Obama Had More Privilege as Mullatto Than Most White Kids Had Being White

he claimed he and Michelle had student debt.... combined, the payment on student loans was greater than their first mortgage payment.

are you claiming this is not true?

Or are you claiming that when his mom was young, and with him in Seattle, she was not struggling, collecting welfare, trying to support her and him, while going to get her college degree?

What is your beef? That he wasn't as poor as you were...?

Did Obama ever claim to be as poor as you were when growing up?
Obama went to exclusive schools...became the darling of the campus professoriate which was all 1960’s narcissists graduates at the time...and had an easy path in life. All whites do not grow up in suburbs and we are not pussified like Batty Sotoro. Although leftist whites and Hollywood liberals want to cry over Obama’s tough childhood. Fuck him. I never had heat in my room growing up. If it was 20 degrees outside...it was fucking 20 degrees inside. Cold cereal for breakfast and no lunch. Supper at night.
Mr. and Mrs. Obama Keep Up Pretense of Growing Up Poor
Ya, being of mixed race sure made it easy! WTF are you smoking!
Do you have any evidence that it made his life harder?

Obama went to exclusive schools...became the darling of the campus professoriate which was all 1960’s narcissists graduates at the time...and had an easy path in life. All whites do not grow up in suburbs and we are not pussified like Batty Sotoro. Although leftist whites and Hollywood liberals want to cry over Obama’s tough childhood. Fuck him. I never had heat in my room growing up. If it was 20 degrees outside...it was fucking 20 degrees inside. Cold cereal for breakfast and no lunch. Supper at night.
Mr. and Mrs. Obama Keep Up Pretense of Growing Up Poor
He didn't have a fraction of the privilege your orange dotard grew up with and you hail him as a hero even though he dodged the draft and regularly attacks POW's.
He went to private schools in Hawaii, for God's sake. How much more privileged can you get?
He had “half-white privilege.”

Obama went to exclusive schools...became the darling of the campus professoriate which was all 1960’s narcissists graduates at the time...and had an easy path in life. All whites do not grow up in suburbs and we are not pussified like Batty Sotoro. Although leftist whites and Hollywood liberals want to cry over Obama’s tough childhood. Fuck him. I never had heat in my room growing up. If it was 20 degrees outside...it was fucking 20 degrees inside. Cold cereal for breakfast and no lunch. Supper at night.
Mr. and Mrs. Obama Keep Up Pretense of Growing Up Poor
He didn't have a fraction of the privilege your orange dotard grew up with and you hail him as a hero even though he dodged the draft and regularly attacks POW's.
He went to private schools in Hawaii, for God's sake. How much more privileged can you get?

Did he go to that school because of his skin tone?
He went to that school because his grand mother was a rich banker. His skin tone war irrelevant.
He had a socialist Columbia professor banging his mom.
Obama went to exclusive schools...became the darling of the campus professoriate which was all 1960’s narcissists graduates at the time...and had an easy path in life. All whites do not grow up in suburbs and we are not pussified like Batty Sotoro. Although leftist whites and Hollywood liberals want to cry over Obama’s tough childhood. Fuck him. I never had heat in my room growing up. If it was 20 degrees outside...it was fucking 20 degrees inside. Cold cereal for breakfast and no lunch. Supper at night.
Mr. and Mrs. Obama Keep Up Pretense of Growing Up Poor
He didn't have a fraction of the privilege your orange dotard grew up with and you hail him as a hero even though he dodged the draft and regularly attacks POW's.
So you admit he had more privilege than the average American boy?

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