OBama must act now!

As Trump's inauguration day approaches, the vindictive puerile manifestations that marked his campaign are all the more troublesome. Trump; is mentally unbalanced. something is wrong with him. I don't want to him to be given the nuclear access codes.

An appeal to Obama and the NSA:

In the interest of National Security, the president has the authority and wide latitude in protecting this nation against all enemies , foreign and domestic. I beseech you, mr. President to do your duty and order the president -elect, one Donald Trump,...to undergo a thorough psychological evaluation by two independent and competent psychiatrists before turning the nuclear codes over to him. Justification rests in the near treasonous outbursts and tweets made public by Trump.Adding to all of this is his public disdain for the US intelligence community and his megalomaniacal insistence that he knows everything better than the experts who have been foremost in their respective fields for decades.

Act now Mr. President. Stop this mad man before it is too late. Sacrifice yourself in the political arena to save America if you must. For if you fail, your retirement may end with the glow of a nuclear blast reflecting off your face.
You should really seek help. Or get back on your meds. You're nuts!

But I'm not the nut about to be given nuclear codes...TRUMP IS, DAMMIT!
That's good thing, because you've lost your mind. You shouldn't be anywhere near them. Or out in public, for that matter.

So you think Trump should?
Yes, because he will be President. Your opinion of Trump's mental condition in not valid.
In my guts I know you are nuts!
How so? what is it bout Trump's insanity you don't understand?

Trump is crazy like a fox as the saying goes and he sure got you fooled.
Hmmm, Fooled into thinking he is insane?

What qualifies you to be the judge of anyone's sanity?

Nothing. That is why I propose that Trump be vetted by psychoanalysts. His behavior is abnormal enough to warrant some type of concern for the safety of this nation. I just want his mental ability to govern and have access to nukes validated. Every patriot ought to be glad to see that too. If you freally believe he is normal, let the tests prove it. We can all sleep better at night knowing he is just eccentric rather than a pathological menace.
I think they secretly turned off the football on your Obama....:lol:
Wow, just when you thought the left used up all their fantasies along comes another one. I recall an instance where Bubba Bill Clinton left a reception in D.C. and forgot the agent with the nuclear football who was left to walk or hitch hike back to the White House. If nobody was outraged about sleaze bag Bill Clinton bombing freaking Europe when he was literally caught with his pants down they shouldn't be concerned about a self made billionaire who loves his Country.
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As Trump's inauguration day approaches, the vindictive puerile manifestations that marked his campaign are all the more troublesome. Trump; is mentally unbalanced. something is wrong with him. I don't want to him to be given the nuclear access codes.

An appeal to Obama and the NSA:

In the interest of National Security, the president has the authority and wide latitude in protecting this nation against all enemies , foreign and domestic. I beseech you, mr. President to do your duty and order the president -elect, one Donald Trump,...to undergo a thorough psychological evaluation by two independent and competent psychiatrists before turning the nuclear codes over to him. Justification rests in the near treasonous outbursts and tweets made public by Trump.Adding to all of this is his public disdain for the US intelligence community and his megalomaniacal insistence that he knows everything better than the experts who have been foremost in their respective fields for decades.

Act now Mr. President. Stop this mad man before it is too late. Sacrifice yourself in the political arena to save America if you must. For if you fail, your retirement may end with the glow of a nuclear blast reflecting off your face.

I know you don't understand much about our government, but the requirements to be a President of the United States lies within the Constitution. You should try reading it sometime. Maybe then you would understand the powers of the President....... and no, he does not have the power to order anybody to do anything, particularly a political foe.

Aww come off the BS, son. This is JQ you are talking to. You know there is a precedent set here. The Constitution can be suspended by the president when a crises of great import looms.
The best example I can think of is the Japanese internment camps of WW2. those American citizens were ORDereD to surrender their property and their freedom. I am asking for nothing that extreme.All I propose is that Trump, as a potential threat to national security, be required by executive order to submit to psychological testing to validate his mental capacity to govern and to handle nuclear codes properly.
How so? what is it bout Trump's insanity you don't understand?

Trump is crazy like a fox as the saying goes and he sure got you fooled.
Hmmm, Fooled into thinking he is insane?

What qualifies you to be the judge of anyone's sanity?

Nothing. That is why I propose that Trump be vetted by psychoanalysts. His behavior is abnormal enough to warrant some type of concern for the safety of this nation. I just want his mental ability to govern and have access to nukes validated. Every patriot ought to be glad to see that too. If you freally believe he is normal, let the tests prove it. We can all sleep better at night knowing he is just eccentric rather than a pathological menace.
I think they secretly turned off the football on your Obama....:lol:

As Trump's inauguration day approaches, the vindictive puerile manifestations that marked his campaign are all the more troublesome. Trump; is mentally unbalanced. something is wrong with him. I don't want to him to be given the nuclear access codes.

