Obama Isn't Working: Chicago...


Senior Member
Jul 30, 2009
I have to say this a great Campaign Ad from Mitt Romney. I said from day one that a guy who helped destroy Chicago and had numerous shady dealings with very shady characters,would not be a good leader for this Country. Chicago is now a miserable Third World mess. I warned people that our entire Country would resemble Chicago in a few short years if this guy became President. And this is now happening. Chicago is anything but an "Organized" Community...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DjOfuPo_vzU]‪Obama Isn't Working: Chicago‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
Romney stayed away from focusing on all the brutal crime going on in Chicago though. Maybe he'll focus on that in future ads. Chicago is a real nightmare and unfortunately our entire Nation is beginning to resemble it. I'm not surprised though. I predicted this from the very beginning. This President's record in Chicago was and is dismal. The MSM gave him a pass though. And now look at all the suffering. It is very sad.
This is what happens when a corrupt MSM and stupid slogans decide who our President will be. Even Mexico is laughing at us now. They Have a 4.5% Unemployment Rate compared to our nightmarish 9.4% Rate. They also don't have the massive Debt we have either. Dark days for our Country for sure. :(
Maybe Romney can base his campaign on the amazing results he achieved as Governor in Springfield, MA!

Or perhaps he'll speak to his stunning success in his home state metropolis of Detroit.

Have I mentioned that Chicago is one of the greatest cities on Earth? Relatively safe, full of amazing culture and architecture, set on a beautiful lake with great public beaches...
Maybe Romney can base his campaign on the amazing results he achieved as Governor in Springfield, MA!

Or perhaps he'll speak to his stunning success in his home state metropolis of Detroit.

Have I mentioned that Chicago is one of the greatest cities on Earth? Relatively safe, full of amazing culture and architecture, set on a beautiful lake with great public beaches...

Chicago "was" one of the greatest cities on earth. But that was then and this is now. The Democrats have brought that once great city to its knees. They've done the same to the entire Country. I mean when Mexico starts laughing at you,it's all over. Barack Obama never did a damn thing for Chicago. And that's the truth. He shouldn't have become our President.
Maybe Romney can base his campaign on the amazing results he achieved as Governor in Springfield, MA!

Or perhaps he'll speak to his stunning success in his home state metropolis of Detroit.

Have I mentioned that Chicago is one of the greatest cities on Earth? Relatively safe, full of amazing culture and architecture, set on a beautiful lake with great public beaches...

Chicago "was" one of the greatest cities on earth. But that was then and this is now. The Democrats have brought that once great city to its knees.

Huh? Have you been to Chicago in the past decade? The crime rate is lower than it was 30 years ago, the downtown is perhaps the most vibrant downtown outside of NYC an Boston, the lake is clean, the beaches are open, the art and architecture are amazing...

You're letting your incessant hatred of our president cloud your view...Or you're listening to too much rightwing radio.
Maybe Romney can base his campaign on the amazing results he achieved as Governor in Springfield, MA!

Or perhaps he'll speak to his stunning success in his home state metropolis of Detroit.

Have I mentioned that Chicago is one of the greatest cities on Earth? Relatively safe, full of amazing culture and architecture, set on a beautiful lake with great public beaches...

Chicago "was" one of the greatest cities on earth. But that was then and this is now. The Democrats have brought that once great city to its knees.

Huh? Have you been to Chicago in the past decade? The crime rate is lower than it was 30 years ago, the downtown is perhaps the most vibrant downtown outside of NYC an Boston, the lake is clean, the beaches are open, the art and architecture are amazing...

You're letting your incessant hatred of our president cloud your view...Or you're listening to too much rightwing radio.

You sure it's not your views that are clouded? Chicago is and has been an awful mess for a long time. You want to ignore reality,that's fine with me. I'm pretty sure you're a Democrat so i'm not surprised by your defensive reaction. After all,it is your Democrats who have destroyed Chicago. Barack Obama never did a damn thing for Chicago. And i stand by that statement. All he did was help create an even bigger mess there. How he became President,i'll never know. He certainly didn't have a record to stand by. I suspect it was all just corrupt MSM-Hype and stupid slogans. This guy shouldn't be President. Hey,just my own observations anyway.
Chicago "was" one of the greatest cities on earth. But that was then and this is now. The Democrats have brought that once great city to its knees.

Huh? Have you been to Chicago in the past decade? The crime rate is lower than it was 30 years ago, the downtown is perhaps the most vibrant downtown outside of NYC an Boston, the lake is clean, the beaches are open, the art and architecture are amazing...

You're letting your incessant hatred of our president cloud your view...Or you're listening to too much rightwing radio.

You sure it's not your views that are clouded? Chicago is and has been an awful mess for a long time.

can you give us some specific examples of how Chicago "is an awful mess"?
Huh? Have you been to Chicago in the past decade? The crime rate is lower than it was 30 years ago, the downtown is perhaps the most vibrant downtown outside of NYC an Boston, the lake is clean, the beaches are open, the art and architecture are amazing...

