Obama isn't the only one golfing.

I wonder why the right hasn't called out Boehner?

The Ed Show - msnbc.com

Click on " Why Boehner shouldn't be Speaker of the House". :lol:

Probably because he is a republican ;).

Oh and he isn't the president...that too....remember bush was treated the same about his love for golf. You didn't mind bush golfing either right?

Below is for everyone,not just luissa:

If you didn't have a problem with Bush golfing you shouldn't be giving obama a problem for golfing either and vise-versa.

If you approve of one and not the other you are being a hypocrite.
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A black man hitting a white ball with a club. What kind of message does that send Mr. President? :lol:
The Dems' push seems to be twofold:
1) Bush is responsible for all the mess, despite the fact that Obama has been in office nearly 2 years and the Dems in Congress for 4.

2) Everyone does it. Obama is no worse than anyone else.

Given what he ran on, this is truly cynical and desperate. They have nothing. They are headed to major defeat in Nov, JakeStarkey notwithstanding.

1) This mess began on W's watch, it did not reset the moment he left office and is not something that can be resovled by flipping a switch. Only a complete dishonest hack would refuse to acknowledge that FACT and try to blame only obama for a mess that began under his predecessor.

2) Everyone in politics does do it but that is not a valid defense. However, to point out when hypocritical rightwingers did it but now play dumb as they try to attack obama for doing exactly what they did exposes rightwingers as nothing but dishonest hypocritical hacks who have zero integrity and believe that the end justifies the means. If it was ok or just politics when you did it then how can it be wrong now??

I would hardly call nearly 2 years in office "flipping a switch." By this point things should be turning around. They clearly are not. They are in fact getting worse.

Obama ran on the idea of "hope n change" (remember that?) and the promise that he would not do things the same old ways. So it is the height of hypocrisy to defend him by saying he is just doing things the same old ways they've always been done. Had he run on maintaining the status quo it wouldn't be much of an issue.

But I think I speak for most conservatives here when I say that I wouldn't care if Obama never swung a golf club. He is incompetent and unfit for the job. And if he changed tack and instituted policies that might actually work I wouldn't care if he played golf every day.

and yet according to most economists that I have heard not associated with a right wing thinktank or foxnews it has turned around but is improving slowly. Furthermore, NEARLY 2 years is hardly enough time to recover completely from all of the damage that BEGAN on W's watch. It's funny how the right refuses to acknowledge that FACT and assign blame accordingly as they try to dishonestly lay it all on obama.

Yeah I remember that and when he got to washington he was confronted by a hostile right that refused to compromise and even when they got some of what they wanted they refused to call that compromise becuase apparently they see compromise as them getting everything they ask for and the left giving up evernything that they want. Furthermore, I have not defended him in the manner that you are so desperately clinging to but isn't it also hypocritical for the right to try and damn obama for doing what they once did willingly and will more than likely do again if they regain power??

If you wouldn't care then why post in this thread?? As for your unsubstantiated biased opinion based complaint that he is incompetent and unfit who does the right have that is better?? When you try to prop up someone like palin you tend to lose any and all credibility when you claim not to support a candidate based on a lack of experience. LOL
You made the claim, dumbass... YOU prove it...

No, you made the claim, dumbass: you said "Barry doesn't pay for his golf".

Back that shit up, liar.

Whenever Barry makes a trip on AF1 of M1, we the taxpayer pay for it... I does not come out of his pocket...

YOU said Barry pays for his golf...

Prove it....

Yes, we pay for his transportation. But that wasn't your argument, you moron. You said he didn't pay for his golf.

Prove it!

And all presidents have their transportation paid for. Bush flew AF1 back and forth to Crawford, Texas to 'clear brush". The taxpayers paid for all those trips.
The Dems' push seems to be twofold:
1) Bush is responsible for all the mess, despite the fact that Obama has been in office nearly 2 years and the Dems in Congress for 4.

2) Everyone does it. Obama is no worse than anyone else.

Given what he ran on, this is truly cynical and desperate. They have nothing. They are headed to major defeat in Nov, JakeStarkey notwithstanding.

1) This mess began on W's watch, it did not reset the moment he left office and is not something that can be resovled by flipping a switch. Only a complete dishonest hack would refuse to acknowledge that FACT and try to blame only obama for a mess that began under his predecessor.

2) Everyone in politics does do it but that is not a valid defense. However, to point out when hypocritical rightwingers did it but now play dumb as they try to attack obama for doing exactly what they did exposes rightwingers as nothing but dishonest hypocritical hacks who have zero integrity and believe that the end justifies the means. If it was ok or just politics when you did it then how can it be wrong now??

