Obama is having a Monica Lewinsky moment


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
The roll-out of the health care plan, is Obama's Monica Lewinsky moment. Although Clinton was by far a more successful president than Obama could ever dream to be. Obama is now lawyering up the fact that he lied and misled Americans when he said "you can keep your doctor or health care plan, period."

Bill Clinton: "Depends what the meaning of the word 'is', is"

President Obamaloney: "It depends what the meaning if the word 'period', is." :lol:
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I already told everyone. The Post Modern English definition of Period is:

"Just Shut Up! I can do what I want!"
I already told everyone. The Post Modern English definition of Period is:

"Just Shut Up! I can do what I want!"
Yup. After years of media cover ups for Obama and his gang, its finally gotten to a point where the shit has hit the fan, and they can't cover up any longer. The more Obama talks the less people are going to trust him, because they think he lying or giving this lawyer bullshit talk. Now all those issues that the media had helped cover up are bubbling up, and everybody is taking a second look at them. Maybe he did lie then with Ben Ghazi, etc.

By the time this is over, Hillary will have so much baggage from her involvement with Obama, she's going to flop just like Al Gore did in 2000.
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