the fight -- and Obama's own clear stance against Walker -- mean that he's remaining loyal to key Democratic Party allies at what is, for them, a very dangerous moment.

OfA Wisconsin's field efforts include filling buses and building turnout for the rallies this week in Madison, organizing 15 rapid response phone banks urging supporters to call their state legislators, and working on planning and producing rallies, a Democratic Party official in Washington said.

DNC playing role in Wisconsin protests - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com

They had a vote on the issue but Democrats left the capital and couldn't be found. It was similar to the battle that went on in Texas when Democrats refused to vote on a bill and held up in a hotel in Oklahoma.

Breaking News.

Wisconsin State Senators found in Illinois hotel.

Budget Battle: Democrats Who Left State are Located | Today's TMJ4 - Milwaukee, Wisconsin News, Weather, Sports, WTMJ | Local News
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Shameful, but perfectly consistent with Obama's MO.
Well, if that is the case, good for the President.

What we have here is the GOP ass suckers wanting the working people to pay for the two wars that were off the books, pay for the financial shenanigans of Wall Street, all the while insisting that those guilty of creating this economic debacle actually get finicial gain out of it.

Any more of this kind of BS on the part of the GOP will result in a movement that will make the Teabaggers look like kindergarteners.
Bullshit, angry mob, disgusting signs, violent rhetoric, this has to be a Tea Party demonstration! :eusa_whistle:
Well, if that is the case, good for the President.

What we have here is the GOP ass suckers wanting the working people to pay for the two wars that were off the books, pay for the financial shenanigans of Wall Street, all the while insisting that those guilty of creating this economic debacle actually get finicial gain out of it.

Any more of this kind of BS on the part of the GOP will result in a movement that will make the Teabaggers look like kindergarteners.

This has nothing to do with wars or any such shit.

It's about unions trying to force their pensions down everyone's throats when they can't afford them.
He was/is a union organizer. Did you expect anything else?

No hun. Problem is, this looks bad. Like he's trying to cause turmoil. That' not his damned job.

His job is to defend us from all enemies foreign and domestic but he seems to be helping them.

Yep, this coming from the same dispshit suing the state of Arizona,Obama has to be the worst leader ever......
'Us Against Them' Mentality. Obama got his start in politics by being a professional shit disturber. No surprise. Many of us knew this of him when he campaigned.

Now it's in the open for all to see. All he is going to do is piss more people off and enlarge the Tea Party, and the Conservative movement.
Well, if that is the case, good for the President.

What we have here is the GOP ass suckers wanting the working people to pay for the two wars that were off the books, pay for the financial shenanigans of Wall Street, all the while insisting that those guilty of creating this economic debacle actually get finicial gain out of it.

Any more of this kind of BS on the part of the GOP will result in a movement that will make the Teabaggers look like kindergarteners.

angry mobs, violent rhetoric ? the shit you've been crying like a baby about ( with false accusations ) for several months? you clowns are laughable......:lol:
this is one of those polarizing all encompassing topics he should not be shilling for directly. he represents ALL of us....well, at least hes supposed to. A neutral equitable tone might be in order.

But as a community organizer at heart, who's stock in trade was rousing people by telling them they are beaten down and separating businesses and whomever else they could by hook or crook, well, he cannot get out of himself. Because thats what he is.
Well, if that is the case, good for the President.

What we have here is the GOP ass suckers wanting the working people to pay for the two wars that were off the books, pay for the financial shenanigans of Wall Street, all the while insisting that those guilty of creating this economic debacle actually get finicial gain out of it.

Any more of this kind of BS on the part of the GOP will result in a movement that will make the Teabaggers look like kindergarteners.

Good for him by fomenting Class warfare? By pitting the unions against those of us who pay the bills when we are tapped out?

Really? You stand by this statement?
It's about time that Obama got his finger out of his butt hole and remembers who elected him two years ago. It sure was NOT the Republican Union busting members of the Wisconsin legislature! It was mostly the hard working Union members who go to work every day and pay their taxes only to see the rich and influential get away with murder. Perhaps it's time that we in America do like they did in Egypt and Tunisia. Fill the town squares and wherever legislatures meet and demand justice. Here in Arizona they are giving tax breaks to rich business owners while dumping a quarter million people off the medicaid roles. Of course we too have a Republican legislature and a Republican Governor. Enough said. It makes me sick!
Well, if that is the case, good for the President.

What we have here is the GOP ass suckers wanting the working people to pay for the two wars that were off the books, pay for the financial shenanigans of Wall Street, all the while insisting that those guilty of creating this economic debacle actually get finicial gain out of it.

Any more of this kind of BS on the part of the GOP will result in a movement that will make the Teabaggers look like kindergarteners.

angry mobs, violent rhetoric ? the shit you've been crying like a baby about ( with false accusations ) for several months? you clowns are laughable......:lol:

Dumb ass. Look at the video, where do you see people being violent? They are exercising their rights of free speech and assembly.

Wisconsin labor protests ‘like Cairo,’ GOP’s Paul Ryan exclaims | The Raw Story
Let's have a raise of hands to everyone who has/does pay a portion of their own healthcare insurance.
The horror...they may have to pay a small portion of their own coverage.
Well, if that is the case, good for the President.

What we have here is the GOP ass suckers wanting the working people to pay for the two wars that were off the books, pay for the financial shenanigans of Wall Street, all the while insisting that those guilty of creating this economic debacle actually get finicial gain out of it.

Any more of this kind of BS on the part of the GOP will result in a movement that will make the Teabaggers look like kindergarteners.

Good for him by fomenting Class warfare? By pitting the unions against those of us who pay the bills when we are tapped out?

Really? You stand by this statement?

You silly ass pretend patriot. The economic debacle that caused the near depression in this nation is not the fault of the working people. It is the direct result of the mechanizations of the banks and finacial institutions of this nation. The very people that were bailed out by the taxes of the working man. So now they wish to use the financial crisis as a way to destroy the rights of the working people of this nation, and further reduce wages.

Well, if that is the case, good for the President.

What we have here is the GOP ass suckers wanting the working people to pay for the two wars that were off the books, pay for the financial shenanigans of Wall Street, all the while insisting that those guilty of creating this economic debacle actually get finicial gain out of it.

Any more of this kind of BS on the part of the GOP will result in a movement that will make the Teabaggers look like kindergarteners.

angry mobs, violent rhetoric ? the shit you've been crying like a baby about ( with false accusations ) for several months? you clowns are laughable......:lol:

Dumb ass. Look at the video, where do you see people being violent? They are exercising their rights of free speech and assembly.

Wisconsin labor protests ‘like Cairo,’ GOP’s Paul Ryan exclaims | The Raw Story

Same place you saw the tea party being violent, rockhead.

I did see several signs calling the governor Hitler, a dictator and there were a few with his head in the crosshairs. Such violent rhetoric, what a shame......

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