Obama Gutting The Military Despite What He Says


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
A matter of weeks after screwing the pooch in Iraq Obama is doing what I knew he would do even before he was elected. Bush just spent 7 years rebuilding the military and Obama like the liberal he is decimates it. If a Republican wins in November the cycle will repeat itself.

Obama wants us to think the threats are gone. Actually Iran is proving they're worse. However, Obama has a plan. Gut the military to pay for his social programs and then hope nobody starts anything with whatever resources we have left.

Today we were told not to talk about our opinions on this matter while at work. Sounds like the orders we received when I was still on a team. Don't bad-mouth the ignorant SOB or face charges.

Screw it.

An American and a N Korean are sitting in this bar and the the American turns to the guy and asks "Kim Jong Il's son is now your leader" he says sarcasticly. "How can you put someone with zero leadership expirience in charge of your military??"

The N Korean turns to him and says with a grin "You should talk......at least our President isn't afraid of Victory".

"Facts are stubborn things" - Ronald Reagan
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Man this is the worst time for this, we need our Military to be in its best shape right now.

I don't think Obama cares.

He knows the press will support him.

It's a risk he's williing to take.

He's shifting more to Asia and away from the Middle East.....which means Israel is on their own along with Europe.
Man this is the worst time for this, we need our Military to be in its best shape right now.

I don't think Obama cares.

He knows the press will support him.

It's a risk he's williing to take.

He's shifting more to Asia and away from the Middle East.....which means Israel is on their own along with Europe.

Than what are we going to do about Iran if they close the strait of Hormuz?
Most of the expense of the rebuild went to new equipment, new armored vehicles, fuel for ships and planes, upgrades on garrison facilities.

Now all of that will go to waste. Civilian job positions aren't being filled. New facilities needing maintainance are already falling into decay. There is only so much fat you can trim from an already lean fighting force. But Obama thinks he can bullshit us into thinking he'll make the military better. He just wants something smaller and less expensive. He wants to turn us into a second-rate world power. None of his flowery words will prevent that.
I wrote on here when Panetta was named SECDEF that he was sent there to dismantle the place. Military end-strength goes way down during Democrat administrations. No surprise here. This time it will be worse. They are going after pay, retirement, and health care benefits. Not cool Mr. Prez.
I am trying to discover exactly what he or that is the dod intends on defunding or lowering funding for.

It seems to early to tell yet but based upon his remarks I'll wing some remarks;

he said that he wishes to focus on the pacific. I made the same argument here a while ago, 13 carrier grps., strong Marine Expeditionary forces ( 3 full divisions with air assets) and a strong air force.

yet, he has stopped the F-22 at 187 aircraft, which will not nearly replace the air forces air superiority platforms, the F-15 particularly (approx. 480 variants active).

the F-35 he plans on cutting back as well ( I would build more F-22's and forgo the 35 entirely but thats me).

the Gerald Ford class carrier, the next class in line to replace the Nimitz class has been cut from 5 ( bush cut them to 4, Obama has cut them to 2, with a 3rd a 'maybe).

cutting back marines and the air force and carrier grps doesn't sound like he is fulfilling his own vision so far.

I have no issue with slimming the army ground forces, 1 Armour, 2 mechanized inf. div's are fine in my humble opinion, keep the mountain div., the 82, 101st and assorted special ops units etc.
Man this is the worst time for this, we need our Military to be in its best shape right now.

I don't think Obama cares.

He knows the press will support him.

It's a risk he's williing to take.

He's shifting more to Asia and away from the Middle East.....which means Israel is on their own along with Europe.

Than what are we going to do about Iran if they close the strait of Hormuz?

Blow them the fuck out of the water.

I'm more worried about the overall capabilities of Russia, China, or anyone else that decides to try something. We won't be able to respond.....which is exactly what Obama wants. He doesn't want to respond. Maybe some bombing missions like in Libya, but we won't have a decent standing Army. He would rather we become Canada.
I am trying to discover exactly what he or that is the dod intends on defunding or lowering funding for.

It seems to early to tell yet but based upon his remarks I'll wing some remarks;

he said that he wishes to focus on the pacific. I made the same argument here a while ago, 13 carrier grps., strong Marine Expeditionary forces ( 3 full divisions with air assets) and a strong air force.

yet, he has stopped the F-22 at 187 aircraft, which will not nearly replace the air forces air superiority platforms, the F-15 particularly (approx. 480 variants active).

the F-35 he plans on cutting back as well ( I would build more F-22's and forgo the 35 entirely but thats me).

the Gerald Ford class carrier, the next class in line to replace the Nimitz class has been cut from 5 ( bush cut them to 4, Obama has cut them to 2, with a 3rd a 'maybe).

cutting back marines and the air force and carrier grps doesn't sound like he is fulfilling his own vision so far.

I have no issue with slimming the army ground forces, 1 Armour, 2 mechanized inf. div's are fine in my humble opinion, keep the mountain div., the 82, 101st and assorted special ops units etc.

I hate to keep you up on current events....but it's obvious politics is the driving force for every one of his decisions.

He doesn't really have to know what he's doing but he needs to listen to his commanders. Problem is he thinks he knows more than they do.
I wonder how many enlistment contracts will be illegally broken this time?


I have to give Bill Clinton some credit; He was smart enough to gut the military in a time of peace, not war.

Damn, big 0 is dumber than I thought humanly possible.
I wonder how many enlistment contracts will be illegally broken this time?


I have to give Bill Clinton some credit; He was smart enough to gut the military in a time of peace, not war.

Damn, big 0 is dumber than I thought humanly possible.

The problem is Clinton seemed to have a rational plan that could be defended. However ultimately it resulted in more expense later.