An appeal to Obama and the NSA:

In the interest of National Security, the president has the authority and wide latitude in protecting this nation against all enemies , foreign and domestic. I beseech you, mr. President to do your duty and order the president -elect, one Donald Trump,...to undergo a thorough psychological evaluation by two independent and competent psychiatrists before turning the nuclear codes over to him. Justification rests in the near treasonous outbursts and tweets made public by Trump.Adding to all of this is his public disdain for the US intelligence community and his megalomaniacal insistence that he knows everything better than the experts who have been foremost in their respective fields for decades.

Act now Mr. President. Stop this mad man before it is too late. Sacrifice yourself in the political arena to save America if you must. For if you fail, your retirement may end with the glow of a nuclear blast reflecting off your face.

I know you don't understand much about our government, but the requirements to be a President of the United States lies within the Constitution. You should try reading it sometime. Maybe then you would understand the powers of the President....... and no, he does not have the power to order anybody to do anything, particularly a political foe.

Aww come off the BS, son. This is JQ you are talking to. You know there is a precedent set here. The Constitution can be suspended by the president when a crises of great import looms.
The best example I can think of is the Japanese internment camps of WW2. those were Americancitizens were ORDereD to surrender their property and their freedom. I asking for nothing that extreme.All I propose is that Trump, as a potential threat to national security, be required by executive order to submit to psychological testing to validate his mental capacity to govern and to handle nuclear codes properly.

Wait, wait....I have changed my mind, yes I have! I agree with John Q, Obama needs to act NOW, right NOW, this instant, and resign while taking all of his leftists with him!:dance:
The moving trucks don't mean a thing. It is action that matters. Obama must act NOW!!!!!

He should lead by example, perhaps.
Obama wasn't insane, Trump appears to show deep psychological disorders. Don't you care???

It is evident that you are extremely disturbed, and should seek immediate institutional help, Please go to the nearest mental hospital and commit yourself.

Only when I am proven wrong.
Then go because you are wrong.
I said PROVEN WRONG.... No one has done that here!
As Trump's inauguration day approaches, the vindictive puerile manifestations that marked his campaign are all the more troublesome. Trump; is mentally unbalanced. something is wrong with him. I don't want to him to be given the nuclear access codes.

An appeal to Obama and the NSA:

In the interest of National Security, the president has the authority and wide latitude in protecting this nation against all enemies , foreign and domestic. I beseech you, mr. President to do your duty and order the president -elect, one Donald Trump,...to undergo a thorough psychological evaluation by two independent and competent psychiatrists before turning the nuclear codes over to him. Justification rests in the near treasonous outbursts and tweets made public by Trump.Adding to all of this is his public disdain for the US intelligence community and his megalomaniacal insistence that he knows everything better than the experts who have been foremost in their respective fields for decades.

Act now Mr. President. Stop this mad man before it is too late. Sacrifice yourself in the political arena to save America if you must. For if you fail, your retirement may end with the glow of a nuclear blast reflecting off your face.

I know you don't understand much about our government, but the requirements to be a President of the United States lies within the Constitution. You should try reading it sometime. Maybe then you would understand the powers of the President....... and no, he does not have the power to order anybody to do anything, particularly a political foe.

Aww come off the BS, son. This is JQ you are talking to. You know there is a precedent set here. The Constitution can be suspended by the president when a crises of great import looms.
The best example I can think of is the Japanese internment camps of WW2. those American citizens were ORDereD to surrender their property and their freedom. I am asking for nothing that extreme.All I propose is that Trump, as a potential threat to national security, be required by executive order to submit to psychological testing to validate his mental capacity to govern and to handle nuclear codes properly.

No, the President does not have the right to suspend the US Constitution; nobody does.

And no, Ears cannot use an executive order to make Trump take any kind of exam. That's not what executive orders are for.

You're used to Dumbo acting like a king, but bad news for you, he is not. What you are asking is for DumBama to make the biggest fool out of himself in American history, and I don't think he's willing to do that just for you.
He should lead by example, perhaps.
Obama wasn't insane, Trump appears to show deep psychological disorders. Don't you care???

It is evident that you are extremely disturbed, and should seek immediate institutional help, Please go to the nearest mental hospital and commit yourself.

