Obama is TRUTH

Can't believe the stupidity of the person that started this thread...absolutly everyone but the dumb dead beat fuckers on Welfare know this HC Bill will ruin the greatest HC System in the World. And also ruin the amazing advances that are being made in the pharmceudical industry. And now with Obama's approval rating down to under 50% and dropping like a rock....how can anyone actually believe a fucking word this snake oil salesman says?....damn!...
Barack Obama will bring down health care costs by $2,500 for the typical American family, and, at long last, deliver affordable, accessible health care for all Americans. That's the change he promised, that's what Americans voted for, and that's what Americans will get.

The right-wing, religious zealots who dominate the Conservative GOP have no credibility for they are nothing but a joke. Obama has spoken the truth and the Conservative GOP has never accepted truth from their political masters - Reagan, Nixon, Ford, Bush-the-elder, Bush-Junior were all LIERS !

Go Barack Go ! America wants change !

Yeah, you're gonna get a trillion-dollar giveaway to insurance companies, have fun with that.
Idiot. Move to Canada.

1. Try to find a competent Doctor.
2. Try to get an appointment with the Doctor.
3. Prey to your Messiah that you dont actually get very sick because you will not get good treatment and the wait will be very very long. And you will pay more taxes for your troubles.

My parents are going through this right now as we speak. So stfu. You don't have one clue what you are asking for.

I'm Canadian with lots of friends and family up there. Everybody I know has a doctor. And Medicare in Canada remains popular.

Please stop with the silly stereotypes. The socialists do the same thing in Canada, only they demonize the American system with all sorts of silly stereotypes. What you are doing is no different than what the socialists do up there.
Being from the Caribbean you are probably Negro and now being in the states you probably are like the majority of Negro people - no health insurance. Too bad and pathetic that you would chose to live in such a racist nation ( did you know that Negro people were officially not complete human beings based on a US Costitutional Amendment?)

i dont think your a complete human being McKenzie.....your a disgrace to Canada....you sure you dont have the mad cow disease....your brain seems to be like your balls....all shriveled up.....or were you just made a castrato when you were young to sing in the pansy opera of Canada....
Poor Harry....he is so upset about his Negro background...so ill-informed...so uneducated....so typically American.
I'm not at all surprised to read the outrageous, asinine, and ridiculous comments posted by my Conswrvative right-wing, christian, zealot friends here at US Massage Parlour. If the Health Care topic could be discussed with any of you in a rational mature manner it would be a worthwhile topic. There are 47 million Americans at minimum who want Obama to succeed and he will. Conservatives are used to liers being elected to the White House, men who say one thing and do another. That's what you're used to. But alas the Negro Obama is NOT your run-of-mill lying GOP President. He will do as he said.

PROVE there are 47,000,000 Americans that don't have health care. PROVE that they all want obama to succeed.

Don't just pump your liberal, canadian, molsen golden ale sewer gas, PROVE something.
I'm not at all surprised to read the outrageous, asinine, and ridiculous comments posted by my Conswrvative right-wing, christian, zealot friends here at US Massage Parlour. If the Health Care topic could be discussed with any of you in a rational mature manner it would be a worthwhile topic. There are 47 million Americans at minimum who want Obama to succeed and he will. Conservatives are used to liers being elected to the White House, men who say one thing and do another. That's what you're used to. But alas the Negro Obama is NOT your run-of-mill lying GOP President. He will do as he said.
I see you are swallowing the talking points of the liberal liars in Washington. The 47 million shit has been debunked by many. You are unfit to comment on the subject.

Being from the Caribbean you are probably Negro and now being in the states you probably are like the majority of Negro people - no health insurance. Too bad and pathetic that you would chose to live in such a racist nation ( did you know that Negro people were officially not complete human beings based on a US Costitutional Amendment?)
Again, you prove your stupidity.