You're letting your incessant hatred of our president cloud your view...Or you're listening to too much rightwing radio.

You sure it's not your views that are clouded? Chicago is and has been an awful mess for a long time.

can you give us some specific examples of how Chicago "is an awful mess"?

Well check out Romney's video for starters. But it only shows one aspect of the Third World misery in Chicago. Violence is also out of control there. I do sense your defensive posture but i suspect that's because even you know your own Democrats have messed Chicago up very badly. I think it's your views that are very clouded. Time to take off your rose-colored glasses.
You sure it's not your views that are clouded? Chicago is and has been an awful mess for a long time.

can you give us some specific examples of how Chicago "is an awful mess"?

Well check out Romney's video for starters.

Romney's video pointed to a 48% increase in unemployment (which is a smaller increase than the national average) and a decline in home prices (which has happened nationwide.)

Why would either of those single out Chicago as an "awful mess"?
Violence is also out of control there.

Homicides have declined by about 15% since 2008.

Their violent crime rate is lower than Kansas City, Indianapolos, Cincinatti, Buffalo, Memphis...

Time to take off your I-hate-Obama-colored glasses.
Chicago a "miserable third world mess"! How fucking stupid is that comment?

Chicago is one of the greatest cities on earth.

I take it you haven't been to Chictown lately! Industry in Chictown is at all time lows. Factory after factory is shut down. Crime is at all time HIGHS. Schools are some of the worst in the country. Parts of Chicago resemble the slums of Latin America. Commerical buildings in Chicago are at all time lows in occupancy. The retail store fronts are hurting bigtime. It has even hit Michigan Ave and Oak Street. Foreclosures are at all time highs, since homes/condos in Chicago are selling for 1/2 what the owner's current mortgage is worth and the banks aren't approving those shortsales. There has been a wave of gang activity at the Chicago Beaches. The Chicago Beaches are a HUGE source of bring the burbanites to the city to spend cash! No so much!

Chicago is in decline and it's not Obama who did it. Rather it's the liberal antibusiness, pro-union policies of the Dimocrats that have!
I read somewhere they were thinking of calling out the national guard in Chicago because of the crime rate, is that true?
Chicago a "miserable third world mess"! How fucking stupid is that comment?

Chicago is one of the greatest cities on earth.

I take it you haven't been to Chictown lately!

Well, other than last week...and for a week earlier this spring. And a few days last fall...

Crime is at all time HIGHS.

No, the homocide rate is down 15% and the property crimes rate is below the national urban average.

Commerical buildings in Chicago are at all time lows in occupancy.

Can you show me that data?

The retail store fronts are hurting bigtime. It has even hit Michigan Ave and Oak Street.
What's the vacancy rate on Michigan Ave? Let me help you out: it's 3.7%. Two years ago it was 7.2%. In other words, Michigan Ave's vacancy rate has been virtually cut in half in the past two years.
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Romney's video pointed to a 48% increase in unemployment (which is a smaller increase than the national average) .
You have proof of that!

and a decline in home prices (which has happened nationwide.)
Not true, it's not happening in Texas, with there smart lending REGULATIONS! Their smart policies kept values realistic and made lending to only people who could afford it!

Why would either of those single out Chicago as an "awful mess"?
Violence is also out of control there.

Homicides have declined by about 15% since 2008.

Their violent crime rate is lower than Kansas City, Indianapolos, Cincinatti, Buffalo, Memphis...
All place run by libtards! Chicago's murder rate is still extremely high!
I think the Hopey Changey followers are definitely wearing their rose-colored glasses when it comes to Chicago. The reality is that Chicago is an awful Third World nightmare at this point. And it has been for a long time. But hey,they keep voting for Democrats so i guess they get what they deserve. But it all gets back to Obama never having a record to run on. He did absolutely nothing positive for Chicago. And he had a lot of shady relationships too. So him being a failure as a President really shouldn't be surprising to anyone. He was all MSM-Hype and stupid slogans. And now we're all paying for that.
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Romney's video pointed to a 48% increase in unemployment (which is a smaller increase than the national average) .
You have proof of that!
Well, I was a bit off. The national average has increased 40% since that night. So I guess Chicago's a hellhole.

and a decline in home prices (which has happened nationwide.)
Not true, it's not happening in Texas, with there smart lending REGULATIONS! Their smart policies kept values realistic and made lending to only people who could afford it![/quote]

Wait, you're telling me that other states need more and smarter regulations? Lol.

But like my state, Texas home values have declined a small amount since the peak.

Why would either of those single out Chicago as an "awful mess"?
Violence is also out of control there.

Homicides have declined by about 15% since 2008.

Their violent crime rate is lower than Kansas City, Indianapolos, Cincinatti, Buffalo, Memphis...
All place run by libtards! Chicago's murder rate is still extremely high![/QUOTE]

Oh, I see. So you were lying when you said that "violence is out of control". OK then.

How's that vacancy rate lookin for ya?
Man it must be nice living in Hopey Changey Land. Such delusions & fantasies. Chicago is a horrifying mess at this point. It's no "Organized Community."

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