Obama never held a job or run a business?


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Obama never held a job or run a business?
He has now.

He has four years experience now and he is smoking.
Obama never was an employer? President of the united states is the most important employer in this country. He is the CEO of the most powerful business in the world. United State Government. He needs to do what Romney would do. Fire his Congress. And he should receives a big bonus for the last four years as any successful CEO would.
His job as a Community Organizer was all the experience he needed to get this job and it should be a prerequisite when applying for the job as president of the United States. Plus his education and prior Baskin and Robins job contributed. He has walked a mile in my shoes. And Romney will take my shoes away and put me in the poor house and privatize my social secuity and medicare to China..

Obama has absolutely no idea what it takes to conceive, start and run a real business. The huge personal risks, the daily headaches, the passion that keeps you going, the joys and the disappointments, the painfully tough decisions, the paralyzing no-win situations, the stifling and redundant regulations, none of it.

Is that knowledge and experience absolutely necessary to be President? Nope. But to claim he knows what it's like is either stunningly naive or intellectually dishonest. And he proved it, loud and clear, when he scoffed at business owners.

Obama never held a job or run a business?
He has now.

He has four years experience now and he is smoking.
Obama never was an employer? President of the united states is the most important employer in this country. He is the CEO of the most powerful business in the world. United State Government. He needs to do what Romney would do. Fire his Congress. And he should receives a big bonus for the last four years as any successful CEO would.
His job as a Community Organizer was all the experience he needed to get this job and it should be a prerequisite when applying for the job as president of the United States. Plus his education and prior Baskin and Robins job contributed. He has walked a mile in my shoes. And Romney will take my shoes away and put me in the poor house and privatize my social secuity and medicare to China..

Wish he would privatize YOU to China. This is one ridiculous thread.
I'm still trying to figure out what a community organize does? No one seems to be able to answer this question: Are those people on Chicago's South side better off since they were "organized"??

I said from the beginning of Obama's tenure, on the job training isn't so good for a President.
I'm still trying to figure out what a community organize does? No one seems to be able to answer this question: Are those people on Chicago's South side better off since they were "organized"??

I said from the beginning of Obama's tenure, on the job training isn't so good for a President.

I think it was this : He got groups together for projects and get-togethers and such. Try to promote democracy (bahahahaha) tried to bring racial and economic justice (bahahaha). What a fck'n joke. He might have did it in Chicago, but not in Washington.
has Obama ever done one day of actual work in his life?

Not hanging curtains for Michelle either.Some actual manual labor.

He looks soft.

Obama has absolutely no idea what it takes to conceive, start and run a real business. The huge personal risks, the daily headaches, the passion that keeps you going, the joys and the disappointments, the painfully tough decisions, the paralyzing no-win situations, the stifling and redundant regulations, none of it.

Is that knowledge and experience absolutely necessary to be President? Nope. But to claim he knows what it's like is either stunningly naive or intellectually dishonest. And he proved it, loud and clear, when he scoffed at business owners.


His record for the last four years proves you a liar. Romney NEVER started a business. He took over businesses that were already started. The last buinessman we had screwed up the country economy and almost screwed up the world's economy. Business experience has never been a stong pre-requisite to job as president.

The Wrong Résumé
By contrast, two 20th century businessmen — George W. Bush, whose sweetheart deal with the Texas Rangers made him a multimillionaire, and Herbert Hoover, who came by his mining fortune honestly — were ranked among the worst presidents ever by the same historians. Bush left the country in a sea of debt and an economic crisis rivaled only by the one that engulfed Hoover.

Both George W. Bush and Romney are Harvard Business School graduates, further padding their business cred. Once they started governing, both men failed to improve the economic lives of those under them.
The Myth of the Businessman-President - NYTimes.com
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Obama has absolutely no idea what it takes to conceive, start and run a real business. The huge personal risks, the daily headaches, the passion that keeps you going, the joys and the disappointments, the painfully tough decisions, the paralyzing no-win situations, the stifling and redundant regulations, none of it.