I would hardly call nearly 2 years in office "flipping a switch." By this point things should be turning around. They clearly are not. They are in fact getting worse.

Obama ran on the idea of "hope n change" (remember that?) and the promise that he would not do things the same old ways. So it is the height of hypocrisy to defend him by saying he is just doing things the same old ways they've always been done. Had he run on maintaining the status quo it wouldn't be much of an issue.

But I think I speak for most conservatives here when I say that I wouldn't care if Obama never swung a golf club. He is incompetent and unfit for the job. And if he changed tack and instituted policies that might actually work I wouldn't care if he played golf every day.

I can see it's a waste of time talking to you - you can't even read a fucking calendar!
Actually DrSmith you would have to go back to woodrow wilson for most of where these problems began.

Federal Reserve
Progressive Tax Structure

And thats just off the top....he had many many many more things he was doing that, in the long run, turned out to hurt and not help americans as he had planned.
this is a stupid argument.

more mongrels on golf courses are exactly what the black youth of this country needs.

we are all tiger woods.
Actually DrSmith you would have to go back to woodrow wilson for most of where these problems began.

Federal Reserve
Progressive Tax Structure

And thats just off the top....he had many many many more things he was doing that, in the long run, turned out to hurt and not help americans as he had planned.

WOW and imagine that I could hardly see glenn beck's lips move. LOL
I believe the comment was about the current economic crisis. However, thanks for the spin.
Maybe we should all turn off our computers, volunteer our time to a needy cause and shut the fuck up.
1) This mess began on W's watch, it did not reset the moment he left office and is not something that can be resovled by flipping a switch. Only a complete dishonest hack would refuse to acknowledge that FACT and try to blame only obama for a mess that began under his predecessor.

2) Everyone in politics does do it but that is not a valid defense. However, to point out when hypocritical rightwingers did it but now play dumb as they try to attack obama for doing exactly what they did exposes rightwingers as nothing but dishonest hypocritical hacks who have zero integrity and believe that the end justifies the means. If it was ok or just politics when you did it then how can it be wrong now??

I would hardly call nearly 2 years in office "flipping a switch." By this point things should be turning around. They clearly are not. They are in fact getting worse.

Obama ran on the idea of "hope n change" (remember that?) and the promise that he would not do things the same old ways. So it is the height of hypocrisy to defend him by saying he is just doing things the same old ways they've always been done. Had he run on maintaining the status quo it wouldn't be much of an issue.

But I think I speak for most conservatives here when I say that I wouldn't care if Obama never swung a golf club. He is incompetent and unfit for the job. And if he changed tack and instituted policies that might actually work I wouldn't care if he played golf every day.

and yet according to most economists that I have heard not associated with a right wing thinktank or foxnews it has turned around but is improving slowly. Furthermore, NEARLY 2 years is hardly enough time to recover completely from all of the damage that BEGAN on W's watch. It's funny how the right refuses to acknowledge that FACT and assign blame accordingly as they try to dishonestly lay it all on obama.

Yeah I remember that and when he got to washington he was confronted by a hostile right that refused to compromise and even when they got some of what they wanted they refused to call that compromise becuase apparently they see compromise as them getting everything they ask for and the left giving up evernything that they want. Furthermore, I have not defended him in the manner that you are so desperately clinging to but isn't it also hypocritical for the right to try and damn obama for doing what they once did willingly and will more than likely do again if they regain power??

If you wouldn't care then why post in this thread?? As for your unsubstantiated biased opinion based complaint that he is incompetent and unfit who does the right have that is better?? When you try to prop up someone like palin you tend to lose any and all credibility when you claim not to support a candidate based on a lack of experience. LOL
No, actually it is not. I don't know about "most economists". I know what I see and what I see is continuing unemployment, lower productivity, lower labor participation rates, lower business investment, and lower consumer confidence. The American people see this too, which is why confidence is so low.
Obama did not need to compromise. In fact he never showed any inclination to compromise because he held all the cards. Almost every piece of legislation was passed with minimal GOP votes, if any. The Dums own this program. And it is a failure.
How dare Boehner golf while there are so many bills to vote against?
How dare Boehner golf while there are so many bills to vote against?

He does it during their recess days so it's OK. I sure don't want him missing a single opportunity to oppose the Democratic Party's agenda to destroy America.

