Obama is good


Feb 14, 2011
If I didn't remember Obama's lack of regard for the constitution, his present message could resonate with me.

Obama: Time to shift attention from wars to home

Will he be successful in making people forget that he wasted a year on the healthcare "reform" mess when we needed jobs, and stepped on the fuse of the stimulus instead of making sure it was used where it was needed, and took his eye off the ball instead of making sure that his mortgage relief initiatives were actually working, etc.?

I suspect he will.

He's very smooth.
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If I didn't remember Obama's lack of regard for the constitution, his present message could resonate with me.

Obama: Time to shift attention from wars to home

Will he be successful in making people forget that he wasted a year on the healthcare "reform" monstrosity when we needed jobs, and stepped on the fuse of the stimulus instead of making sure it was used where it was needed, and took his eye off the ball instead of making sure that his mortgage relief initiatives were actually working, etc.?

I suspect he will.

He's very smooth.

He has an entire National mainstream media that simply refuses to let the first black POTUS fail, so they will do whatever possible to run with his narrative.

Problem is, it is too late.
The simple truth of the matter is that we are never told the truth by government officials anymore, so it really doesn't matter what they say. They tell us what we want to hear and then go do what ever they want to further their own best interests.
conservatives must love the guy, especially considering his hatred for fags and his doj raiding pot dispensaries.

That's all the people that showed up to see Obama launch his campaign at Ohio State. :lol: The gig is up.
If I didn't remember Obama's lack of regard for the constitution, his present message could resonate with me.

Obama: Time to shift attention from wars to home

Will he be successful in making people forget that he wasted a year on the healthcare "reform" mess when we needed jobs, and stepped on the fuse of the stimulus instead of making sure it was used where it was needed, and took his eye off the ball instead of making sure that his mortgage relief initiatives were actually working, etc.?

I suspect he will.

He's very smooth.

The President made a compromise on the stimulus because he needed enough Blue Dogs in his caucus along with a sprinkling of Republicans to vote for it in the senate.

He did technically have 60 votes for about half a year there, but there were enough conservative Democrats he had to bring over.

So instead of a $1 trillion pure stimulus right into infrastructure and education, as well as his mighty investment in the National Guard, veterans services, and the Peace Corps (which the conservative head of the American Legion has said will be this President's legacy), instead of all that being that, the thing got watered down to $780 with about half of it being the single-largest middle class tax cut ever passed.

The rest went into infrastructure, education, and jobs, but the shot it was meant to have in the arm of the economy was dulled because this President didn't get to do what he wanted to do.

On foreign policy he gets to work without a perverted version of a GOP that simply stands in the way of EVERYTHING, simply to stand in the way of a man they've convinced themselves they should hate.

Never mind that he's been a prudent, tax-cutting President for 95% of the public.

Never mind that his foreign policy credentials are stellar. I mean, 6 months, $1 billion, one American-killing dictator killed versus 10 years, about $2 trillion, thousands of Americans killed, no oil profits, and then finally 1 dictator who actually never killed an American until American stuck her nose in its business.

Osama Bin Laden, dead.

A turnaround in relations with Myanmar. Very good relations in South Korea.

The guy even passes the Republican individual mandate on health care and keeps the system in private, free-market hands, but no, they now hate him for that, too.

It's hard to win an election if you're just the ass hole the whole time, the grump in the corner, the Eor of politics.

You can't win being a Debbie Downer, but that's exactly what Republicans are doing this time, to our national dismay.

Obama's not bad. He's a centrist that reasonable people on both sides can work with, except one side simply hates him for I don't even know what reason, it's all so fucking childish.

My feeling is this: If House Republicans refuse to work with the President and pass some of that jobs bill so that investments in jobs by the private sector and other things can get going like they're supposed to at this point in a fragile recovery, than House Republicans don't deserve to have the power to finally create jobs starting in January.

This is a fucking crisis, and you put your country before your party and you put your name on something you campaign on in the summer time because if you don't, than you're giving Barack Obama a batting practice fastball right over the heart of the plate that he's going to hit for a grand slam.

It's that simple. If Republicans can't actually campaign on saying, "We got this passed by overwhelming odds and are going to bring the prosperity that Obama can only ever talk about".

If they continue to stand in the way, the people like me will vote for the Democrats, because at least they keep showing that they want to help this recovery turn into the boom it desperately wants to be.
One thing to remember. Every one of our global competitors have universal health care. A system where both businesses and individuals need not worry about paying for the expense on their own. In effect, we are trying to compete with one hand tied behind our backs.

It's foolish to think our "for profit" model of health care is going to keep the pace with the rest of the world....where shit like health care and education is subsidized, rather than big business and the most capable of our citizens. It's a recipe for failure.
If I didn't remember Obama's lack of regard for the constitution, his present message could resonate with me.

Obama: Time to shift attention from wars to home

Will he be successful in making people forget that he wasted a year on the healthcare "reform" mess when we needed jobs, and stepped on the fuse of the stimulus instead of making sure it was used where it was needed, and took his eye off the ball instead of making sure that his mortgage relief initiatives were actually working, etc.?

I suspect he will.

He's very smooth.

