Obama Joker Poster goes to far?...

anticipate obama to try and prevent further elections
Now where have I heard something simular to this before?

When I was spying in on the DailyKOS and the DU there were several left wing lunatics saying Bush would do the same thing....it didn't happen.
That being said...I think if any President tried to pull this off there would be an armed insurrection in this country that would eclipse the Civil War.....and as usual most of the weak (i.e. liberals, anti gun nuts) would be culled from humanity along with most, if not all, of the lawyers.
As soon as I saw the photo I knew it was a hoax. And not just because the 'B' was backward, either.

I fell for it.
I thought that she was attacked.
People (Hopefully, there are few.) resort to violent acts against opponents.

Then when she confessed, I still realized –
Some people (Hopefully, there are few.) will do strange stunts to support their cause.

What more can I say?

I'm not saying anything about that. Only that to me, it was obvious from the photo it was a hoax. Probably too why the police didn't believe her from the start.

Wait a second, Em, are you telling me that Obama isn't really the Joker? That this poster is just a fake and not what Obama really really looks like without the make up?

My faith in humanity is rocked

If anyone knows where this is for sale as a Bumper Sticker I'd appreciate the heads up...

I want a case of 'em.

just have em printed, stick em everywhere

My friend printed some up just to place in numerous strategic places in his own home so that his poor wife will be subjected to them when she gets home from work!

I STILL think the BEST line about it was that commentator on the AP Radio Netork who didn't think very much of the comparison between the Joker and President Obama, noting that

One hated the wealthy and burned huge piles of money

and the other fought Batman.
I've been thinking (imagine that, I know) ... wasn't it according to Lenin that the path to socialism would have a period of chaos after capitalism was destroyed? And that during that period a dictator would be necessary to restore order? Or something like that anyway.

I've been there earlier on this Thread... Tearing it down to build it back up in his Image...


anticipate obama to try and prevent further elections
Now where have I heard something simular to this before?

When I was spying in on the DailyKOS and the DU there were several left wing lunatics saying Bush would do the same thing....it didn't happen.
That being said...I think if any President tried to pull this off there would be an armed insurrection in this country that would eclipse the Civil War.....and as usual most of the weak (i.e. liberals, anti gun nuts) would be culled from humanity along with most, if not all, of the lawyers.

they said it because they would do it if given the chance, they have the chance. socialists always resort to silencing their opposition and barry thinks he is god.
I think that the right is trying to make more out of this than is warranted. They put it out, get a reaction from a few bothered liberals, and try to make their mole-hill of discontent appear to be a mountain. They throw out this straw-man-like notion that liberals in general are outraged over it, when in reality only a few are bothered by it. Sorry. Perhaps a few overly sensitive libs complain but the general sense of outrage just isn't there.

If anyone knows where this is for sale as a Bumper Sticker I'd appreciate the heads up...

I want a case of 'em.

just have em printed, stick em everywhere

My friend printed some up just to place in numerous strategic places in his own home so that his poor wife will be subjected to them when she gets home from work!

Are you being sarcastic? If not then your friend is being silly and petty. Oh, I am so sure that his wife will be so traumatized and outraged when she seems these pictures. :eusa_whistle:

You know, they seem to grow on me after I’ve looked at them for a while. Perhaps I’ll get one as a novelty item.

It is spot on with regard to his character; as well as the left on the whole. Socialism, like the Joker, is an evil which sets the character of the opposition against their own principles.

If the opposition tolerates it, it grows exponentially in power until it consumes its host... and the only means by which the opposition can destroy it, is to set aside it's own principles and essentially become "IT"...

Of course as the Movie indicates, people of high character must inevitably come to recognize that there is no upside to tolerating it; as such is tantamount to suicide... thus the inherent viability of the principles is moot... as such, the only alternative is to set aside those principles for the period necessary to destroy the virulent threat; and re-establish such in the wake of the catastrophe.

As we've done many times in the US since our inception.

Nothing new, except our enemy is ourselves... and the question now becomes what will we be when we destroy the enemy?

Hopefully the answer will be that we will be MUCH more aware of the importance of not losing site of the RESPONSIBILITY inherent in the FREEDOM OF SPEECH and will not tolerate speech, such as that which advocates for Leftism... any more than we tolerate speech which overtly advocates through deception for ANY REASON.

Freedom to speak freely was never intended to allow open subversion of American principles or the American culture; but such became fashionable in the late 19th Century, when the progressives trained in European universities, returned to inform us that American Principles were old fashion and un-scientific... that such was archaic and no longer served the needs of 'the massses...'

I expect that in the aftermath of the unimaginable cruelty which the Left will foist upon us in the looming civil war, will return the survivors to a much more disciplined culture which is vastly less tolerant; once they fully understand the price which comes with tolerating that which serves no other purpose than one's own destruction; where 'destruction' is a tangible concept which is realized through the repulsion of every human sense... which brings chronic nausia, to every surviving citizen.
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If anyone knows where this is for sale as a Bumper Sticker I'd appreciate the heads up...

