Obama Had More Privilege as Mullatto Than Most White Kids Had Being White


May 23, 2014
Obama went to exclusive schools...became the darling of the campus professoriate which was all 1960’s narcissists graduates at the time...and had an easy path in life. All whites do not grow up in suburbs and we are not pussified like Batty Sotoro. Although leftist whites and Hollywood liberals want to cry over Obama’s tough childhood. Fuck him. I never had heat in my room growing up. If it was 20 degrees outside...it was fucking 20 degrees inside. Cold cereal for breakfast and no lunch. Supper at night.
Mr. and Mrs. Obama Keep Up Pretense of Growing Up Poor
Because liberal creeps honestly believe minorities should never be held accountable for anything because they're oh-so-oppressed and sometimes lash out at all this "oppression". I have a bunch of liberal nutcase relatives who have told me exactly that. So when I ask them, "Name me ONE legal right I have in this country that the blacks do not," they can't answer the question. They just melt down and call me racist over and over again. For asking an honest, fair question about their radical assertion.

Living around this leftist lunacy (both my family and this equally ridiculous state), liberals exist in a fantasy world in which the lowest, semi-literate, violent criminal 3rd-world dregs of humanity are these innocent, saint-like, magical pixies incapable of doing anything wrong. As Nancy Pelosi said, the MS13 gang are still "god's children."
Obama went to exclusive schools...became the darling of the campus professoriate which was all 1960’s narcissists graduates at the time...and had an easy path in life. All whites do not grow up in suburbs and we are not pussified like Batty Sotoro. Although leftist whites and Hollywood liberals want to cry over Obama’s tough childhood. Fuck him. I never had heat in my room growing up. If it was 20 degrees outside...it was fucking 20 degrees inside. Cold cereal for breakfast and no lunch. Supper at night.
Mr. and Mrs. Obama Keep Up Pretense of Growing Up Poor
He didn't have a fraction of the privilege your orange dotard grew up with and you hail him as a hero even though he dodged the draft and regularly attacks POW's.
Because liberal creeps honestly believe minorities should never be held accountable for anything because they're oh-so-oppressed and sometimes lash out at all this "oppression". I have a bunch of liberal nutcase relatives who have told me exactly that. So when I ask them, "Name me ONE legal right I have in this country that the blacks do not," they can't answer the question. They just melt down and call me racist over and over again. For asking an honest, fair question about their radical assertion.

Living around this leftist lunacy (both my family and this equally ridiculous state), liberals exist in a fantasy world in which the lowest, semi-literate, violent criminal 3rd-world dregs of humanity are these innocent, saint-like, magical pixies incapable of doing anything wrong. As Nancy Pelosi said, the MS13 gang are still "god's children."

The American Left is the oppressor of minority groups. Problem is, the Democratic Party has successfully used Antipositivist social science and Identity Politics to brainwash minorities and majority intelligentsia educated kiddies to believe the lie that the Conservative bogeyman "The Man" exists to oppress them and hang them all by the light of a burning cross. The devil is no longer in the details when the devil himself has rewritten those very same details and the accompanying fine print.
Because liberal creeps honestly believe minorities should never be held accountable for anything because they're oh-so-oppressed and sometimes lash out at all this "oppression". I have a bunch of liberal nutcase relatives who have told me exactly that. So when I ask them, "Name me ONE legal right I have in this country that the blacks do not," they can't answer the question. They just melt down and call me racist over and over again. For asking an honest, fair question about their radical assertion.

Living around this leftist lunacy (both my family and this equally ridiculous state), liberals exist in a fantasy world in which the lowest, semi-literate, violent criminal 3rd-world dregs of humanity are these innocent, saint-like, magical pixies incapable of doing anything wrong. As Nancy Pelosi said, the MS13 gang are still "god's children."

The American Left is the oppressor of minority groups. Problem is, the Democratic Party has successfully used Antipositivist social science and Identity Politics to brainwash minorities and majority intelligentsia educated kiddies to believe the lie that the Conservative bogeyman "The Man" exists to oppress them and hang them all by the light of a burning cross. The devil is no longer in the details when the devil himself has rewritten those very same details and the accompanying fine print.

I know and of course you're right. Because liberals are so arrogant and condescending they see minorities as helpless perpetual victims that need oh-no-enlightened white liberal babysitting. Because it makes self-hating liberal feel so noble and generous (in the fakest manner possible). Liberals see minorities as objects of pity, not responsible, adult equals.
Because liberal creeps honestly believe minorities should never be held accountable for anything because they're oh-so-oppressed and sometimes lash out at all this "oppression". I have a bunch of liberal nutcase relatives who have told me exactly that. So when I ask them, "Name me ONE legal right I have in this country that the blacks do not," they can't answer the question. They just melt down and call me racist over and over again. For asking an honest, fair question about their radical assertion.

Living around this leftist lunacy (both my family and this equally ridiculous state), liberals exist in a fantasy world in which the lowest, semi-literate, violent criminal 3rd-world dregs of humanity are these innocent, saint-like, magical pixies incapable of doing anything wrong. As Nancy Pelosi said, the MS13 gang are still "god's children."