I think the majority of democrats are still infatuated with the fact He's "black." Politics and issues are still on the back burner.
One thing to remember. Every one of our global competitors have universal health care. A system where both businesses and individuals need not worry about paying for the expense on their own. In effect, we are trying to compete with one hand tied behind our backs.

It's foolish to think our "for profit" model of health care is going to keep the pace with the rest of the world....where shit like health care and education is subsidized, rather than big business and the most capable of our citizens. It's a recipe for failure.

You conveniently ignore oh so many truths. I can't imagine that's not intentional.
One thing to remember. Every one of our global competitors have universal health care. A system where both businesses and individuals need not worry about paying for the expense on their own. In effect, we are trying to compete with one hand tied behind our backs.

It's foolish to think our "for profit" model of health care is going to keep the pace with the rest of the world....where shit like health care and education is subsidized, rather than big business and the most capable of our citizens. It's a recipe for failure.

That fact is ignored or forgotten. At the end of WWII, every single developed country set about taking care of their own people. But, not the US. We were all about putting money in the pockets of a very few and that became a habit we just could not seem to un-learn.

And, we're still taking care of the ultra-wealthy at the expense of the rest of us.

Not very smart, are we?

I dare you rw's to watch this or read this --

Money-Driven Medicine
One thing to remember. Every one of our global competitors have universal health care. A system where both businesses and individuals need not worry about paying for the expense on their own. In effect, we are trying to compete with one hand tied behind our backs.

It's foolish to think our "for profit" model of health care is going to keep the pace with the rest of the world....where shit like health care and education is subsidized, rather than big business and the most capable of our citizens. It's a recipe for failure.

You conveniently ignore oh so many truths. I can't imagine that's not intentional.


So, how 'bout you quit spouting insults and post some facts. How about you research BOTH sides of a given question and then be prepared to defend your side?

You can't do it. rw's never can.
One thing to remember. Every one of our global competitors have universal health care. A system where both businesses and individuals need not worry about paying for the expense on their own. In effect, we are trying to compete with one hand tied behind our backs.

It's foolish to think our "for profit" model of health care is going to keep the pace with the rest of the world....where shit like health care and education is subsidized, rather than big business and the most capable of our citizens. It's a recipe for failure.

You conveniently ignore oh so many truths. I can't imagine that's not intentional.

Really? Hit me, douchebag.... or is empty name calling your only game?
If I didn't remember Obama's lack of regard for the constitution, his present message could resonate with me.

Obama: Time to shift attention from wars to home

Will he be successful in making people forget that he wasted a year on the healthcare "reform" mess when we needed jobs, and stepped on the fuse of the stimulus instead of making sure it was used where it was needed, and took his eye off the ball instead of making sure that his mortgage relief initiatives were actually working, etc.?

I suspect he will.

He's very smooth.

Yes Obama is bad. His whole white trash family has show us this. He his playing the fiddle while Rome burns, this time the USA...This time everyone's children in the USA.

He is Bill Clintong the second, he is George Bush the first.

Obama says "F you "we the people" and he is happy about it.
And you know when he loses they will play the race card until they have a royal flush.
One thing to remember. Every one of our global competitors have universal health care. A system where both businesses and individuals need not worry about paying for the expense on their own. In effect, we are trying to compete with one hand tied behind our backs.

It's foolish to think our "for profit" model of health care is going to keep the pace with the rest of the world....where shit like health care and education is subsidized, rather than big business and the most capable of our citizens. It's a recipe for failure.

That fact is ignored or forgotten. At the end of WWII, every single developed country set about taking care of their own people. But, not the US. We were all about putting money in the pockets of a very few and that became a habit we just could not seem to un-learn.

And, we're still taking care of the ultra-wealthy at the expense of the rest of us.

Not very smart, are we?

I dare you rw's to watch this or read this --

Money-Driven Medicine

You progressives are absolutely retarded....

Start with the fact that free energy doesn't exist - hence "free" health care doesn't exist, hence "free" is a fucking lie....

Nothing is free dumbass...

Everything on this planet costs labor (food) or energy (oil)...

Fucking idiot...
Listen here progressives - free energy DOES NOT EXIST....

It is impossible to generate energy without energy......
One thing to remember. Every one of our global competitors have universal health care. A system where both businesses and individuals need not worry about paying for the expense on their own. In effect, we are trying to compete with one hand tied behind our backs.

It's foolish to think our "for profit" model of health care is going to keep the pace with the rest of the world....where shit like health care and education is subsidized, rather than big business and the most capable of our citizens. It's a recipe for failure.

That fact is ignored or forgotten. At the end of WWII, every single developed country set about taking care of their own people. But, not the US. We were all about putting money in the pockets of a very few and that became a habit we just could not seem to un-learn.

And, we're still taking care of the ultra-wealthy at the expense of the rest of us.

Not very smart, are we?

I dare you rw's to watch this or read this --

Money-Driven Medicine

You progressives are absolutely retarded....

Start with the fact that free energy doesn't exist - hence "free" health care doesn't exist, hence "free" is a fucking lie....

Nothing is free dumbass...

Everything on this planet costs labor (food) or energy (oil)...

Fucking idiot...

LOL. Free means we all do nothing and get mediocre services for as long as there are a few people putting us on their backs.

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