Only when I am proven wrong.
Then go because you are wrong.
I said PROVEN WRONG.... No one has done that here!
Well , i think that it is PROVEN that all the world is not working with Obama as a President...you don't see it ? and Trump is going to do thing for you American peoples so what is your problem ? finish giving to others countries just like that Trump think about getting some money back for you , for the American peoples all the countries in this world should know that thing will change with Trump and i say it is a good thing enough poor peoples lives with nothing in your country enough is enough.
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I say we all just kick back, relax, and enjoy the first season of reality america.
I will thoroughly enjoy watching all the little snowflakes melt down.

You're witnessing one of them doing it now.
This isn't a meltdown...it is a call for Obama to exercise his authority in the interest of National Security! There is nothing snow flaky there!

What authority is that, snowflake? Cite the law!
Call me by my proper name, say please and I might think about acknowledging your request.

What a drama queen, your butthurt is pretty funny.
I say we all just kick back, relax, and enjoy the first season of reality america.
Naw, you better get off your ass and write to Obama and the NSA. Help me!

That party had better figure out how to be different from the other party before that has a snowball's chance in Key West of transpiring.
In matters of national security the National Security Council headed by the standing president can exact extreme measures in the interest of protecting the nation. The rise of a mad man to the presidency is cause enough to invoke those extreme measures with due deliberation and haste.
I realize you are just jerking people around to blow off steam but that's how dictatorships start. The best thing that could possibly happen to Republicans is an attempt at something like that. That would guarantee 8 years of Trump and even more losses to the Democrat's feeble hold on power.

Yesterday Biden showed a lot of class as the crybaby Democrats tried to stall the inevitable.
I say we all just kick back, relax, and enjoy the first season of reality america.
Naw, you better get off your ass and write to Obama and the NSA. Help me!

That party had better figure out how to be different from the other party before that has a snowball's chance in Key West of transpiring.
In matters of national security the National Security Council headed by the standing president can exact extreme measures in the interest of protecting the nation. The rise of a mad man to the presidency is cause enough to invoke those extreme measures with due deliberation and haste.
I realize you are just jerking people around to blow off steam but that's how dictatorships start. The best thing that could possibly happen to Republicans is an attempt at something like that. That would guarantee 8 years of Trump and even more losses to the Democrat's feeble hold on power.

Oh we're not all that bothered by dictatorship, just depends upon who the dictator will be.

We have to potential dictatorships. Democrat or Republican.
That party had better figure out how to be different from the other party before that has a snowball's chance in Key West of transpiring.
In matters of national security the National Security Council headed by the standing president can exact extreme measures in the interest of protecting the nation. The rise of a mad man to the presidency is cause enough to invoke those extreme measures with due deliberation and haste.

Hillary has already been proven to be EXREMELY CARELESS with national security and you didn't call for a mental evaluation. I smell disingenuous partisan BS hyperbole.
Being careless is one thing but being a megalomaniacal mad man is another. The former can be corrected but madness requires treatment.

She is definitely mad. She never admitted to wrongdoing even after proven extremely careless. She had no intention of following security protocol if elected because she believes she did nothing wrong. She is delusional which is mental.
Then you should have brought that concern to light when you first noticed it. That was YOUR responsibility,

Many of us did, you weren't smart enough to listen. Idiot!
This isn't a meltdown...it is a call for Obama to exercise his authority in the interest of National Security! There is nothing snow flaky there!

What authority is that, snowflake? Cite the law!
Call me by my proper name, say please and I might think about acknowledging your request.

Dryer lint is more important to the universe than you are.
But don'f focus on me...focus on preventing a calamity we might all regret!

But yet you don't regret the last eight year calamity

Of course not, this fool is only 7 years old.
Obama must pack now!

If you value your life and the future of mankind you will carefully reconsider my proposal.
If Trump passes the psychological test, I will accept all the derision that comes my way with a smile. If he doesn't, you will join me in celebrating. what have you got to lose?

What Test?

Look, I think trump is a cockup resulting from the combination of an extremely disgruntled electorate and a horribly shitty candidate in clinton, but I've got to draw the line at this end of the world, he's a Nazi and other assorted hyperbolic quackery being tossed around.

America is huge and has weathered a lot of storms, it will weather this one too.

Maybe he fucks up and maybe he surprises us again and ends up doing good things. My feeling is that, just like all other Presidents, he'll have some victories and some bad moments, but I do NOT fear the end of the world. I do NOT think he is a NazI or any of these other labels being slung at him.

I think he's something people are not used to, he is an unknown quantity and he's a bit nuts in some ways, so some folks are running around with their hair on fire.

I'm not one of them. I'm in wait and see mode. We'll see how things develop, but it's his ship in 2 weeks, like it or not.

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