I'm not at all surprised to read the outrageous, asinine, and ridiculous comments posted by my Conswrvative right-wing, christian, zealot friends here at US Massage Parlour. If the Health Care topic could be discussed with any of you in a rational mature manner it would be a worthwhile topic. There are 47 million Americans at minimum who want Obama to succeed and he will. Conservatives are used to liers being elected to the White House, men who say one thing and do another. That's what you're used to. But alas the Negro Obama is NOT your run-of-mill lying GOP President. He will do as he said.

PROVE there are 47,000,000 Americans that don't have health care. PROVE that they all want obama to succeed.

Don't just pump your liberal, canadian, molsen golden ale sewer gas, PROVE something.
He/She can't. This has already been exposed as pure, unadulterated liberal bullshit.
He/She can't. This has already been exposed as pure, unadulterated liberal bullshit.

Yup... knew that already. Even though the number is less than 47 million, you can immediately take 15 million off the top because of the people that HAVE the option to have health insurance, and don't WANT it. Then there's the illegal aliens, the unemployed, etc..
According to the Census Bureau, of that 47 million, 38 percent of them (18 million) have personal incomes of more than $50,000 a year. This means that they can afford coverage, and choose not to purchase it. Is it just to tax other working people to subsidize health coverage for these 18 million who could afford it for themselves but choose not to purchase it for themselves? Anybody with half a brain towards liberty would have to answer no to the above question.

Now that leaves us with 29 million uninsured left to explain.

Of that 29 million uninsured, the biggest chunk of them aren't even citizens. Yes, you guessed it, those pesky illegal immigrants that drive up the cost of everything. It seems that our uninsured problem is directly related to the lack of border security! Of course they wouldn't be able to be covered by private health insurers because they do not possess citizenship! Their number is about 12.6 million, or 27 percent of the original '47 million uninsured' number. This could be a higher percentage, because many prominent think tanks place the number of illegal immigrants as high as 20 million, instead of the 12 or 13 million figure. However, for the sake of argument, let us go with the most conservative figure.

Subtract the 12.6 number from the remaining 29 million uninsured number, and we come to the next stage of our breakdown, 16.4 million uninsured.

Of that remaining 16.4 million uninsured, 8 million are under the age of 18. If the parents of these young ones cannot afford to cover them either on their own family plans or independently, there are public insurance options already available for them but their parents have just not signed them up.

So that leaves us with 8.4 million uninsured, a figure less than 3 percent of the American population, and many of these are 18-20 somethings who choose not to purchase health coverage because, well, they think that they won't get sick! Health experts actually refer to this age group as the 'invincibles!' The remainder of this 8.4 million uninsured are low income and could easily be covered by either federal Medicare or state run Medicaid or some charity insurance programs, and they for whatever reason have chosen not to go and get signed up.
Debunking the 47 Million Myth - MyFoxmemphis Community Blog post

This policy brief from the Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured examines the characteristics and insurance coverage of low-income adults under age 65, a group numbering more than 50 million people.

Members of this group are more likely to be in poor health than other Americans and are the least likely to have health insurance. Nearly a third are from families earning less than twice the poverty level. Fifteen percent live in poverty.

Although Medicaid covers most low-income children, it has limited coverage for their parents and generally does not cover childless adults, leaving uninsured a large share of low-income adults with significant health needs.

Low-Income Adults Under Age 65 - Many are Poor, Sick, and Uninsured - Kaiser Family Foundation
Obama is TRUTH ?!?!?

I think it's fair to say that there isn't anything further from the TRUTH than Obama.

Obama is a charming MARXIST political charlatan who uses rhetoric to gain his Marxist/Communist Agenda.

Obama is an American Politician . And, Americans are, correctly, by and large ANTI Marxist/Communist.

So, in order to fulfill his agenda Obama LIES. And, Obama lies CONTINUOUSLY .... constantly obfuscating his DEEDS with his WORDS.

Conclusion: If you want to know who Obama is, do NOT listen to his WORDS. WATCH OBAMA'S DEEDS.
First, I'd like to point out that whether there is 47 million.....30 million, or 50 million....the significant fact is that there are a SIGNIFICANT NUMBER OF MILLIONS that Obama wants to burden the present taxpayers with by providing these SIGNIFICANT NUMBER OF ADDITIONAL MILLIONS with a Medical Coverage comparable to the coverage received by the present ~ 250 million tax paying insured Americans.

