Obama - look what following Republican Policy has done

I count 13 of the top 25 richest in congress are ... wait for it. DEMOCRATS! weird. 7 of the top 10 too! whoa! :eusa_whistle:

The 50 Richest Members of Congress : Roll Call Special Features Guide to Congress

And they're the ones who want to raise taxes on the rich!!! Go, DEMS!!!

That's both the house and the senate.

Out of the top 25 richest members of the house, only 5 are Democrats. Where are all these polices coming from? The house.

Good point. I forgot the Senate hasn't done a damn thing in a few years.
I am about ready to think O is actually working for the other side.

So am I. But I bet the 'side' I think he's working for is not the 'side' you think he's working for.

Face it, y'all elected someone who wants to destroy our nation for the sake of his international desire for 'wealth redistribution'.

Republicans already did "Wealth Redistribution". Just look at their policies. But then, you knew that.

I appreciate that this is a difficult concept for you but some of us don't support the GOP any more than we support the Dems. Both parties have sold the American people out for self interest.

One day, when you learn to think for yourself instead of buying into whatever bullshit you are told, you may understand my point. Until then, it's waaaay over your intellectual paygrade.

I blame you - all of you - Republicans and Democrats - for this clusterfuck. You fucking pay the debt.
Oh, I love the R's. Mad R Love, here.

He says JOBS!! We NEED JOBS!! And the R's agree, of course.

No, wait.

In the weekly Republican address, Representative Michael Grimm of New York said

Friday's jobs report shows Obama's policies are not working. Grimm said the debt limit deal takes a step in the right direction, but is far from perfect. He said the cuts and reforms do not go nearly far enough.

............. do what, now? What? SERIOUSLY!?! What the fuck!! :cuckoo:

Obama, Republicans Battle Over Jobs | News | English

Screw working together. Obama has had his "kumbaya" moment and Republicans have made it crystal clear their only priority is that he fails, no matter what it costs the nation.

Obama needs to go to the 80% of the American public that want jobs to be the priority and get them on his side against Republicans who want to cut everything from education to helping the disabled to medicare and even benefits for veterans. Republicans want corporations to make jobs - in China.

Where are Republicans on this board even saying jobs needs to be a priority?
Net Worth, 2009 | Personal Finance Disclosure | OpenSecrets

You gotta look at this. It's hilarious that someone would single out one member of congress. Take a look at ALL of them:

Out of the top 25 richest members of the house, only 5 are Democrats.

Actually, if you expand the data, a lot of Democrats don't really start showing up until about halfway down. I know we had an election since then, but that data isn't available, but considering how are the Republicans work for the wealthy, I suspect it's worse.

Why does the Republican base work so hard for the super rich? They don't get anything out of it, that's obvious.

I count 13 of the top 25 richest in congress are ... wait for it. DEMOCRATS! weird. 7 of the top 10 too! whoa! :eusa_whistle:

The 50 Richest Members of Congress : Roll Call Special Features Guide to Congress

And they're the ones who want to raise taxes on the rich!!! Go, DEMS!!!

Pry because they won't pay taxes anyway. See tom daschle and charles rangle. Didn't kerry get out of paying taxes on his yacht too?
Oh, I love the R's. Mad R Love, here.

He says JOBS!! We NEED JOBS!! And the R's agree, of course.

No, wait.

In the weekly Republican address, Representative Michael Grimm of New York said

Friday's jobs report shows Obama's policies are not working. Grimm said the debt limit deal takes a step in the right direction, but is far from perfect. He said the cuts and reforms do not go nearly far enough.

............. do what, now? What? SERIOUSLY!?! What the fuck!! :cuckoo:

Obama, Republicans Battle Over Jobs | News | English

The only way to create jobs is to get businesses in the private sector to begin hiring - and guess what? They're going to hire no one when the goddamn progressives are spending like drunk fools while expecting and attacking those who have "too much money" to pay for that spending... Those who provide jobs are those who - in the democrat mind - have too much money...

The wealthy - the job providers - damn well know they will have to pay for excessive democrat spending... So of course they're going to cut back and brace themselves when democrats argue for higher taxes to compensate for their spending.

