Obama Hope and Change now Economics, for Future Bankrupt insane situation.(c)


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2008
We all were all hypnotized by President Barack Obama promise of hope and change for
a better America. President Obama got himself elected President, and then proceeded to bail out fat cat Wall Street bankers and some brokerage houses to the tune of almost
1 trillion U.S. Dollars.

This money has not all been repaid back to the U.S. treasury. Some of this money will have to be paid back by our Children or our grandchildren.

President Obama may have indepted our childrens future for some hope, and spare change
for now.?:razz:
We all were all hypnotized by President Barack Obama promise of hope and change for
a better America. President Obama got himself elected President, and then proceeded to bail out fat cat Wall Street bankers and some brokerage houses to the tune of almost
1 trillion U.S. Dollars.

This money has not all been repaid back to the U.S. treasury. Some of this money will have to be paid back by our Children or our grandchildren.

President Obama may have indepted our childrens future for some hope, and spare change
for now.?:razz:

You believed Obama?







We all were all hypnotized by President Barack Obama promise of hope and change for
a better America. President Obama got himself elected President, and then proceeded to bail out fat cat Wall Street bankers and some brokerage houses to the tune of almost
1 trillion U.S. Dollars.

This money has not all been repaid back to the U.S. treasury. Some of this money will have to be paid back by our Children or our grandchildren.

President Obama may have indepted our childrens future for some hope, and spare change
for now.?:razz:

The Wall St. bailouts were signed by Bush, not Obama, and they will mostly be repaid, much has already been repaid. Of the $700 Billion TARP wall st bailout, the eventual cost to taxpayers will be about 60 billion, not almost a trillion.

Do you think you got so much a better deal on the Iraq war, for a trillion dollars, 4,400 dead and 30,000 wounded, not counting VA expenses for the next 70 years, at another couple of trillion?
What do you mean "we"?

A lot of us knew he was way out of his league.
I'm still puzzled about why he rewarded Bernancke and Geithner for meltdown I.

Did he want a continuation or sequel of Oct. 08-Mar. 09?

Did he not understand what had happened or what?

Given that Obamacare was priority one during a crisis in which countries were going bankrupt I am inclined towards the second explanation.
I'm still puzzled about why he rewarded Bernancke and Geithner for meltdown I.

Did he want a continuation or sequel of Oct. 08-Mar. 09?

Did he not understand what had happened or what?

Given that Obamacare was priority one during a crisis in which countries were going bankrupt I am inclined towards the second explanation.

He came into office with an agenda and he never departed from it. He considered all of the real world events underway as annoyances and distractions from his agenda.

Some presidents get to attack world events by being leaders and setting the national agenda. Moon mission, war on poverty, great society....star wars.

Obama never addressed the economy except as an afterthought, convinced that the stimulus had bandaged the wound.

He just grossly misunderestimated the gravity of everything. I am sure he is still misunderestimating the gravity of the wound.

He's unqualified for this position.

He is also doing exactly what you said: by so completely misdiagnosing the gravity of the economy and relying on the goons who caused this mess to fix it he is definitely casting himself into the mold of Hoover.
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I'm still puzzled about why he rewarded Bernancke and Geithner for meltdown I.

Did he want a continuation or sequel of Oct. 08-Mar. 09?

Did he not understand what had happened or what?

Given that Obamacare was priority one during a crisis in which countries were going bankrupt I am inclined towards the second explanation.

He came into office with an agenda and he never departed from it. He considered all of the real world events underway as annoyances and distractions from his agenda.

Some presidents get to attack world events by being leaders and setting the national agenda. Moon mission, war on poverty, great society....star wars.

Obama never addressed the economy except as an afterthought, convinced that the stimulus had bandaged the wound.

He just grossly misunderestimated the gravity of everything. I am sure he is still misunderestimating the gravity of the wound.

He's unqualified for this position.

He is also doing exactly what you said: by so completely misdiagnosing the gravity of the economy and relying on the goons who caused this mess to fix it he is definitely casting himself into the mold of Hoover.
Sending his on party into the political wilderness for 20 years would be a lesser problem if the GOP had any tendencies to honesty and competence, which they do not.
Sending his on party into the political wilderness for 20 years would be a lesser problem if the GOP had any tendencies to honesty and competence, which they do not.

no worries, Mate, the American public hates both of them. And neither of them is capable of rallying more than 20% real support under any circumstance.

Any Palin with a real brain and a leadership genius could steal the support of 90% of Americans away from both parties in a month.

Of course that sounds a lot like Hitler! Strange things happen in depressions! People being so malleable and all.
Obama is supremely better than Bush in every way.

I voted for him but he was not my first choice. Dennis Kucinich was. But I was given the choice of Obama or McCain.

If it comes down to a choice of Obama or some Republican in 2012 I will vote for Obama again. But I hope the DNC can come up with a better candidate.

The problem with Obama is he's too young and he does not have an aggressive nature. His primary concern is his future, which will be as president of some Ivy League university, or partner in some prestigious law firm. So he's not about to make any serious waves or piss off anyone who can hurt him when he steps down.

We need an older, more cynical and aggressive individual who has no need to worry about his future no matter who he offends. I had the impression that Mike Gravel was exactly what we needed. He didn't give a damn who he offended. He knew what the problems were and I believe he would have gone after the Bush Crime Family like a pit bull. And that would have set the tone for some real changes.

But nobody took the cranky old guy seriously and he was dumped right away.
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