Obama claims that he can achieve his BOGUS SOCIALIZED MEDICINE AGENDA (obfuscating the fact that it's PURELY MARXIST or at least SOCIALISTIC in nature). Obama claims that he can provide a COVERAGE to this debated ADDITIONAL 30-50 million that is not only COMPARABLE to the present coverage enjoyed by the 250 million but that Obama's plan would EXTEND the coverage and REDUCE THE COSTS !!!

That BOGUS MARXIST AGENDA defies the Laws of Physics and Mathematics.

WHY ???

Answer: We have a FIXED POOL of Medical Doctors and Nurses working FULL-TIME that is ALREADY bursting at the seams BARELY ABLE to provide the present coverage to the existing 250 million without gradually having to increase the costs.

Practically ALL, if not ALL systems or plans can be IMPROVED by cutting waste and by streamlining thisa or thata.....WITHOUT ditching ENLIGHTENED CAPITALISM the system that made America the GREATEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD. And, instead substituting our ENLIGHTENED CAPITALISM with SOCIALISM i.e. MARXISM or COMMUNISM that History has unequivocally proved to have FAILED (Russia, China, etc).....or is failing (Canada, Europe). BTW, China is gradually improving.....as it is gradually ditching Communism.

One can only do so much in correcting the waste, and streamlining or improving thisa and thata. And THAT is the ONLY viable option we have, and IT IS EMINENTLY WORKABLE in AVOIDING SOCIALIZED MEDICINE that exists in Canada and Europe. The SOCIALIZED MEDICINE that provides LESS COVERAGE, has more WASTEFUL, INEFFICIENT GOVTAL BUREAUCRATIC PROCEDURES, and OBVIOUSLY, AND NECESSARILY MUST RESULT IN RATIONING if it must meet a GIVEN ALLOTED BUDGET....OR ANYTHING CLOSE TO AN ALLOTED BUDGET !!!

Obama is promising the moon, i.e." FREE LUNCHES FOR EVERYONE" but is obfuscatubg the COST of the FREE LUNCHES by using the MARXIST/COMMIE tactic that the cost can be PRIMARILY defrayed by SOAKING THE RICH.

Well, personally, I don't mind "soaking the rich" a little more.....even thought the rich in America are taxed 10-20% more THAN ANYWHERE ELSE IN THE WORLD..... BUT.....BUT, the SUPPOSEDLY "RICH" that Obama will wind up taxing are the SMALL BUSINESSES that create 80% of the jobs in America......AND THE MIDDLE CLASS (which he "SAYS" HE WON'T). The fact is Obama's MARXIST/COMMIE COVERT AGENDA IS TO BANKRUPT OUR "ENLIGHTENED CAPITALISTIC" SYSTEM and substitute it with the MARXIST/COMMIE SYSDTEM that he unabashedly touts in his books. And, which Obama's ACTUAL RECORD, pre and post Congressional Records indicate. Obama has the MOST LIBERAL (bar none) Senatorial Record in our Senatorial History......worse than even the Chappaquidick Murdere's.

If one increases the number of patients by TENS OF MILLIONS with a FIXED POOL of Medical Doctors and Nurses , the LAWS OF PHYSICS and MATHEMATICS DICTATE THAT AT THE VERY LEAST RATIONING MUST OCCUR to achieve a COMPARABLE COVERAGE. Given the numbers the IRREFUTABLE FACT is that a COMPARABLE COVERAGE that 250 million Americans have now CANNOT BE ACHIEVED WITHOUT BANKRUPTING OUR COUNTRY !!!

In other words, we'd get a system no different from the one in Canada and Europe with ALL ITS INADEQUACIES. A Medical System in Canada and Europe that anyone with financial means AVOIDS like the PLAGUE by flocking to America for their medical treatment.

But, what is even more egregious under the Obama Plan is that the ADDITIONAL TENS OF MILLIONS OF UNINSURED are overwhelmingly DEADBEATS and ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS.