At this point the democrats may as well be spending American jobs with every dollar they spend.

Furthermore, the fucking snake shit progressives are EXTREMELY biased as to who they spend the taxpayers money on - so how the fuck can the progressives save the economy FDR style if their only intention is to stimulate the union base and sustain their poor welfare block??

The progressives in Washington are only pumping money into maybe 20% of the American public while stealing it from the other 80%....

Of course Obamafuck blames republicans for this mess and his minions gladly refuse to read between the lines and believe every word that comes out of his mouth - which is exactly what every progressive wants.

While you're blaming republicans progressives are running around and further damaging the economy...

It's pretty pathetic....
I am so fucking sick of this shit.

Both parties put their name on this issue.

Sitting here and watching the circular fucking firing squad with the fallout is so fucking lame. Hell, I am a fucking partisan and make no bones about it, and I am pissed off about this thing. I can only imagine what the rest of America is thinking.

What's worse, I have my doubts that the knuckleheads up there will do what needs to be done to try and right the ship.

The only thing worse is that you have dishonest hacks like Bachmann who are actively trying to obstruct the process simply to get political traction. Bachmann has no interest in trying to fix the mess. She just wants to toss stones from the outside to pick up support. I've yet to hear her offer a workable solution outside of "this plan sucks!".

All the experts are saying we need cuts and tax increases to put us on the right track. That's not going to happen due to political expediency. Neither side is willing to take a stance that is unpopular with their base.

This is why we are fucked.
So am I. But I bet the 'side' I think he's working for is not the 'side' you think he's working for.

Face it, y'all elected someone who wants to destroy our nation for the sake of his international desire for 'wealth redistribution'.

Republicans already did "Wealth Redistribution". Just look at their policies. But then, you knew that.

I appreciate that this is a difficult concept for you but some of us don't support the GOP any more than we support the Dems. Both parties have sold the American people out for self interest.

One day, when you learn to think for yourself instead of buying into whatever bullshit you are told, you may understand my point. Until then, it's waaaay over your intellectual paygrade.

I blame you - all of you - Republicans and Democrats - for this clusterfuck. You fucking pay the debt.

Then that's just sad. When you have one party working for education and the other party trying to defund it, and one party working to create jobs and the other party blocking job creation, one party working to help the middle class and the other party only working for the rich, and then you blame both parties? How can everything be wrong? Of course it can't. It's just some smug idiot sitting in the corner doing nothing.
I am so fucking sick of this shit.

Both parties put their name on this issue.

Sitting here and watching the circular fucking firing squad with the fallout is so fucking lame. Hell, I am a fucking partisan and make no bones about it, and I am pissed off about this thing. I can only imagine what the rest of America is thinking.

What's worse, I have my doubts that the knuckleheads up there will do what needs to be done to try and right the ship.

The only thing worse is that you have dishonest hacks like Bachmann who are actively trying to obstruct the process simply to get political traction. Bachmann has no interest in trying to fix the mess. She just wants to toss stones from the outside to pick up support. I've yet to hear her offer a workable solution outside of "this plan sucks!".

All the experts are saying we need cuts and tax increases to put us on the right track. That's not going to happen due to political expediency. Neither side is willing to take a stance that is unpopular with their base.

This is why we are fucked.

If one party refused to compromise, it's the fault of both. Sweet.
why is it progressives are incapable of reading between the lines?

Spell it out for us, please.

How does stealing from the haves, and their children and their grandchildren and spending that money on the democrat voting base, and the democrat pet projects in excess stimulate the economy???

How does paying AGW spewers stimulate the economy?

How does paying mental retards to go to college stimulate the economy?

How does welfare stimulate the economy?

Long gone are the days where it was shameful to accept a handout - these days people are all to willing to accept a freebie from the government and they will continue to take until there is no more.

We can thank democrats for revolutionizing the entitlement philosophy.

You destroyed the moral fabric of society and then you claim your taxpayer handouts to the progressive base (the immoral) are the needy???? - NO they're the greedy, few are actually "needy" and those that are - are actually only temporarily needy.

That's what you refuse to see.
Putting billions in tax breaks into your Stimulus just to get Filibuster Party support was bad.

