Obama on Unemployment: "At Least It's Not at 12, 13 or 15 Percent"

Oil revenues from Iraqi oil fields were supposed to pay for our invasion, remember?

But China gets first dibs.

Why Asian oil firms are likely to be*first at*Iraqi's oil - Apr. 5, 2007

Are you calling VaYanker a liar?

Not at all.

Merely pointing out what kind of absolute cluster fuck the Iraq Fiasco was.

We get 4,000 dead Americans and a trillion in debt and our good friends the Communist Chinese get to develop and control the oil fields.

But I'm sure they'll be more than willing to share the oil with us. At a reasonable profit of course.
Wow - so now that is Obama's strategy to spin the abysmal employment numbers due out tomorrow?

"Hey, the country is dying from emphysema, but it could be worse - it could be late stage four cancer!!!

Both conditions are terminal Mr. President - you are a dipshit.

Remarkable that this clip is not being played 24/7 by the media as a clear testament to just how far out of touch and bereft of common sense this asshat president truly is...
How's that thinky-changy working for you, Steph? If we had left the power-mad corporatists in charge, unemployment would be more than 20% and the country would be crashing.

We can't afford your kind to ever come back to power. Get over it, sweetness: you are nothing but political road kill, and you are stinking to high heaven.
The post is about Obama-Palosi-Reid's complete and udder joke of an economic recovery strategy and all the idiot sheep-parrot libtards can do is bring up Iraq and Boooosh. Fucking weak. Take some rsponsibility and stop being stuck on stupid. We've had 4 years of the most liberal (not to mention the most hated) congess in history and two miserable years from this gutless jackass of a president. And it's STILL getting worse. You mindless idiots are pathetic.
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Jeremy, GOP has to be part of the solution, and for that to work, the party has to officially repent of Bush/Cheney and throw out the current leadership. Boehner and McConnell are bad for America, not good.
Jeremy, GOP has to be part of the solution, and for that to work, the party has to officially repent of Bush/Cheney and throw out the current leadership. Boehner and McConnell are bad for America, not good.

The GOP needs to be allowed to be part of the solution. The arrogant liberal leadership in congress shuts out their ideas every opportunity they get because of the hyperpartisan atmosphere. And as far Bush/Cheney, I think it's more accurate to say that Dems need to quit living in the past and get some therapy to help them realize that he has been out of office for a year and a half.
What's really pathetic is that the libs fall for it, and are swooned by his every word.
Jeremy, GOP has to be part of the solution, and for that to work, the party has to officially repent of Bush/Cheney and throw out the current leadership. Boehner and McConnell are bad for America, not good.

The GOP doesn't have the power to be part of the solution.

Their job now is to stop the Obama socialist/communist agenda that has been screwing up this country.
The problem is because of Obama's heavy handed mircromanaging of the banking industry, banks will not give out loans to people who need them.
The GOP has been offered the minority spot, which the party earned with its lousy performances in 2006 and 2008, but wants to act as the majority in decision making. Republicans lost the election. They will lose this fall. The opportunity to be part of the solution rather than being thrown under the bus is drawing to a close. In January 2011, the Dems will use reconciliation right across the board, arguing they have a mandate and that the GOP is the enemy of Mr. and Mrs. American.
Jeremy, GOP has to be part of the solution, and for that to work, the party has to officially repent of Bush/Cheney and throw out the current leadership. Boehner and McConnell are bad for America, not good.

Do you get to keep your shock therapy with Obamacare ?.......
The problem is because of Obama's heavy handed mircromanaging of the banking industry, banks will not give out loans to people who need them.

Your opinion only, and you are wrong as usual, cmike. That is psycho :cuckoo: talk.
When the republicans had the white house and congress the country prospered with very low unemployment.

It's when the democrats took control of congress that things went downhill.

We gotta get the lefties out of government to turn this country around.
You read DailyKos? Are you a plant for the left, you twit? I should have realized that.

The policies since 1994 is what broke the economy. If McCain had been elected the same disaster would have occurred.

You have lost this discussion every time. You are a big government Republican and a simple fraud. Stupid, too.
These people at the helm of our government now.............a bunch of clowns. Its the liberal way.............treat all the American people like they have the IQ of a small soap dish.

And how about the brilliance of Pelosi today, "The best way to stem the tide of unemployment is with unemployment checks". HOLY MOTHER OF GOD.............there are actually people out there who voted for this liberal bimbo.

And at this point, you cant put past anything Obama might say on any given day......."the unemployment rate not soooooo bad". And earlier today, he was tallking about how all the Mexicans are crossing over the border and uttering in the same passage about the Einsteins of the world..........."

Yup........ahhhh ( takes long drag of ciggy in classic Denis Leary style ).........we're all sure there are dozens of Einsteins jumping the fences in Arizona and California every single day.!!!

Who kneeeeeeeew there would be somebody come along after Jimmy Carter who would be so profoundly out of touch..............

Presidents of democratic republics are commanders-in-chief of the military, not the economy.

Happy 4th of July, citizens
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