The American Left is the oppressor of minority groups. Problem is, the Democratic Party has successfully used Antipositivist social science and Identity Politics to brainwash minorities and majority intelligentsia educated kiddies to believe the lie that the Conservative bogeyman "The Man" exists to oppress them and hang them all by the light of a burning cross. The devil is no longer in the details when the devil himself has rewritten those very same details and the accompanying fine print.

I know and of course you're right. Because liberals are so arrogant and condescending they see minorities as helpless perpetual victims that need oh-no-enlightened white liberal babysitting. Because it makes self-hating liberal feel so noble and generous (in the fakest manner possible). Liberals see minorities as objects of pity, not responsible, adult equals.

Agreed. If the Democrats would just stand back and let minorities fend or themselves, instead of politicizing their special "struggles" then they'd identify as Americans first, and embrace better the uniquely American capability of starting out with nothing and rising as far up as personal effort can take you.

Obama went to exclusive schools...became the darling of the campus professoriate which was all 1960’s narcissists graduates at the time...and had an easy path in life. All whites do not grow up in suburbs and we are not pussified like Batty Sotoro. Although leftist whites and Hollywood liberals want to cry over Obama’s tough childhood. Fuck him. I never had heat in my room growing up. If it was 20 degrees outside...it was fucking 20 degrees inside. Cold cereal for breakfast and no lunch. Supper at night.
Mr. and Mrs. Obama Keep Up Pretense of Growing Up Poor
He didn't have a fraction of the privilege your orange dotard grew up with and you hail him as a hero even though he dodged the draft and regularly attacks POW's.
He went to private schools in Hawaii, for God's sake. How much more privileged can you get?

Obama went to exclusive schools...became the darling of the campus professoriate which was all 1960’s narcissists graduates at the time...and had an easy path in life. All whites do not grow up in suburbs and we are not pussified like Batty Sotoro. Although leftist whites and Hollywood liberals want to cry over Obama’s tough childhood. Fuck him. I never had heat in my room growing up. If it was 20 degrees outside...it was fucking 20 degrees inside. Cold cereal for breakfast and no lunch. Supper at night.
Mr. and Mrs. Obama Keep Up Pretense of Growing Up Poor
He didn't have a fraction of the privilege your orange dotard grew up with and you hail him as a hero even though he dodged the draft and regularly attacks POW's.
He went to private schools in Hawaii, for God's sake. How much more privileged can you get?

Did he go to that school because of his skin tone?

Obama went to exclusive schools...became the darling of the campus professoriate which was all 1960’s narcissists graduates at the time...and had an easy path in life. All whites do not grow up in suburbs and we are not pussified like Batty Sotoro. Although leftist whites and Hollywood liberals want to cry over Obama’s tough childhood. Fuck him. I never had heat in my room growing up. If it was 20 degrees outside...it was fucking 20 degrees inside. Cold cereal for breakfast and no lunch. Supper at night.
Mr. and Mrs. Obama Keep Up Pretense of Growing Up Poor
He didn't have a fraction of the privilege your orange dotard grew up with and you hail him as a hero even though he dodged the draft and regularly attacks POW's.
He went to private schools in Hawaii, for God's sake. How much more privileged can you get?

Did he go to that school because of his skin tone?
He went to that school because his grand mother was a rich banker. His skin tone war irrelevant.

Obama went to exclusive schools...became the darling of the campus professoriate which was all 1960’s narcissists graduates at the time...and had an easy path in life. All whites do not grow up in suburbs and we are not pussified like Batty Sotoro. Although leftist whites and Hollywood liberals want to cry over Obama’s tough childhood. Fuck him. I never had heat in my room growing up. If it was 20 degrees outside...it was fucking 20 degrees inside. Cold cereal for breakfast and no lunch. Supper at night.
Mr. and Mrs. Obama Keep Up Pretense of Growing Up Poor
He didn't have a fraction of the privilege your orange dotard grew up with and you hail him as a hero even though he dodged the draft and regularly attacks POW's.
He went to private schools in Hawaii, for God's sake. How much more privileged can you get?

Did he go to that school because of his skin tone?
He went to that school because his grand mother was a rich banker. His skin tone war irrelevant.

Tell that to the OP

Obama went to exclusive schools...became the darling of the campus professoriate which was all 1960’s narcissists graduates at the time...and had an easy path in life. All whites do not grow up in suburbs and we are not pussified like Batty Sotoro. Although leftist whites and Hollywood liberals want to cry over Obama’s tough childhood. Fuck him. I never had heat in my room growing up. If it was 20 degrees outside...it was fucking 20 degrees inside. Cold cereal for breakfast and no lunch. Supper at night.
Mr. and Mrs. Obama Keep Up Pretense of Growing Up Poor
He didn't have a fraction of the privilege your orange dotard grew up with and you hail him as a hero even though he dodged the draft and regularly attacks POW's.
He went to private schools in Hawaii, for God's sake. How much more privileged can you get?

Did he go to that school because of his skin tone?
He went to that school because his grand mother was a rich banker. His skin tone war irrelevant.

