Obama has killed as many Americans as Isis


Gold Member
Mar 4, 2015
obamas little "apology" is really out of character for him because he normally doesn't say anything when something can be pinned to him and when it can be the man chuckles and says "not optimable". It is pretty obvious that he did something that can be pinned to him so he makes his apology tour to non-questioning reporters. It is a clever rouge designed to cover something up.
obamas little "apology" is really out of character for him because he normally doesn't say anything when something can be pinned to him and when it can be the man chuckles and says "not optimable". It is pretty obvious that he did something that can be pinned to him so he makes his apology tour to non-questioning reporters. It is a clever rouge designed to cover something up.

President Obama did not order that drone strike.

"Obama has killed as many Americans as Isis"


Obama has no objections to killing Americans and is doing so as fast as he can. What's his count now? Four in Libya, One in Arizona, The one you post plus a whole host of others.
I saw that speech. I thought it was well-worded and effectively delivered.
However, I do still hate that sumbitch.

The Drone program is the only policy of Obama's on which I agree.
However, I do still hate that sumbitch.

The fucker traded how many foreign bad guys for one American bad guy?
He's such an idiotic anus.
This thread is pretty fucking stupid. And that's saying something, on this board.
Obama truly has become the Assassin By Order President.

Every lib screaming that the GITMO dudes being held without due process meanwhile BAM BAMS kill them from above with drones without even a lick of evidence but an "Uncle Abdul's say so" takes out whole families on a day to day.
obamas little "apology" is really out of character for him because he normally doesn't say anything when something can be pinned to him and when it can be the man chuckles and says "not optimable". It is pretty obvious that he did something that can be pinned to him so he makes his apology tour to non-questioning reporters. It is a clever rouge designed to cover something up.

Looks like conjecture. Is that what you were hoping was the facts?
How would you know?
obamas little "apology" is really out of character for him because he normally doesn't say anything when something can be pinned to him and when it can be the man chuckles and says "not optimable". It is pretty obvious that he did something that can be pinned to him so he makes his apology tour to non-questioning reporters. It is a clever rouge designed to cover something up.

Looks like conjecture. Is that what you were hoping was the facts?
How would you know?

His drone project has killed thousands of innocents.

What is there to debate?
obamas little "apology" is really out of character for him because he normally doesn't say anything when something can be pinned to him and when it can be the man chuckles and says "not optimable". It is pretty obvious that he did something that can be pinned to him so he makes his apology tour to non-questioning reporters. It is a clever rouge designed to cover something up.
Obama like a son of radical muslim tends to kill innocent people. However his policy provokes a bulk of wars and creates ISIS itself.
This is a very strange situation. Americans are paying money for being killed or hated.
All this situation is under control of Black Muslim who won Pres. Elections twice...
I love this country.
obamas little "apology" is really out of character for him because he normally doesn't say anything when something can be pinned to him and when it can be the man chuckles and says "not optimable". It is pretty obvious that he did something that can be pinned to him so he makes his apology tour to non-questioning reporters. It is a clever rouge designed to cover something up.

Looks like conjecture. Is that what you were hoping was the facts?
How would you know?

His drone project has killed thousands of innocents.

What is there to debate?

Manned airstrikes have killed many hundreds of times as many innocents as drone strikes have.
obamas little "apology" is really out of character for him because he normally doesn't say anything when something can be pinned to him and when it can be the man chuckles and says "not optimable". It is pretty obvious that he did something that can be pinned to him so he makes his apology tour to non-questioning reporters. It is a clever rouge designed to cover something up.

Looks like conjecture. Is that what you were hoping was the facts?
How would you know?

His drone project has killed thousands of innocents.

What is there to debate?

The firebombing of Tokyo killed about 100,000 Japanese, mostly 'innocent', in one raid.
Whom has he killed? Weren't these the actions of others who were 'just following orders'?

I don't care for the present Chief Executive, but that isn't new. I haven't liked many since I've been around. Nevertheless, Mr. Obama, to my knowledge, has never killed anyone personally. If the actions he has ordered are illegal, he may be guilty, along with those actually committing them. In the modern world, it seems we do all we can to remove ourselves from responsibility for our acts. Even Nuremberg let the average German soldier off the hook for what was really his crime, too. Likewise with Kent State.

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