Obama Headed Towards Electoral Disaster In 2012


Gold Member
Apr 8, 2009
Gulf of Mexico Coast, Texas
A recent Rasmussen poll showed only 25% of Americans who strongly support President Obama, with 36% who strongly disapprove of him! Also, recent polls show 68% of independents are leaning towards the republican candidate.

Since registered democrats and republicans are roughly split 40% to 40%, the 20% of independents will decide the election in 2012, as usual.

With a shift of 7 electoral votes due to the 2010 census, from blue states to red states, Obama might be facing an uphill battle for reelection in 2012.

Why Barack Obama may be heading for electoral disaster in 2012 – Telegraph Blogs
A recent Rasmussen poll showed only 25% of Americans who strongly support President Obama, with 36% who strongly disapprove of him! Also, recent polls show 68% of independents are leaning towards the republican candidate.

Since registered democrats and republicans are roughly split 40% to 40%, the 20% of independents will decide the election in 2012, as usual.

With a shift of 7 electoral votes due to the 2010 census, from blue states to red states, Obama might be facing an uphill battle for reelection in 2012.

Why Barack Obama may be heading for electoral disaster in 2012 – Telegraph Blogs

NY-26 proved just how stupid you are, and how unreliable ANYTHING coming from Rasmussen is.
A recent Rasmussen poll showed only 25% of Americans who strongly support President Obama, with 36% who strongly disapprove of him! Also, recent polls show 68% of independents are leaning towards the republican candidate.

Since registered democrats and republicans are roughly split 40% to 40%, the 20% of independents will decide the election in 2012, as usual.

With a shift of 7 electoral votes due to the 2010 census, from blue states to red states, Obama might be facing an uphill battle for reelection in 2012.

Why Barack Obama may be heading for electoral disaster in 2012 – Telegraph Blogs

If the economy continues on the track its been on since he took office he will lose.
If the economy gets better he will win.

It about the jobs, and even with unemployment holding steady we are still losing jobs. The reason it doesn't show up on the unemployment % is that when people run out of unemployment benefits they are no longer considered in the statistic....even if they still aren't working.
A recent Rasmussen poll showed only 25% of Americans who strongly support President Obama, with 36% who strongly disapprove of him! Also, recent polls show 68% of independents are leaning towards the republican candidate.

Since registered democrats and republicans are roughly split 40% to 40%, the 20% of independents will decide the election in 2012, as usual.

With a shift of 7 electoral votes due to the 2010 census, from blue states to red states, Obama might be facing an uphill battle for reelection in 2012.

Why Barack Obama may be heading for electoral disaster in 2012 – Telegraph Blogs

NY-26 proved just how stupid you are, and how unreliable ANYTHING coming from Rasmussen is.

fail...........its amazing how Dems can do when they run as Tea Party candidates s0n!!!

Anyway...........Ive been sayng for months that already, the math is seriouosly dour for Obama in terms of the electoral college. Pennsylvania and Florida are already going to be red states and the chances of Ohio going blue again get smaller every day. New Hapmshire might well go red as well. Zero red states will be going blue.........100% certainty. Even with Bob McNut running for the GOP, its going to be a dead heat and that doesnt take into consideration the economy going further into the shitter.

And dont forget..........in 2008, the GOP got almost 50 million votes running the lamest-ass boring retread, John McCain.

Independents are generally an intelligent bunch, so I don't think they would go back to the Republican side. Our memories of the Bush admin. are very much intact.
A recent Rasmussen poll showed only 25% of Americans who strongly support President Obama, with 36% who strongly disapprove of him! Also, recent polls show 68% of independents are leaning towards the republican candidate.
Since registered democrats and republicans are roughly split 40% to 40%, the 20% of independents will decide the election in 2012, as usual.

With a shift of 7 electoral votes due to the 2010 census, from blue states to red states, Obama might be facing an uphill battle for reelection in 2012.

Why Barack Obama may be heading for electoral disaster in 2012 – Telegraph Blogs

The Republicans have a candidate?
A recent Rasmussen poll showed only 25% of Americans who strongly support President Obama, with 36% who strongly disapprove of him! Also, recent polls show 68% of independents are leaning towards the republican candidate.

Since registered democrats and republicans are roughly split 40% to 40%, the 20% of independents will decide the election in 2012, as usual.

With a shift of 7 electoral votes due to the 2010 census, from blue states to red states, Obama might be facing an uphill battle for reelection in 2012.

Why Barack Obama may be heading for electoral disaster in 2012 – Telegraph Blogs

NY-26 proved just how stupid you are, and how unreliable ANYTHING coming from Rasmussen is.

fail...........its amazing how Dems can do when they run as Tea Party candidates s0n!!!

Anyway...........Ive been sayng for months that already, the math is seriouosly dour for Obama in terms of the electoral college. Pennsylvania and Florida are already going to be red states and the chances of Ohio going blue again get smaller every day. New Hapmshire might well go red as well. Zero red states will be going blue.........100% certainty. Even with Bob McNut running for the GOP, its going to be a dead heat and that doesnt take into consideration the economy going further into the shitter.

