Obama hoping to secure the destruction of Israel...

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Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
By John Velisek USN (Ret), staff writer

Is it in our country’s best interest to demonize the lone democracy and longtime American friend in the Middle East? Is there a logical reason that a group of leftists from Obama’s campaign should travel to Israel for the purpose of causing a Netanyahu loss? With the Muslim-in-Chief in charge, perhaps an attempt to sabotage the election of courageous, pro-Israel leader should be expected. After all, as Obama has lifted Iranian sanctions; assisted the terrorist nation in obtaining nuclear capability; told Samantha Power that the U.S. supports a two state solution that will leave Israel undefendable, it is apparent that he is planning the destruction of Israel by the savages in the area.

Iran has stated many times that the destruction of Israel is the goal. The Obama Regime knows that and has been facilitating the progress of Iran towards that goal.

UN ambassador Samantha Power testified before a House committee that the Obama administration intends to ignore America’s 50 year policy of supporting of Israel. She went so far as to claim that this would be a preface to a two state solution forced on Israel by the UN. It is Obama’s pro-Muslim foreign policy which has led to open confrontation with Israel and contempt for the leaders of a nation which has been an ally since its founding.

Benjamin Netanyahu knows full well that he cannot rely on Barack Obama for military assistance. During the last Gaza war, Obama’s State Department threatened to pull a shipment of military supplies to the Israel. The Jewish state cannot permit herself to depend upon the United States again, even though Obama is attempting to put Israel in a position of having to take action herself, without assistance, in order that he might build a legacy of dealmaker between the nations.

Perhaps Obama does not realize that any attempt to reach an agreement with Tehran is pointless. For Iran is looking for confrontation, believing that the chaos of another major war would bring about the twelfth imam and the supremacy of Islam throughout the world. The start of that war could involve nuclear missiles aimed at Tel Aviv and Haifa; missiles that Obama, more interested in legacy than Israeli security, has permitted—even encouraged—Iran to build.

What we are watching is the far left willfully pushing to war a regime that will further the destruction of Israel. This from a President that told the ADAS Conference in Washington, DC, that he is the “first Jewish President”.

Now the borders of Israel are sealed. Hamas is Fighting Isis, Hezbollah on the Northern border as the Sinai hosts a battle between Egypt and Isis..... MORE

Obama hoping to secure the destruction of Israel - Coach is Right
No they just get their surrogates to do it.

So, the US supporting the insurgents in Syria is considered a war against Syria? Or the U.S. support of the insurgents (Mujahedin) against the Afghan government a war against Afghanistan? Or U.S. support of the murderous Contras Nicaragua was a U.S. war against Nicaragua?
Obama may be against Israel but he doesn't realize he's pissing off a much higher authority than he is. He will pay for it.
Obama may be against Israel but he doesn't realize he's pissing off a much higher authority than he is. He will pay for it.
??????What higher authority Hoss......I hope you are not referring to GOD ??????

If so,"You have been drinking TOO MUCH PISS....." steve
Obama may be against Israel but he doesn't realize he's pissing off a much higher authority than he is. He will pay for it.

and who might that be?

Obama may be against Israel but he doesn't realize he's pissing off a much higher authority than he is. He will pay for it.

Who is this higher authority? Is it Jesus Christ, or some Jewish guy?

Will you people just stop bothering me with your petty squabbles! I gave you "free will" and what do you do with it? You keep asking me for stuff, wealth, fame, good looks, the list just goes on and then you keep blathering "thy will be done" all the time. Listen morons it's YOUR WILL, just get on with it. The Universe is a big place and I've got better things to do than listen to all your whinning.
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