Tell that to the OP
Tell what to the OP? That Obama was as privileged as any rich kid yet pretends he had a tough child hood?

He didn't have a fraction of the privilege your orange dotard grew up with and you hail him as a hero even though he dodged the draft and regularly attacks POW's.
He went to private schools in Hawaii, for God's sake. How much more privileged can you get?

Did he go to that school because of his skin tone?
He went to that school because his grand mother was a rich banker. His skin tone war irrelevant.

Tell that to the OP
Tell what to the OP? That Obama was as privileged as any rich kid yet pretends he had a tough child hood?

This his skin tone had nothing to do with it. And while he was privileged, it was nothing compared to Trump's kids, so i would not go there
O'Bama was and is not a "Black Man" as the term is understood. Any more than Gary Player is "African American," even though he is African and a naturalized American citizen.

O'Bama never lived in a ghetto, never knew poverty, discrimination, HAD NO ANCESTORS WHO WERE EVER SLAVES. Never learned "Black" patois until it was convenient to learn it.

The only discrimination O'Bama experienced was POSITIVE discrimination - special treatment - because he was an A.A. beneficiary, and because he falsely approached colleges and universities as a foreign exchange student, which is why his academic records will never be released.

Had a Leftist white man or woman with his credentials sought to run for President, s/he would have had less chance than Pat Paulsen of winning. The ONLY reason he was taken seriously was because he was Black and spoke like a white person.
He went to private schools in Hawaii, for God's sake. How much more privileged can you get?

Did he go to that school because of his skin tone?
He went to that school because his grand mother was a rich banker. His skin tone war irrelevant.

Tell that to the OP
Tell what to the OP? That Obama was as privileged as any rich kid yet pretends he had a tough child hood?

This his skin tone had nothing to do with it. And while he was privileged, it was nothing compared to Trump's kids, so i would not go there
When did anyone ever claim that Trump's kids weren't privileged?
Well, bripat9643, my question to you is, if O'Bama's kids applied to get into, say, an Ivy League university, would they get a "diversity preference" due to the color of their skin, or would their applications be reviewed strictly on merit? Would they have an equal chance of being accepted as, say, a middle-class white male from Philadelphia with exactly the same academic credentials?

The answer is obvious.
The Real Privilege in our culture is tied to Financial Status Class, especially when combined with Political Connections which enable crony benefits to swill at the taxpayer funded trough.

Well, bripat9643, my question to you is, if O'Bama's kids applied to get into, say, an Ivy League university, would they get a "diversity preference" due to the color of their skin, or would their applications be reviewed strictly on merit? Would they have an equal chance of being accepted as, say, a middle-class white male from Philadelphia with exactly the same academic credentials?

The answer is obvious.

Obama's children get preference because of the prominence of their old man.

Obama himself got preference because of the color of his skin and his claim of being an international student from Kenya by way of Indonesia. Of course that turned out to be a lie, President Trump investigated and found out the man was actually born in Hawaii.

I would have never guessed B Hussein O was a native born Hawaiian- I never heard him refer to the "goddam Howlies"
Obama went to exclusive schools...became the darling of the campus professoriate which was all 1960’s narcissists graduates at the time...and had an easy path in life. All whites do not grow up in suburbs and we are not pussified like Batty Sotoro. Although leftist whites and Hollywood liberals want to cry over Obama’s tough childhood. Fuck him. I never had heat in my room growing up. If it was 20 degrees outside...it was fucking 20 degrees inside. Cold cereal for breakfast and no lunch. Supper at night.
Mr. and Mrs. Obama Keep Up Pretense of Growing Up Poor
Ya, being of mixed race sure made it easy! WTF are you smoking!
Obama went to exclusive schools...became the darling of the campus professoriate which was all 1960’s narcissists graduates at the time...and had an easy path in life. All whites do not grow up in suburbs and we are not pussified like Batty Sotoro. Although leftist whites and Hollywood liberals want to cry over Obama’s tough childhood. Fuck him. I never had heat in my room growing up. If it was 20 degrees outside...it was fucking 20 degrees inside. Cold cereal for breakfast and no lunch. Supper at night.
Mr. and Mrs. Obama Keep Up Pretense of Growing Up Poor
Ya, being of mixed race sure made it easy! WTF are you smoking!

Mr. Obama grew up extremely affluent, and that's easier that growing up poor.
Obama went to exclusive schools...became the darling of the campus professoriate which was all 1960’s narcissists graduates at the time...and had an easy path in life. All whites do not grow up in suburbs and we are not pussified like Batty Sotoro. Although leftist whites and Hollywood liberals want to cry over Obama’s tough childhood. Fuck him. I never had heat in my room growing up. If it was 20 degrees outside...it was fucking 20 degrees inside. Cold cereal for breakfast and no lunch. Supper at night.
Mr. and Mrs. Obama Keep Up Pretense of Growing Up Poor
Ya, being of mixed race sure made it easy! WTF are you smoking!

Mr. Obama grew up extremely affluent, and that's easier that growing up poor.
This maybe but being mixed race did not help! You do realize that your assertion supports the african american tale of plight do to circumstances they were born into right!

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