Is that knowledge and experience absolutely necessary to be President? Nope. But to claim he knows what it's like is either stunningly naive or intellectually dishonest. And he proved it, loud and clear, when he scoffed at business owners.


His record for the last four years proves you a liar.

LOL too much "sugar" in your kool-aid darlin..

Obama has absolutely no idea what it takes to conceive, start and run a real business. The huge personal risks, the daily headaches, the passion that keeps you going, the joys and the disappointments, the painfully tough decisions, the paralyzing no-win situations, the stifling and redundant regulations, none of it.

Is that knowledge and experience absolutely necessary to be President? Nope. But to claim he knows what it's like is either stunningly naive or intellectually dishonest. And he proved it, loud and clear, when he scoffed at business owners.


His record for the last four years proves you a liar.

Great! Specifics, please.

With your intimate knowledge of what it takes to start, run and grow a business, compare that to the last four years. Show us how Obama gets it as a result of his experience and record.

Go ahead. Knock it out of the park for us.

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Obama has absolutely no idea what it takes to conceive, start and run a real business. The huge personal risks, the daily headaches, the passion that keeps you going, the joys and the disappointments, the painfully tough decisions, the paralyzing no-win situations, the stifling and redundant regulations, none of it.

Is that knowledge and experience absolutely necessary to be President? Nope. But to claim he knows what it's like is either stunningly naive or intellectually dishonest. And he proved it, loud and clear, when he scoffed at business owners.


His record for the last four years proves you a liar.

which record? that 8% unemployment all four years of his Presidency? Gas prices above 3.50 a gallon all four years, a 800 billion stimulus WASTED...which one do we pick?
Because Obama has never written payroll taxes checks I am confident that he like MIllions of Americans don't KNOW that their employer writes a matching check (today it's more!) for each employee's SS and Medicare payments.
The importance of that is the FACT 40% of ALL Federal revenue comes from SS/Medicare payments.

If Obama understood that 20% or more of ALL Federal Revenue comes from employees of businesses MOST that are evil profit makers and these evil profit makers also pay 20% or more just maybe Obama wouldn't make dumb ass comments like:
"if somebody wants to build coal utility plant it’s just that it will bankrupt them,!"
“Under my plan....electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket"
"Obama said "I'd like higher gas prices.."
"I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program."Obama's words exactly!!
which means:
"I prefer to destroy the 1,300 health insurance companies that pay $100 billion a YEAR in Federal/State/Local taxes/social security/Medicare/workman's compensation/ unemployment insurance AND local property taxes on their facilities!
I prefer to put out of work the 400,000 people that work in the health insurance companies!"

THEN Maybe Obama wouldn't have made statements like the above!
If Obama had run a company the way he has run this country he would of been thrown out on his ASS..

LETS FIRE him next week people..:eusa_clap:

Obama has absolutely no idea what it takes to conceive, start and run a real business. The huge personal risks, the daily headaches, the passion that keeps you going, the joys and the disappointments, the painfully tough decisions, the paralyzing no-win situations, the stifling and redundant regulations, none of it.

Is that knowledge and experience absolutely necessary to be President? Nope. But to claim he knows what it's like is either stunningly naive or intellectually dishonest. And he proved it, loud and clear, when he scoffed at business owners.


His record for the last four years proves you a liar. Romney NEVER started a business. He took over businesses that were already started. The last buinessman we had screwed up the country economy and almost screwed up the world's economy. Business experience has never been a stong pre-requisite to job as president.

Perhaps you didn't read the last paragraph of my post. I was way ahead of you.

And I notice your attempt at diversion did not answer my direct request.

I'm not surprised. Would you like to try again?

And he proved he doesn't have a clue of what it takes to do it when
he made that asinine comment "you didn't build that".

He has been in politics and only knows what Valerie Jarrett tells him to say.
I'm still trying to figure out what a community organize does? No one seems to be able to answer this question: Are those people on Chicago's South side better off since they were "organized"??