Obama doesn't have a rational plan. He just wants to get his cuts in the military. We are maybe ten years from being France. He wants to do most of the damage next year taking into account that during much of his expressed plan he won't be in power to approve. So, if he wants to destroy the military he'll have to do it quick. However, I think it will ruin him if he does it too quickly. He wants to spread it out over a long period, and I think that the Dems will lose the White House and the GOP will put a stop to it and as a result catch hell from the press because of it.

That's the beauty of what the Democrats are doing. They can screw everything up and once the GOP gains power back the press gives em hell for attempting to fix it. The damage is unbelievable. The fixes are going to be painful. But it keeps being put off. When somebody finally takes it on they will be labeled the bad guy.
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My son is a Sgt in the Army, Ft Bragg. We spent Christmas with him and his family, and he talked about Obama wanting to cut their pay. He's been to Iraq 3 times, and now training in PsyOps. They should NEVER cut the pay of our military. They risk their lives for US....
Islam want's our country to die....and our great leader want's it too.
Well, we shouldn't even have a military because they keep doing terrible things to our enemy.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a4UPPaHbhkY&feature=related]US Marines defile dead Afghans on camera - YouTube[/ame]

Maybe we should just cut their friggen heads off.

Course these Marines were ordered by Obama to wizz all over their kills.
Most of the expense of the rebuild went to new equipment, new armored vehicles, fuel for ships and planes, upgrades on garrison facilities.

Now all of that will go to waste. Civilian job positions aren't being filled. New facilities needing maintainance are already falling into decay. There is only so much fat you can trim from an already lean fighting force. But Obama thinks he can bullshit us into thinking he'll make the military better. He just wants something smaller and less expensive. He wants to turn us into a second-rate world power. None of his flowery words will prevent that.

Are you fucking serious? "Lean"?

We spend more money on our Military than the next 10 largest militaries combined.
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A matter of weeks after screwing the pooch in Iraq Obama is doing what I knew he would do even before he was elected. Bush just spent 7 years rebuilding the military and Obama like the liberal he is decimates it. If a Republican wins in November the cycle will repeat itself.

Obama wants us to think the threats are gone. Actually Iran is proving they're worse. However, Obama has a plan. Gut the military to pay for his social programs and then hope nobody starts anything with whatever resources we have left.

Today we were told not to talk about our opinions on this matter while at work. Sounds like the orders we received when I was still on a team. Don't bad-mouth the ignorant SOB or face charges.

Screw it.

An American and a N Korean are sitting in this bar and the the American turns to the guy and asks "Kim Jong Il's son is now your leader" he says sarcasticly. "How can you put someone with zero leadership expirience in charge of your military??"

The N Korean turns to him and says with a grin "You should talk......at least our President isn't afraid of Victory".

"Facts are stubborn things" - Ronald Reagan

What have we gained from invading Iraq and Afgahnistan? Did we need troops in Afgahnistan to kill Bin Ladin? Isn't THAT why we invaded?...to get Bin Ladin? That worked out well didn't it.

We have plenty of naval and airpower and the means to deliver lethal force anywhere on the planet. We have special forces to perform surgical strikes and take out any bad actor or leader of a rogue country on the planet. For fuck sakes...we have nukes! Who would or could attack us without gauranteed total destruction?

The only thing that happens when we send in troops is we end up getting thousands of good Americans butchered and the responsibility to clean up the place. That costs us TRILLIONS from our treasury. Did invading Iraq lower the price of oil? Did oil from these countries pay for our involvement as promised?

There is far more oil here and in the western hemisphere than we need.

Why don't we just let ol EXXON and Shell and who ever pay for their own defense? Why is it OUR responsibility?

Don't even try to say I'm soft on our enemies. I love seeing our bombs and missles blow fuckheads to red mist. I'm just totally done letting morons pick our enemies.

I don't give a rats ass about the straits of Hurmuz. We get hardly any oil from there and we will get a lot less in the future as China's demands increase.

Are we doing all this dying and wasting U S treasure for Israel? Piss on them. They want to fight and die over Arab sand? Fine... that's their call. WE should make a few trillion by selling arms to all sides and let their assorted gods sort out who wins. Did I mention I DON'T CARE!!!!

But HUGGY!!!! What about THE TERRORISTS????? Get a clue Sparky. There WILL ALWAYS BE TERRORISTS!!! You cannot please everyone...go figure...

So we just get serious about gathering intel and do what actually works...what we are good at...what is cost effective..drones and special forces. End of story.
I wrote on here when Panetta was named SECDEF that he was sent there to dismantle the place. Military end-strength goes way down during Democrat administrations. No surprise here. This time it will be worse. They are going after pay, retirement, and health care benefits. Not cool Mr. Prez.

Remember the Bush budget that Cut money to the VA?
During his wars while the wounded were still rolling in.
A matter of weeks after screwing the pooch in Iraq Obama is doing what I knew he would do even before he was elected. Bush just spent 7 years rebuilding the military and Obama like the liberal he is decimates it. If a Republican wins in November the cycle will repeat itself.

Obama wants us to think the threats are gone. Actually Iran is proving they're worse. However, Obama has a plan. Gut the military to pay for his social programs and then hope nobody starts anything with whatever resources we have left.

Today we were told not to talk about our opinions on this matter while at work. Sounds like the orders we received when I was still on a team. Don't bad-mouth the ignorant SOB or face charges.

Screw it.

An American and a N Korean are sitting in this bar and the the American turns to the guy and asks "Kim Jong Il's son is now your leader" he says sarcasticly. "How can you put someone with zero leadership expirience in charge of your military??"

The N Korean turns to him and says with a grin "You should talk......at least our President isn't afraid of Victory".

"Facts are stubborn things" - Ronald Reagan

I don't suppose it occured to you to provide us with some empirical evidence to support this charge of yours, did it?

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