Obama is in trouble


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
incompetent may be to kind of a word to describe Obama's leadership[or lack of] . recently the debt limit crisis and the balanced budget plans[ only the republicans seem to be able to layout ] have left the dems and their dear leader looking like spoiled children that couldn't get their way. with new polls showing a 40% approval rating the left will soon do what lefty's do in tough situations [RUN] ...if public opinion gets much worse for Obama the left will start distancing themselves from their dear leader and his many bankrupting, disastrous policies.THEY MAY EVEN GO SO FAR AS BACKING A CHALLENGER FOR THE DEMOCRATIC NOMINATION!!!
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When it passes Im sure the media will spin it and congratulate the POS
when you align yourself with intellectual cowards do not be surprised when you are left standing alone in the face of truth based opposition. :eusa_eh:
The man was never Constitutionally eligible in the first place.
weather he is or isn't eligible is still up for debate.but the fact that he is not a leader no longer is. and the so called intellects that surround him are starting to realize it .:clap2:
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The Left should not be surprised at all
Everybody else knew what to expect from him

Maybe the libs can have some hope for 2012...

Can you say primary?


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Maybe the libs can have some hope for 2012...

Can you say primary?
I think it is hilarious how the left threw the Clinton's under the bus for an unknown black freshman that voted present most of the time.People on the left do us all a favor don't bring up how good the economy under Clinton's administration was.if it was so great why did the left throw them under the bus???they will try to say Hillary is no Bill Clinton when it has been proven when you get one you get the other!!!!.....DUMB ASSES!!!!:cuckoo:
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Actually, quite the opposite.

Daily Kos: POTUS Has Our Back

If you go to Redstate, you will see that they do not like this deal any more than you do, and for all of the reasons outlined above. They feel as though they have lost, and they are right. They wanted to instigate a default, and they did not do that. They wanted to cut Social Security, and they did not do that, they wanted another opportunity to fight this battle, and they did not get that. What they did get is that major GOP constituencies (defense and corporate health providers) have been put in jeopardy of major cuts, and from our perspective this is a good thing. What they also got is a damocles hanging over their head in the form of the soon to expire Bush tax cuts, which Obama can blackmail them with just as they did all of us with the debt ceiling.
Maybe the libs can have some hope for 2012...

Can you say primary?
I think it is hilarious how the left threw the Clinton's under the bus for an unknown black freshman that voted present most of the time.People on the left do us all a favor don't bring up how good the economy under Clinton's administration was.if it was so great why did the left throw them under the bus???they will try to say Hillary is no Bill Clinton when it has been proven when you get one you get the other!!!!.....DUMB ASSES!!!!:cuckoo:

She would have won if it were not for michigan and florida.
maybe the libs can have some hope for 2012...

Can you say primary?
i think it is hilarious how the left threw the clinton's under the bus for an unknown black freshman that voted present most of the time.people on the left do us all a favor don't bring up how good the economy under clinton's administration was.if it was so great why did the left throw them under the bus???they will try to say hillary is no bill clinton when it has been proven when you get one you get the other!!!!.....dumb asses!!!!:cuckoo:

she would have won if it were not for michigan and florida.
she lost!!!!!end of story!!!!
Actually, quite the opposite.

Daily Kos: POTUS Has Our Back

If you go to Redstate, you will see that they do not like this deal any more than you do, and for all of the reasons outlined above. They feel as though they have lost, and they are right. They wanted to instigate a default, and they did not do that. They wanted to cut Social Security, and they did not do that, they wanted another opportunity to fight this battle, and they did not get that. What they did get is that major GOP constituencies (defense and corporate health providers) have been put in jeopardy of major cuts, and from our perspective this is a good thing. What they also got is a damocles hanging over their head in the form of the soon to expire Bush tax cuts, which Obama can blackmail them with just as they did all of us with the debt ceiling.
i think it is hilarious how the left threw the clinton's under the bus for an unknown black freshman that voted present most of the time.people on the left do us all a favor don't bring up how good the economy under clinton's administration was.if it was so great why did the left throw them under the bus???they will try to say hillary is no bill clinton when it has been proven when you get one you get the other!!!!.....dumb asses!!!!:cuckoo:

she would have won if it were not for michigan and florida.
she lost!!!!!end of story!!!!

People were tired of clinton and the same old policies enforced by the same people and obama promised change and a different way of doing things. Unfortunately the only thing that changed was the carpeting in the oval office. Obama has not delivered the change he promised.
The man was never Constitutionally eligible in the first place.
weather he is or isn't eligible is still up for debate.but the fact that he is not a leader no longer is. and the so called intellects that surround him are starting to realize it .:clap2:

When voters decide to treat the office of President of the US as an entry level job and elect someone who is so devoid of qualifications as this guy -then why should it be a surprise when the guy shows no executive or leadership skills? The place to find out if someone has effective executive skills and leadership abilities is with some OTHER job that actually requires it first where they have proven they not only have those skills but used them effectively - BEFORE trying to fill the shoes of the most powerful executive office in the nation. Claiming to want to be elected without having already proven you have the chops for the job is to use that office as nothing but an entry level job. And he has.