I said from the beginning of Obama's tenure, on the job training isn't so good for a President.

I think it was this : He got groups together for projects and get-togethers and such. Try to promote democracy (bahahahaha) tried to bring racial and economic justice (bahahaha). What a fck'n joke. He might have did it in Chicago, but not in Washington.

But, but what did organizing do for those people?? Are they "better" today than before he organized them?? I still see many of those folks on Chicago's South side as struggling, collecting welfare and it's as crime ridden as it's always been. Has their quality of life improved??

Obama has absolutely no idea what it takes to conceive, start and run a real business. The huge personal risks, the daily headaches, the passion that keeps you going, the joys and the disappointments, the painfully tough decisions, the paralyzing no-win situations, the stifling and redundant regulations, none of it.

Is that knowledge and experience absolutely necessary to be President? Nope. But to claim he knows what it's like is either stunningly naive or intellectually dishonest. And he proved it, loud and clear, when he scoffed at business owners.


His record for the last four years proves you a liar. Romney NEVER started a business. He took over businesses that were already started. The last buinessman we had screwed up the country economy and almost screwed up the world's economy. Business experience has never been a stong pre-requisite to job as president.

The Wrong Résumé
By contrast, two 20th century businessmen — George W. Bush, whose sweetheart deal with the Texas Rangers made him a multimillionaire, and Herbert Hoover, who came by his mining fortune honestly — were ranked among the worst presidents ever by the same historians. Bush left the country in a sea of debt and an economic crisis rivaled only by the one that engulfed Hoover.

Both George W. Bush and Romney are Harvard Business School graduates, further padding their business cred. Once they started governing, both men failed to improve the economic lives of those under them.
The Myth of the Businessman-President - NYTimes.com

Talk about wishfull thinking.

Barrys done such a great job as POTUS?? Jeeze. And WOW he must really know what it takes to start and run a business.

You need to explain why UE is at 7.4%, hogwash of course. UE is probably around 14%, the ecnomy is still in the crapper and his polices haven't done jack and all those "shovel ready" jobs weren't, well, shovel ready.

The guy hasn't got a fucking clue how to get the economy up and rolling. If he did the economy should be rocking by now.

Your one delusional idiot who actually thinks Barrys done a great job. What an idiot you are.

As for the Bush years. The economy was pretty damned good and UE was around 6%. Guess thats a failure in your eyes. But then your a blind Barry supporter and a flamming idiot.
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Obama has absolutely no idea what it takes to conceive, start and run a real business. The huge personal risks, the daily headaches, the passion that keeps you going, the joys and the disappointments, the painfully tough decisions, the paralyzing no-win situations, the stifling and redundant regulations, none of it.

Is that knowledge and experience absolutely necessary to be President? Nope. But to claim he knows what it's like is either stunningly naive or intellectually dishonest. And he proved it, loud and clear, when he scoffed at business owners.


You are an idiot and a liar. Mittens did not take risks in gutting the companies he leveraged-buyout. He arranged loans that the companies were responsible to pay for and stole the assets including the pension funds from those hard working Americans.

Romney is a manipulator and a theif. You are an idiot.

Obama has absolutely no idea what it takes to conceive, start and run a real business. The huge personal risks, the daily headaches, the passion that keeps you going, the joys and the disappointments, the painfully tough decisions, the paralyzing no-win situations, the stifling and redundant regulations, none of it.

Is that knowledge and experience absolutely necessary to be President? Nope. But to claim he knows what it's like is either stunningly naive or intellectually dishonest. And he proved it, loud and clear, when he scoffed at business owners.


You are an idiot and a liar. Mittens did not take risks in gutting the companies he leveraged-buyout. He arranged loans that the companies were responsible to pay for and stole the assets including the pension funds from those hard working Americans.

Romney is a manipulator and a theif. You are an idiot.

I may definitely be an idiot, but I do notice that you immediately avoided my point and diverted to Romney, like I give a crap about him.

Diversion does not work with me.

Try again.


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