I want a case of 'em.

just have em printed, stick em everywhere

My friend printed some up just to place in numerous strategic places in his own home so that his poor wife will be subjected to them when she gets home from work!

I STILL think the BEST line about it was that commentator on the AP Radio Netork who didn't think very much of the comparison between the Joker and President Obama, noting that

One hated the wealthy and burned huge piles of money

and the other fought Batman.


^Vanity Fair...

How you like them Apples, GoToHell?...

You want to Illustrate to me how you Criticized that when it Happened?...



A Reminder... And of course the Predictable Dishonest Liberal Dismissals...



Speaking of dishonest; despite your best efforts to make it seem otherwise, I addressed this:


I can't criticize something if I didn't know about it. Even then, my criticism is still that it makes no sense. Bush to Hitler doesn't bother me anymore than Obama to Mao does. Both are absurd, but satire is supposed to be absurd. It's absurd to suggest feeding the Irish babies during the potato famine, but it is one of the best (and most scathing) pieces of satire in English literature. That's the point. Satire has to be absurd, but it also has to make some sort of proximate sense. I still don't "get" this. Other than being creepy, it doesn't really make a political point. Then you slapped a 666 on the forehead and further muddied the message.

At any rate, I guess you guys read Vanity Fair. I do not.
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It is spot on with regard to his character; as well as the left on the whole. Socialism, like the Joker, is an evil which sets the character of the opposition against their own principles.

If the opposition tolerates it, it grows exponentially in power until it consumes its host... and the only means by which the opposition can destroy it, is to set aside it's own principles and essentially become "IT"...

Of course as the Movie indicates, people of high character must inevitably come to recognize that there is no upside to tolerating it; as such is tantamount to suicide... thus the inherent viability of the principles is moot... as such, the only alternative is to set aside those principles for the period necessary to destroy the virulent threat; and re-establish such in the wake of the catastrophe.

As we've done many times in the US since our inception.

Nothing new, except our enemy is ourselves... and the question now becomes what will we be when we destroy the enemy?

Hopefully the answer will be that we will be MUCH more aware of the importance of not losing site of the RESPONSIBILITY inherent in the FREEDOM OF SPEECH and will not tolerate speech, such as that which advocates for Leftism... any more than we tolerate speech which overtly advocates through deception for ANY REASON.

Freedom to speak freely was never intended to allow open subversion of American principles or the American culture; but such became fashionable in the late 19th Century, when the progressives trained in European universities, returned to inform us that American Principles were old fashion and un-scientific... that such was archaic and no longer served the needs of 'the massses...'

I expect that in the aftermath of the unimaginable cruelty which the Left will foist upon us in the looming civil war, will return the survivors to a much more disciplined culture which is vastly less tolerant; once they fully understand the price which comes with tolerating that which serves no other purpose than one's own destruction; where 'destruction' is a tangible concept which is realized through the repulsion of every human sense... which brings chronic nausia, to every surviving citizen.

It is a silly poster that, in my opinion, does not refect Obama. Is anyone saying that people should be prohibited from making such silly posters? I doubt it. Though it is not perfect, I think that this picture is much more reflective of Obama.

with emma? No way

You should have bothered to read the rest of the thread before piping off.

I did read it. I do not care either way. the more things "change" the more they stay the same. Frankly I am sick of the manipulation that everyone plays. To find a clique is important to some I suppose.

To agree or disagree is fine, but why (in a manipulative fashion) does one not just speak of the OP, and leave it alone? Why ask about the stupid link over and over, when it was as easy as pie to find where the pic came from? Just a tactic IMO

But opinions are like assholes, everyone has one :eusa_angel:

I rarely make a thread, because even when I post a legitimate story, albeit, with my opinion within the thread, I am attacked personally rather than the OP being discussed. People who ride the fence, are the people who fall off the fence.

Emma could take a side, rather than pretending like she cares about a link

Toss all previous paradigms and look at this thread in isolation:

Emma is trying to get Mal, the OP, to answer a simple question. He will not.

His only response was "Can I expect an honest conversation out of you Emma?"

Why do you think that is, and who is being dishonest?

It is spot on with regard to his character; as well as the left on the whole. Socialism, like the Joker, is an evil which sets the character of the opposition against their own principles.

If the opposition tolerates it, it grows exponentially in power until it consumes its host... and the only means by which the opposition can destroy it, is to set aside it's own principles and essentially become "IT"...

Of course as the Movie indicates, people of high character must inevitably come to recognize that there is no upside to tolerating it; as such is tantamount to suicide... thus the inherent viability of the principles is moot... as such, the only alternative is to set aside those principles for the period necessary to destroy the virulent threat; and re-establish such in the wake of the catastrophe.

As we've done many times in the US since our inception.

Nothing new, except our enemy is ourselves... and the question now becomes what will we be when we destroy the enemy?

Hopefully the answer will be that we will be MUCH more aware of the importance of not losing site of the RESPONSIBILITY inherent in the FREEDOM OF SPEECH and will not tolerate speech, such as that which advocates for Leftism... any more than we tolerate speech which overtly advocates through deception for ANY REASON.

