Obama may be a job creator after all


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Obama may be a job creator after all
Data shows Obama may be a job creator after all
Republicans may soon lose a key talking point. According to data released Thursday, President Obama may now be a net job creator.
In the year following Obama's inauguration, the U.S. economy lost about 4.3 million jobs. But new figures released Thursday show 4.4 million jobs have been added back since then.
If true, those figures mean the economy has recovered 4.4 million jobs since early 2010 -- enough to fully account for the jobs lost in Obama's first term. In fact, Obama would be ahead by exactly 125,000 jobs.

Data shows Obama may be a job creator after all - Yahoo! Finance
Those jobs lost were not due to anything Obama had done but was a result of policies Bush had already put in place before Obama too office. Obama has recovered those jobs lost plus.

Why do Republicans want to run the government when they say it can't work? Doesn't Iraq, Katrina, Afghanistan, the economy and all the other Republican disasters prove it's Republicans who can't run government?
whoa, Yahoo News has become a Obama cheerleader and a liar too, not news..

SHUN them for your news people
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Go to Yahoo and read the comments to political "pieces" before you look at the thumbs up / down numbers.

They do not trend like mainstream polls.

Just like if you ask over 1700 pro-pot, porn, rock-n-roll youth shock jock set...you might not get the answer you thought you would:


Bubba the Love Sponge® Show
From the article

The President is unlikely to brag about that on the campaign trail though

like hell we know IF it was such great news he'd be out there with a bullhorn:lol:

Yahoo news has become A JOKE
At least it's an upward trend rather than downward in the Bush era...

Is Obama A Job Creator? New Analysis Says Yes

The new data leads to government to believe that it under-counted jobs in 2011 by as much as 386,000, the report said. If correct, it would mean that 4.4 million jobs have been created since 2010, enough to account for those lost and make Obama a job creator.

Those figures are in flux, the report noted, and data can change over time. Still, it points a picture of Obama as a job creator that defies Republican stereotypes of the president.

New York Magazine pointed out that it is only by the smallest of margins that Obama is a job creator, but it’s a positive net growth in jobs and that’s all that matters. Obama can now counter Mitt Romney’s claims, made in the last few weeks, that the president “hasn’t created one single net new job since he’s been president.”

Read more at Is Obama A Job Creator? New Analysis Says Yes
see them just ignore facts they dont like.

this current republican party is dishonest to the bone
Obama Dead Last Among Post-World War II Presidents In Job Creation - Investors.com

"Trailing Clinton and Reagan in the rankings are Presidents Johnson, Carter, Nixon, Truman, Kennedy, Eisenhower, Bush 41, and Ford and Bush 43. Dead last and the only president in negative territory is Barack Obama. Even Gerald Ford in his short, post-Watergate term created a net 2.1 million new jobs. Obama is listed at a minus 318,000."

"President Obama says he inherited a mess from President George W. Bush. So did Reagan. But when the ship of state was taking on water, Reagan trimmed the sails, patched the holes and went on to build a bigger boat. President Obama's program was to drill more holes to let the water out."
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