And dont forget..........in 2008, the GOP got almost 50 million votes running the lamest-ass boring retread, John McCain.


You might want to rethink that thinking, lol.

Ohio Gov. John Kasich gets low approval numbers in another poll
Published: Wednesday, May 25, 2011, 5:25 PM Updated: Thursday, May 26, 2011, 8:42 AM
By Reginald Fields, The Plain Dealer The Plain Dealer

Amy Sancetta, Associated PressGov. John Kasich

COLUMBUS, Ohio - A new poll released today suggests the longer Gov. John Kasich is in office the more voters dislike him.

The Republican governor's approval number has slipped to just 33 percent while his disapproval figure rose to 56 percent, according to a survey (pdf) from Public Policy Polling, a Democratic polling company. The numbers are a little worse than in March when the poll was last taken.

The polling firm said Kasich's disapproval number is the highest in the country among polls taken on 38 governors, tied only by Florida's Rick Scott.

Ohio Gov. John Kasich gets low approval numbers in another poll | cleveland.com

I think the Republicans are going to have a lot of trouble in Ohio and Florida come next November.
A recent Rasmussen poll showed only 25% of Americans who strongly support President Obama, with 36% who strongly disapprove of him! Also, recent polls show 68% of independents are leaning towards the republican candidate.

Since registered democrats and republicans are roughly split 40% to 40%, the 20% of independents will decide the election in 2012, as usual.

With a shift of 7 electoral votes due to the 2010 census, from blue states to red states, Obama might be facing an uphill battle for reelection in 2012.

Why Barack Obama may be heading for electoral disaster in 2012 – Telegraph Blogs

NY-26 proved just how stupid you are, and how unreliable ANYTHING coming from Rasmussen is.

NY 26? Serious?

Independents are generally an intelligent bunch, so I don't think they would go back to the Republican side. Our memories of the Bush admin. are very much intact.

Well today those intelligent independents are seeing headlines like these:

"Horror for US Economy as Data Falls off Cliff" That from CNBC. The NBC not exactly favorable to the right, especially so to any blind and deaf person tuned to its low rated MSNBC.

"Back towards a US double-dip" From an artile by extreme lefty Robert Reich.
"...America’s ferociously high level of unemployment."
"...housing prices continue to fall."

Intelligent folks know all about Barry's failed stimulus, trillion-plus budget deficits, etc. And I'm sure they do have memories of the Bush administration, the good old days by comparison.
Independents are generally an intelligent bunch, so I don't think they would go back to the Republican side. Our memories of the Bush admin. are very much intact.

Please address the reality of the Obama administration.... you know...

50,000,000 unemployed
$14,000,000,000,000 debt
$1,200,000,000,000 deficits
$5 gas
Worthless dollar
3 wars
Tanked housing market.. still
Stagnant stock market
Us independent free thinkers know we're effed, the economy has essentially been a constant disaster since we had a rep prez/rep congress, rep prez/dem congress, dem prez/dem congress and now dem prez with a good amount of reps. So if a voter was alive from 2001-2011 they understand that both parties will continue to spend us and policy-decision us into economic disaster.

All that said, I think Obama wins easily, wish it weren't the case but sure seems like it now.
Independents are generally an intelligent bunch, so I don't think they would go back to the Republican side. Our memories of the Bush admin. are very much intact.

Please address the reality of the Obama administration.... you know...

50,000,000 unemployed
$14,000,000,000,000 debt
$1,200,000,000,000 deficits
$5 gas
Worthless dollar
3 wars
Tanked housing market.. still
Stagnant stock market

What is the Republican plan to address reality?

More tax cuts for the wealthy...
Independents are generally an intelligent bunch, so I don't think they would go back to the Republican side. Our memories of the Bush admin. are very much intact.

Please address the reality of the Obama administration.... you know...

50,000,000 unemployed
$14,000,000,000,000 debt
$1,200,000,000,000 deficits
$5 gas
Worthless dollar
3 wars
Tanked housing market.. still
Stagnant stock market

What is the Republican plan to address reality?

More tax cuts for the wealthy...

Typical class warfare response. Well, here ya go... you could confiscate every $ held by every man, woman, child and corporation in the U.S. and you still couldn't wipe out the debt. So, the notion that increasing taxes on 1% of the population will do a damn thing is, well, either very naive or just plain dumb.

And BTW... Obama's gone 1/20/2013.
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More tax cuts for the wealthy...

More voice and power for corporations and let the poor, poor angels police themselves! Then, make unions illegal, drive down our wages to third world status, take away any decent stadard of living except for the heads of said corporations...

Among other things... But nothing that will actually benefit the average American citizen...
So, the notion that increasing taxes on 1% of the population is, well, either very naive or just plain dumb

That's not even a sentence. Be careful about what and whom you call naive or dumb.

Typical class warfare response.

Oh, and the record shows it's the Republicans who are attacking the middle class and America is waking up to it...finally.

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