Freedom to speak freely was never intended to allow open subversion of American principles or the American culture; but such became fashionable in the late 19th Century, when the progressives trained in European universities, returned to inform us that American Principles were old fashion and un-scientific... that such was archaic and no longer served the needs of 'the massses...'

I expect that in the aftermath of the unimaginable cruelty which the Left will foist upon us in the looming civil war, will return the survivors to a much more disciplined culture which is vastly less tolerant; once they fully understand the price which comes with tolerating that which serves no other purpose than one's own destruction; where 'destruction' is a tangible concept which is realized through the repulsion of every human sense... which brings chronic nausia, to every surviving citizen.

It is a silly poster that, in my opinion, does not refect Obama. Is anyone saying that people should be prohibited from making such silly posters? I doubt it. Though it is not perfect, I think that this picture is much more reflective of Obama.


Much better but in truth many Presidents could be in this one.
I didn't hear about that one, was it recent?

Wow. Really?

ashley todd - Google Search

For a few days, the right-wing media was all in a lather over this vicious attack on this poor, poor girl. Sarah Palin even called her to wish her well.

Here she is with her makeup smeared to look like a black eye, and the carefully self-etched backward B on her cheek.

What is it with Liberals making fun of the Mentally Ill?...



She's mentally ill?

What's the official diagnosis?

Persons who are mentally ill sometimes inflict harm upon themselves, but it's generally not to advance a political cause.

It is spot on with regard to his character; as well as the left on the whole. Socialism, like the Joker, is an evil which sets the character of the opposition against their own principles.

If the opposition tolerates it, it grows exponentially in power until it consumes its host... and the only means by which the opposition can destroy it, is to set aside it's own principles and essentially become "IT"...

Of course as the Movie indicates, people of high character must inevitably come to recognize that there is no upside to tolerating it; as such is tantamount to suicide... thus the inherent viability of the principles is moot... as such, the only alternative is to set aside those principles for the period necessary to destroy the virulent threat; and re-establish such in the wake of the catastrophe.

As we've done many times in the US since our inception.

Nothing new, except our enemy is ourselves... and the question now becomes what will we be when we destroy the enemy?

Hopefully the answer will be that we will be MUCH more aware of the importance of not losing site of the RESPONSIBILITY inherent in the FREEDOM OF SPEECH and will not tolerate speech, such as that which advocates for Leftism... any more than we tolerate speech which overtly advocates through deception for ANY REASON.

Freedom to speak freely was never intended to allow open subversion of American principles or the American culture; but such became fashionable in the late 19th Century, when the progressives trained in European universities, returned to inform us that American Principles were old fashion and un-scientific... that such was archaic and no longer served the needs of 'the massses...'

I expect that in the aftermath of the unimaginable cruelty which the Left will foist upon us in the looming civil war, will return the survivors to a much more disciplined culture which is vastly less tolerant; once they fully understand the price which comes with tolerating that which serves no other purpose than one's own destruction; where 'destruction' is a tangible concept which is realized through the repulsion of every human sense... which brings chronic nausia, to every surviving citizen.

It is a silly poster that, in my opinion, does not refect Obama. Is anyone saying that people should be prohibited from making such silly posters? I doubt it. Though it is not perfect, I think that this picture is much more reflective of Obama.


I see the exact same thing in BOTH...

Deception, idiocy and merciless tyranny...

FDR was a DISASTER... He turned a small market correction into a global depression and set the US on the course to the looming catastrophe.
I didn't hear about that one, was it recent?

Wow. Really?

ashley todd - Google Search

For a few days, the right-wing media was all in a lather over this vicious attack on this poor, poor girl. Sarah Palin even called her to wish her well.

Here she is with her makeup smeared to look like a black eye, and the carefully self-etched backward B on her cheek.

Gee, all the "rightwingers" on this board were so worked up over it we never heard of it. Imagine THAT.

I guess the flaw to your argument is that there is a rightwing media to get all in a lather.

Having not been here at that time, I can't dispute that. However, I can say if that was the reaction (or lack there of) here, it was an anomoly. It was even picked up and ran with by the conservative talking heads for a brief period.

Though, it was pretty obvious from looking at the picture that her story was a fabrication: The backwards "B" (as if done by someone looking in the mirror and not someone straddling a victim), the neat and superficial cuts on the "B", the unilateral black eye without any broken capillaries on the sclera.

I imagine it took the ED physician about ten minutes to figure out that her story was bogus and call the cops.

Which is what happened.
I've been thinking (imagine that, I know) ... wasn't it according to Lenin that the path to socialism would have a period of chaos after capitalism was destroyed? And that during that period a dictator would be necessary to restore order? Or something like that anyway.

Other then burning the pile of money, I still don't see how that meshes with the Joker character from the Dark night.

He wanted permanent chaos without order. He believed that was the natural state of man.

I know my arguement is esoteric, and probably splitting hairs.

I don't object to mocking the President. I just object to bad political satire.

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