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I'm not at all surprised to read the outrageous, asinine, and ridiculous comments posted by my Conswrvative right-wing, christian, zealot friends here at US Massage Parlour. If the Health Care topic could be discussed with any of you in a rational mature manner it would be a worthwhile topic. There are 47 million Americans at minimum who want Obama to succeed and he will. Conservatives are used to liers being elected to the White House, men who say one thing and do another. That's what you're used to. But alas the Negro Obama is NOT your run-of-mill lying GOP President. He will do as he said.


One day, you will wake up to realize what is crystal clear to most of us already: Obama is a charming MARXIST/COMMUNIST Political Charlatan exactly as he described himself to be in his own books.....but completely obfuscated during his Presidential Campaign....and is obfuscating NOW as POTUS.

And that day when even YOU will realize what a PHONEY Obama is ..... probably a couple of months (at most) away from now.

Please read my two posts following yours on Page 4 of this thread. Perhaps that will jolt you out from your "obamoton" status.

The essence of my comments is this:

Do not listen to Obama's WORDS. Watch his DEEDS.

On the other hand, if you happen to be a MARXIST/COMMIE yourself .... then Obama is most definitely your guy. NO DOUBT ABOUT THAT !!!!

I think that you, like the majority of Republicans, are a closet racist. I believe you depise Obama and call him names simply because he is black. I also firmly believe that you are a coward in that you do not have the intestinal fortitude to make your beliefs known. Even Hitler had the courage to speak for what he believed in.

I think that you, like the majority of Republicans, are a closet racist. I believe you depise Obama and call him names simply because he is black. I also firmly believe that you are a coward in that you do not have the intestinal fortitude to make your beliefs known. Even Hitler had the courage to speak for what he believed in.

homo says what?....

I think that you, like the majority of Republicans, are a closet racist. I believe you depise Obama and call him names simply because he is black. I also firmly believe that you are a coward in that you do not have the intestinal fortitude to make your beliefs known. Even Hitler had the courage to speak for what he believed in.

Adolf Hitler also ruled by his charisma and speaking skills ... :eusa_whistle:

I think that you, like the majority of Republicans, are a closet racist. I believe you depise Obama and call him names simply because he is black. I also firmly believe that you are a coward in that you do not have the intestinal fortitude to make your beliefs known. Even Hitler had the courage to speak for what he believed in.

Adolf Hitler also ruled by his charisma and speaking skills ... :eusa_whistle:

one of Puke ons heroes....
Every one sing along:
(Sung to the tune of Hosanna from Jesus Christ Superstar)
Obama, hey Bama, Bama Bama oh, Bama hey Bama hoBama, he's the new JC he will save you and me, Bama oh Bama hey super star.

I think that you, like the majority of Republicans, are a closet racist. I believe you depise Obama and call him names simply because he is black. I also firmly believe that you are a coward in that you do not have the intestinal fortitude to make your beliefs known. Even Hitler had the courage to speak for what he believed in.


You think that the majority of Republicans, and I are closet racists.

It may interest you to know that I already know what Marxist/Commie freaks think. For instance, they think they can side with their political charlatan Obama and bankrupt our country with "Crap and trade" where under the guise of SEEMINGLY creating an efficient
ENERGY POLICY that will benefit our beloved country they are OBVIOUSLY going to waste godzillions of dollars and impose unnecessary taxes.

And, instead of drilling offshore, where we have the proven largest, or nearly the largest deposits in the entire world, and/or building Nuclear Plants (another promise Obama is NOT keeping)....Obama is going to keep America dependent on the Islamofascist Oily Sheiks.

The Oily Sheiks that probably poured the hudreds of millions of dollars in Obama's miraculously large campaign coffers, and why Obama's lips practically fondled The Saudi King's testicles when he made his slave-like bow on National TV.....then LIED about it. And, BTW, Bush's kisses with the same Islamofascist Swine is practically "protocol" in Mid East countries and Russia.....a practice of supposed "equals".Obama's BOWING with his forehead practically scraping the floor is NOT a sign of "equality"..... but OBVIOUS SERVILITY.

