Obama Not Our Boyfriend Anymore


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Feb 12, 2007
This is a big reason why Obama is in trouble in 2012:

President Obama took his licks from progressives who are meeting in Minneapolis at the Netroots Nation Convention, the annual gathering of liberal bloggers and other social media activists.

The panel that drew one of the biggest crowds at Netroots Nation so far was called "What To Do When The President's Just Not That Into You."

"It's like the president's not our boyfriend anymore," Joan McCarter, an editor at the Daily Kos website, said during the discussion.

At Netroots Nation, Liberal Bloggers Sour On Obama : NPR

Many of Obama's supporters made purely emotional decisions (as there was really nothing of substance in his record). Now they are disappointed romantics who now realize that the person they thought was their One True Love just wanted to get laid.
This is a big reason why Obama is in trouble in 2012:

President Obama took his licks from progressives who are meeting in Minneapolis at the Netroots Nation Convention, the annual gathering of liberal bloggers and other social media activists.

The panel that drew one of the biggest crowds at Netroots Nation so far was called "What To Do When The President's Just Not That Into You."

"It's like the president's not our boyfriend anymore," Joan McCarter, an editor at the Daily Kos website, said during the discussion.

At Netroots Nation, Liberal Bloggers Sour On Obama : NPR

Many of Obama's supporters made purely emotional decisions (as there was really nothing of substance in his record). Now they are disappointed romantics who now realize that the person they thought was their One True Love just wanted to get laid.
Does this mean no more styrofoam Columns at events?


"Appollobama" (Image: EIB)
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lqAuuIDU2sw]YouTube - ‪BB King / Gary Moore - The Thrill is Gone‬‏[/ame]
Anyone who refers to a President as being their 'Boyfriend",should never be taken seriously. Why would anyone go to their sites and read their Blogs? That seems pretty bizarre to me. Talk about Dumbed-Down Liberals? Yikes!
Many of Obama's supporters made purely emotional decisions (as there was really nothing of substance in his record). Now they are disappointed romantics who now realize that the person they thought was their One True Love just wanted to get laid.
The changing situation (i.e. disillusionment with Obama) does not change the nature of how liberals "think". They'll act like battered spouses, taking Obama's abuse of power and his infidelity to liberal ideas and vote for him any way because, after all, he really does love them and/or who else could love them the way Obama once promised to? Another fundamental part of liberalism is its innate cowardice which means we won't be seeing seeing an alternative to Obama in the Democratic primary unless or until the sharks have been circling in the water and Obama has bled from a thousand cuts. This scenario simply hasn't developed in spite of the immense unpopularity of Obama's policies with a majority of the American people. Hence, there is no viable alternative to Obama as the nominee. Democrats have long mastered the game of politics. 1980: Teddy Kennedy poses a serious challenge to sitting President Jimmy Carter. Result? Landslide loss to the Republicans. 1996: Bill Clinton, on the heels of one of the biggest mid-term repudiations of any presidential administration, manages to win re-election, in no small part because he lacked a primary challenger. Democrats don't seem to understand anything about economics, national security, freedom, leadership or even America so it may seem strange to the rest of us that they understand politics so well. Nevertheless, they do and its because of this that we won't see Obama find himself on the wrong end of a Ned Lamont in 2012 no matter how much the liberal fairies of the Left whine and cry about how unloved they feel.
Seriously,Liberals calling a President their "Boyfriend",makes me want to Bitch-Slap them all. Who actually goes to these Liberal sites and reads these Blogs? What kind of person does that? American Liberals really have become such silly Dummies. "Boyfriend??" That's just stupid.
Seriously,Liberals calling a President their "Boyfriend",makes me want to Bitch-Slap them all. Who actually goes to these Liberal sites and reads these Blogs? What kind of person does that? American Liberals really have become such silly Dummies. "Boyfriend??" That's just stupid.
They surround us all on these pages...some of them are refugees of the sites you speak.
Seriously,Liberals calling a President their "Boyfriend",makes me want to Bitch-Slap them all. Who actually goes to these Liberal sites and reads these Blogs? What kind of person does that? American Liberals really have become such silly Dummies. "Boyfriend??" That's just stupid.
They surround us all on these pages...some of them are refugees of the sites you speak.

Yea scary stuff for sure. It's hard to fathom how anyone could take the time to go to these "Liberal" blog sites. But it does explain a lot of the stupidity you see coming from Liberals. If you call a President your "Boyfriend",you really should be Bitch-Slapped and banned from Voting for life. What a bunch of kooks. :cuckoo:
The Boyfriend angle does Splain Weinergate...
Seriously,Liberals calling a President their "Boyfriend",makes me want to Bitch-Slap them all. Who actually goes to these Liberal sites and reads these Blogs? What kind of person does that? American Liberals really have become such silly Dummies. "Boyfriend??" That's just stupid.
They surround us all on these pages...some of them are refugees of the sites you speak.

Yea scary stuff for sure. It's hard to fathom how anyone could take the time to go to these "Liberal" blog sites. But it does explain a lot of the stupidity you see coming from Liberals. If you call a President your "Boyfriend",you really should be Bitch-Slapped and banned from Voting for life. What a bunch of kooks. :cuckoo:
I am still for a Basic knowlege test in Civics/Constitution as a pre-resquite for voting.
Hmmmm...I don't recall ever thinking about Any Politician as My Boyfriend.

The fact that a bunch of Netroots Freaks are lamenting that Obama is no longer their Boyfriend is beyond pathetic. It's scary that they vote.

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