Executive and leadership skills are RARE. It is NOT something most people possess -and that includes most politicians as well! It is why most politicians NEVER run for the top executive offices on a state or national level. Its a poor fit for what nearly all of them actually do best and what they feel most comfortable doing -and most of them know it. Its a poor fit for Obama too -he lacks the necessary skills to do this job effectively and he has repeatedly shown that FACT to the American people time and again now. It is why during all this time on the debt crisis -only Republicans were actually working on the problem at all. Democrats sat back and said "no" but offered nothing -but the most shameful part was seeing a President come to the table with NOTHING to offer at all! NOTHING. NO plan -NOTHING. Truly mind boggling! I have never seen a President totally abandon all attempts at leadership like this but Obama wasn't even pretending to try! A real leader would have brought his own plan and then insisted it be used as the framework for the finished deal -and at the end of it, he gets to still claim its HIS plan. But if you bring NOTHING to the table in the first place then those who did bring the plan are the real leaders and you have lost control of the issue entirely to others. Which is exactly what happened here. Boehner finally realized Obama was just occupying a chair -and might as well just send him back to the Oval Office to occupy a chair there and let serious people get on with the work.

Obama was THE single most unqualified person to run for President in over 100 years. But at least that time Americans weren't so stupid as to actually elect the guy!
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she would have won if it were not for michigan and florida.
she lost!!!!!end of story!!!!

People were tired of clinton and the same old policies enforced by the same people and obama promised change and a different way of doing things. Unfortunately the only thing that changed was the carpeting in the oval office. Obama has not delivered the change he promised.
Obamanation has delivered a lot of changes.the country is now bankrupt.and our credit rating may drop even though the debt ceiling was lifted.spending cuts do not go into effect until 2013,AND THE CREDITORS KNOW FOR A FACT THAT THERE IS NO WAY WE CAN PAY!!!we are broke and the world knows it!!!the dear leader has out spent every president in history combined!!!AND THE FUCKING LEFT WILL STILL NOT LEARN !!!HELL THEY WANT MORE!!!THE LEFT IS THE BIGGEST THREAT TO THE WELL BEING OF THIS COUNTRY....STALIN HAS INVADED!!!!:eek:
she lost!!!!!end of story!!!!

People were tired of clinton and the same old policies enforced by the same people and obama promised change and a different way of doing things. Unfortunately the only thing that changed was the carpeting in the oval office. Obama has not delivered the change he promised.
Obamanation has delivered a lot of changes.the country is now bankrupt.and our credit rating may drop even though the debt ceiling was lifted.spending cuts do not go into effect until 2013,AND THE CREDITORS KNOW FOR A FACT THAT THERE IS NO WAY WE CAN PAY!!!we are broke and the world knows it!!!the dear leader has out spent every president in history combined!!!AND THE FUCKING LEFT WILL STILL NOT LEARN !!!HELL THEY WANT MORE!!!THE LEFT IS THE BIGGEST THREAT TO THE WELL BEING OF THIS COUNTRY....STALIN HAS INVADED!!!!:eek:
I think what we need to do is put Palin in office. Let her lift the moratorium on drilling, open all federal lands up for exploration for oil and gas so people can have good jobs and then stop purchasing petroleum from other nations. Let them buy from us so we can generate massive revenues. Palin is the only one that has the guts to tackle corporations as she did in Alaska, take on multi billion dollar budgets and slash wasteful spending in the billions.
People were tired of clinton and the same old policies enforced by the same people and obama promised change and a different way of doing things. Unfortunately the only thing that changed was the carpeting in the oval office. Obama has not delivered the change he promised.
Obamanation has delivered a lot of changes.the country is now bankrupt.and our credit rating may drop even though the debt ceiling was lifted.spending cuts do not go into effect until 2013,AND THE CREDITORS KNOW FOR A FACT THAT THERE IS NO WAY WE CAN PAY!!!we are broke and the world knows it!!!the dear leader has out spent every president in history combined!!!AND THE FUCKING LEFT WILL STILL NOT LEARN !!!HELL THEY WANT MORE!!!THE LEFT IS THE BIGGEST THREAT TO THE WELL BEING OF THIS COUNTRY....STALIN HAS INVADED!!!!:eek:
I think what we need to do is put Palin in office. Let her lift the moratorium on drilling, open all federal lands up for exploration for oil and gas so people can have good jobs and then stop purchasing petroleum from other nations. Let them buy from us so we can generate massive revenues. Palin is the only one that has the guts to tackle corporations as she did in Alaska, take on multi billion dollar budgets and slash wasteful spending in the billions.
while i respect Palin she will not win the republican primary.However have you listened to Rick Perry???this guy is smart ,tough,and unafraid to speak the hurtful truth.that is something the left fears more than anything.HE WILL EAT OBAMAS STUPID ASS ALIVE IN A DEBATE!!!:eusa_angel:

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