Obama's Immigration policy is another OBVIOUS abdication of any effort to safeguard our borders to gain the Mexican vote. Thus, Obama's OBVIOUS policy results in inundating our country with a large number of Mexican criminals that are increasing our prison populations ALMOST equal to the ASTOUNDING Black prison populations. This astonishing statistic exists in spite of the IRREFUTABLE Black Racist PC FRENZY in favour of Blacks....and the blatantly EXTORTIONIST tactics of the Heckel & Jeckel" team of Al Sharpton & Jesse Jackson, and their numerous ilk.....what with riotous behaviour, threats of mayhem, etc. The latest (?) incident where Black Panther THUGS threatened a voting location.....a blatant FELONY !!! Yet, were given a pass by the Black Racist stooge of Obama.....Eric Holder, the authenticated Black Racist CORRUPT Atty General.

But, even more INSIDIOUS and DANGEROUS is the FACT that our Beloved Country is ruled by the Corrupt Congressional Black RACIST Caucus because of the CORRUPT RACIST MONOLITHIC Black Vote for the CORRUPT Dem Party which comprises ~ 13% of the population of America.

The Corrupt Black Racists KNOW this. The corrupt Dem Party KNOWS this. And the Black Racists are taking ADVANTAGE of this to RULE our Beloved Country.

This "13%" CORRUPT BLACK RACIST MONOLITHIC vote establishes an almost INSURMOUNTABLE MARGIN of potential victory in EVERY ELECTION for the Corrupt Dems since practically every election is usually won with less than a ~8% margin.

As to RACISM ?!?!? Read my thread in the "Race Relations/ Racism" section entitled "BLACK RACISM'S ARROGANCE". You want to know about RACISM ???? You'll find out about RACISM......BLACK RACISM....ONE OF THE GREATEST RACIST SCAMS IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD.

The GREATEST SCAM perpetrated by the Black Racists AND, of course the ubiquitously powerful 24/7 Lib Controlled National Media....and even more frightening is the Lib Controlled ACADEMIA which is little known and understood but THE extremely MALEVOLENT FACTOR in this equation.

Obama's HEALTHCARE is another MARXIST/COMMIE Agenda of the Political Charlatan Obama. Fortunately, the naivete of the brainwashed American Public by the 24/7 Powerful Lib Controlled National Media is begining to melt away. Even the naive, overworked taxpaying Americans who voted-in Obama, too busy to do the necessary research, and of necessity had to rely on the Bogus Lib Controlled National Media.....EVEN THEY ARE BEGINING TO WAKE UP !!! :clap2::clap2::clap2:

BTW, I am NOT a Republican, even though I am compelled to vote that way because voting for Obama and the Dems......WHILE BEING AWARE OF THEIR AGENDA......is being a TRAITOR TO OUR COUNTRY. Please note that I am, emphatically, NOT calling those who voted-in Obama as being traitors.....as noted above, the OVERWHELMING MAJORITY of the people who voted in Obama WERE BRAINWASHED by the Lib Controlled National Media.....and the admitted Charm of the "Snake-oil" Scam Artiste, the Political Charlatan Obama.

As stated, I am NOT a Republican. However, I am a staunchly committed ANTI - LIBERAL.

I am not the regular type of Republican who is usually devoutly religious, anti Embryonic Stem Cell Research, and against Abortion from the moment of impregnation. On the issue of Abortion: I am against abortion once the "fetus " can experience pain. To me Abortion is justifiable because it's part of a woman's body and she.....up to that moment of "fetus's" pain...has the ULTIMATE CHOICE. As stated, until that moment of "fetus's" pain, the supposed "fetus" is simply a collection of nerve-less cells that could be flopping around on some petri-dish. There isn't any GOD-ORDAINED mysticism regarding "murder", "soul" etc.

These are off-the-top reasons why I am NOT a Republican.....but I am STILL compelled to vote Republican because of the alternative.....which is to vote for a CATASTROPHIC DISASTER !!!
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