Caving in to tax breaks for billionaires just to save unemployment for millions of struggling Americans was even worse.

Then you went and agreed to a Republican deal on the debt ceiling just to save the world economy, Medicare, Pell Grants for students and help for disabled Americans.

And see what you got? Republicans blaming you for following their policies of tax breaks for the wealthy and tax cuts on programs that help the majority of Americans.

You knew this was going to happen when Republicans said "Let the car companies fail" and "we want the president to fail" and "our only goal is to bring down this president". They have followed their promises perfectly.

They even tried to take credit for getting Bin Laden.

You need to get out of Washington and present your case to the American people. Do what 80% of Americans want. Do that and the rest will come. There is a nation to "rebuild". We have spent the last 12 years tearing down what Democrats have built up. Following Republican policies is the road to ruin. No one on this board can even name a single Republican Policy that has done anything in the last 12 years that's actually helped America (except for the rich). Remember, it took a Democratic president to get a single terrorist. They couldn't even do that one thing.
I find it very ironic that your president is so bad in your mind yet your simply unable to admit it to yourself. Instead you "TRY" to deflect O's lack of leadership onto everyone else. The very thing he does for all his failed policies. You are correct in your analysis that he is a terrible president its just a shame that you can't admit it to yourself.
I am so fucking sick of this shit.

Both parties put their name on this issue.

Sitting here and watching the circular fucking firing squad with the fallout is so fucking lame. Hell, I am a fucking partisan and make no bones about it, and I am pissed off about this thing. I can only imagine what the rest of America is thinking.

What's worse, I have my doubts that the knuckleheads up there will do what needs to be done to try and right the ship.

The only thing worse is that you have dishonest hacks like Bachmann who are actively trying to obstruct the process simply to get political traction. Bachmann has no interest in trying to fix the mess. She just wants to toss stones from the outside to pick up support. I've yet to hear her offer a workable solution outside of "this plan sucks!".

All the experts are saying we need cuts and tax increases to put us on the right track. That's not going to happen due to political expediency. Neither side is willing to take a stance that is unpopular with their base.

This is why we are fucked.

If one party refused to compromise, it's the fault of both. Sweet.

Obama is still the President. He signed it knowing that the DEMS had folded like a cheap Sears tent. I think he was trying to act in the best interest of the country. I wish he would have just grabbed his balls.

Either way, he put his name on this thing. Blaming it all on the GOP now? "That dog don't hunt."
I am so fucking sick of this shit.

Both parties put their name on this issue.

Sitting here and watching the circular fucking firing squad with the fallout is so fucking lame. Hell, I am a fucking partisan and make no bones about it, and I am pissed off about this thing. I can only imagine what the rest of America is thinking.

What's worse, I have my doubts that the knuckleheads up there will do what needs to be done to try and right the ship.

The only thing worse is that you have dishonest hacks like Bachmann who are actively trying to obstruct the process simply to get political traction. Bachmann has no interest in trying to fix the mess. She just wants to toss stones from the outside to pick up support. I've yet to hear her offer a workable solution outside of "this plan sucks!".

All the experts are saying we need cuts and tax increases to put us on the right track. That's not going to happen due to political expediency. Neither side is willing to take a stance that is unpopular with their base.

This is why we are fucked.

"All the experts"

Thats the problem with progressives - they only listen to their own ilk and look where that has gotten this nation as a whole?

This whole economy was created because your little president cant stand capitalism and is hell bent on destroying the model.

You'd know this if you knew anything about the fucking communist.....
Obama killed our AAA Credit rating like it was a US border guard taking on Mexican bandits armed with Holders "Fast and Furious" hardware
Obama killed our AAA Credit rating like it was a US border guard taking on Mexican bandits armed with Holders "Fast and Furious" hardware

That's generally what happens when a nation takes out credit to spend excessively on the lazy who feel entitled AKA the democrat voting base.

It be cheaper for the taxpayers if the democrats gave these lazy fucks nothing and just handed out 100 dollar bills to anyone that would vote for them.
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after the downgrade can you really trust what the Left says about finances and the economy
For example PapaObama Care was going to instantly create 400,000 jobs

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pNiLYEiFUMU]‪Obamacare will create 400,000 jobs ALMOST IMMEDIATELY, says Choppy Hands McBotox‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
I am so fucking sick of this shit.