How many votes did Obama miss as senator again?
I would hardly call nearly 2 years in office "flipping a switch." By this point things should be turning around. They clearly are not. They are in fact getting worse.

Obama ran on the idea of "hope n change" (remember that?) and the promise that he would not do things the same old ways. So it is the height of hypocrisy to defend him by saying he is just doing things the same old ways they've always been done. Had he run on maintaining the status quo it wouldn't be much of an issue.

But I think I speak for most conservatives here when I say that I wouldn't care if Obama never swung a golf club. He is incompetent and unfit for the job. And if he changed tack and instituted policies that might actually work I wouldn't care if he played golf every day.

and yet according to most economists that I have heard not associated with a right wing thinktank or foxnews it has turned around but is improving slowly. Furthermore, NEARLY 2 years is hardly enough time to recover completely from all of the damage that BEGAN on W's watch. It's funny how the right refuses to acknowledge that FACT and assign blame accordingly as they try to dishonestly lay it all on obama.

Yeah I remember that and when he got to washington he was confronted by a hostile right that refused to compromise and even when they got some of what they wanted they refused to call that compromise becuase apparently they see compromise as them getting everything they ask for and the left giving up evernything that they want. Furthermore, I have not defended him in the manner that you are so desperately clinging to but isn't it also hypocritical for the right to try and damn obama for doing what they once did willingly and will more than likely do again if they regain power??

If you wouldn't care then why post in this thread?? As for your unsubstantiated biased opinion based complaint that he is incompetent and unfit who does the right have that is better?? When you try to prop up someone like palin you tend to lose any and all credibility when you claim not to support a candidate based on a lack of experience. LOL
No, actually it is not. I don't know about "most economists". I know what I see and what I see is continuing unemployment, lower productivity, lower labor participation rates, lower business investment, and lower consumer confidence. The American people see this too, which is why confidence is so low.
Obama did not need to compromise. In fact he never showed any inclination to compromise because he held all the cards. Almost every piece of legislation was passed with minimal GOP votes, if any. The Dums own this program. And it is a failure.

What are you saying "no" to?? Are you actually addressing anything that I said or are merely following the repuiblican party like a good little lemming as you say "no" to everything?? What is the "it" that you are referring to??

You know what you see?? LOL Once again, what you see through your biased colored glasses as you dishonestly try to lay all of this economic crisis at obama's feet is pretty much worthless. It's your opinion and that is all it is. continued unemployment?? You do know that unemployment existed BEFORE obama, will exist after he is gone and if you believe that he or anyone could completely eliminate it you are beyond ignorant.

Actually in much of the legislation passed under obama many republican ideas were included but the right had an all or nothing mentality as they obstructed and said "NO" to damn near everything. Furthermore, what "program" are you referring to??

Are you OK?? You seem to be babbling incoherently and making comments that don't really apply. So IF you are not mentally unstable, could you please stay on topic and address what I actually said insted of merely throwing in a talking point here and there??
Are your meds off? Didnt take them today? Need adjusting?
Because your post is incoherent and doesn't accurately report a single thing I wrote.
How dare Boehner golf while there are so many bills to vote against?

He does it during their recess days so it's OK. I sure don't want him missing a single opportunity to oppose the Democratic Party's agenda to destroy America.

How many votes did Obama miss as senator again?

IF you were honest then you would have to admit that for the right to critcize obama for golfing during his down time during times like these then they would also have to be critical of boehner for doing the same. To have such differing standards only serves to expose the hypocrisy of the right.

BTW I have already provided an answer to your question. Obama missed less votes than mccain. Again if you wish to be crtiical of one then honesty would require you to be critical of the other and since mccain missed more votes than obama during the session of congress in the runup to the election and since mccain was the choice as the republican candidate for president your lame argument about the number of votes missed kind of loses any thunder that you thought it might have.
Are your meds off? Didnt take them today? Need adjusting?
Because your post is incoherent and doesn't accurately report a single thing I wrote.

So YOU fail to post a coherent and ontopic post, then are called out for it and this is the best nonresponse that you can come up with??

How about you answer the simple questions that I asked you about your incoherent and vague comments?? Or are your comments so incoherent and vague that even you don't know what you were talking about?? LOL
How dare Boehner golf while there are so many bills to vote against?

He does it during their recess days so it's OK. I sure don't want him missing a single opportunity to oppose the Democratic Party's agenda to destroy America.

How many votes did Obama miss as senator again?

Recess? What is he in the third grade?

Boehner works for the people...there is no recess when there are bills to vote against....besides, Golfing messes with his tanning schedule

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