Both parties put their name on this issue.

Sitting here and watching the circular fucking firing squad with the fallout is so fucking lame. Hell, I am a fucking partisan and make no bones about it, and I am pissed off about this thing. I can only imagine what the rest of America is thinking.

What's worse, I have my doubts that the knuckleheads up there will do what needs to be done to try and right the ship.

The only thing worse is that you have dishonest hacks like Bachmann who are actively trying to obstruct the process simply to get political traction. Bachmann has no interest in trying to fix the mess. She just wants to toss stones from the outside to pick up support. I've yet to hear her offer a workable solution outside of "this plan sucks!".

All the experts are saying we need cuts and tax increases to put us on the right track. That's not going to happen due to political expediency. Neither side is willing to take a stance that is unpopular with their base.

This is why we are fucked.

"All the experts"

Thats the problem with progressives - they only listen to their own ilk and look where that has gotten this nation as a whole?

This whole economy was created because your little president cant stand capitalism and is hell bent on destroying the model.

You'd know this if you knew anything about the fucking communist.....

LMAO. On the one hand, you attempt to lecture me on objectivity. On the other, you spew out a bunch of bullshit vitriol that makes you look like a total moron.

Obama has a secret agenda to "destroy" capitalism? Just when I thought the stupidity meter was pegged on here, someone always shows us and raises the bar.
I am so fucking sick of this shit.

Both parties put their name on this issue.

Sitting here and watching the circular fucking firing squad with the fallout is so fucking lame. Hell, I am a fucking partisan and make no bones about it, and I am pissed off about this thing. I can only imagine what the rest of America is thinking.

What's worse, I have my doubts that the knuckleheads up there will do what needs to be done to try and right the ship.

The only thing worse is that you have dishonest hacks like Bachmann who are actively trying to obstruct the process simply to get political traction. Bachmann has no interest in trying to fix the mess. She just wants to toss stones from the outside to pick up support. I've yet to hear her offer a workable solution outside of "this plan sucks!".

All the experts are saying we need cuts and tax increases to put us on the right track. That's not going to happen due to political expediency. Neither side is willing to take a stance that is unpopular with their base.

This is why we are fucked.

"All the experts"

Thats the problem with progressives - they only listen to their own ilk and look where that has gotten this nation as a whole?

This whole economy was created because your little president cant stand capitalism and is hell bent on destroying the model.

You'd know this if you knew anything about the fucking communist.....

LMAO. On the one hand, you attempt to lecture me on objectivity. On the other, you spew out a bunch of bullshit vitriol that makes you look like a total moron.

Obama has a secret agenda to "destroy" capitalism? Just when I thought the stupidity meter was pegged on here, someone always shows us and raises the bar.

You know anything about socialism/communism?

Did you read Obama Sr essay "Problems With Our Socialism?" did you read Obamas book "Dreams from my father?"

So Obama writes a fucking book bashing the capitalist model and colonialism while praising his authoritarian communist father??

Of course you can take a look at the "communist goals" in the United states...


The communist goals mimic the progressive movement..

So yes, this economy was absolutely manufactured.
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You need to get out of Washington and present your case to the American people. Do what 80% of Americans want. Do that and the rest will come. There is a nation to "rebuild". We have spent the last 12 years tearing down what Democrats have built up. Following Republican policies is the road to ruin. No one on this board can even name a single Republican Policy that has done anything in the last 12 years that's actually helped America (except for the rich). Remember, it took a Democratic president to get a single terrorist. They couldn't even do that one thing.

Ah, yes, the cry of the idealogue. When your guy FAILS, it is because he followed the other guy's plan too closely.

It's silly when conservatives claim Bush-43 was a liberal, and it's silly when liberals claim Obama is conservative.

Obama did the big-government Keynesian spend money we don't have thing, and it failed for much the same reason it failed when FDR tried it. Money spent by the government is usually wasted because it's unfocused, unlike the private sector, where it is spent with specific purpose.

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