Obama gloats: Let’s face it, ObamaCare is more popular than Trump is


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
That's not very hard to accomplish when you DESTROY the existing health care system, leaving Obamacare the ONLY 'choice'.

Obama gloats: Let’s face it, ObamaCare is more popular than Trump is - Hot Air

"So that’s why he’s getting $400,000 per speech from Wall Street. They’re paying him to show up and epically troll the world’s grand master of trolling."

Amazing - $400,000 to be an asshole, bragging about a minority-supported piece of Socialist Agenda legislation forced into law against the majority will of the people, a collapsing POS built on LIES ('The ACA will pay for itself', 'won't cost a dime', and the award-winning whopper 'If you like your plan you can keep your plan') and false promises...

Only Barry, Liberal King Douche, would be brazen enough to take that much money from Wall Street to be HIMSELF - an asshole!
He's no longer a politician, so if some fat cat bankers want to pay him to speak, why not get paid for it? I see no conflict of interest.
And he has over 1000 lost seats to show for it. Please keep this moron out there talking you left wingers. I love it.
That's not very hard to accomplish when you DESTROY the existing health care system, leaving Obamacare the ONLY 'choice'.

Obama gloats: Let’s face it, ObamaCare is more popular than Trump is - Hot Air

"So that’s why he’s getting $400,000 per speech from Wall Street. They’re paying him to show up and epically troll the world’s grand master of trolling."

Amazing - $400,000 to be an asshole, bragging about a minority-supported piece of Socialist Agenda legislation forced into law against the majority will of the people, a collapsing POS built on LIES ('The ACA will pay for itself', 'won't cost a dime', and the award-winning whopper 'If you like your plan you can keep your plan') and false promises...

Only Barry, Liberal King Douche, would be brazen enough to take that much money from Wall Street to be HIMSELF - an asshole!
Should he bring up the fact that even eight years later, the right wing still has nothing but repeal, instead of any better plan at lower cost?
That's not very hard to accomplish when you DESTROY the existing health care system, leaving Obamacare the ONLY 'choice'.

Obama gloats: Let’s face it, ObamaCare is more popular than Trump is - Hot Air

"So that’s why he’s getting $400,000 per speech from Wall Street. They’re paying him to show up and epically troll the world’s grand master of trolling."

Amazing - $400,000 to be an asshole, bragging about a minority-supported piece of Socialist Agenda legislation forced into law against the majority will of the people, a collapsing POS built on LIES ('The ACA will pay for itself', 'won't cost a dime', and the award-winning whopper 'If you like your plan you can keep your plan') and false promises...

Only Barry, Liberal King Douche, would be brazen enough to take that much money from Wall Street to be HIMSELF - an asshole!

"The only choice"? Can you people tell a bigger lie?

If you can afford your own health insurance you are as free as before to go buy it. Stop your whining and go buy your own. Nobody has to use the ACA if they have their own insurance. So this lie you tell is flushed down the sewer.

If someone needs help to get health insurance you can go through an exchange and choose from at least three different levels of plans provided by the big insurance companies like Blue Cross and Anthem.

When cons believe a lie they go all in.
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He succeeded in developing a dependence that is unsustainable, seeing many providers drop out with some areas being single provider jurisdictions. You can't call this a success when it is failing this soon after it's inception and families are paying excessive premiums.

It will be repealed and replaced or, it will be dissolved in time. What other outcome is feasible?
The republicans have the presidency, both houses of congress, and now a new SC justice, and STILL can't repeal ACA! Hell, they can't even get it to a vote in their own party, much less get democratic support. It should be a no brainer to convince America that they should give up guaranteed issue, community rating, and accept pre-existing condition limitations, premium penalties, and watered down coverage, BUT NOOOOOOO! And the kicker is that Americans simply don't know what is good for them, and it is all Obama's fault! :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
This just shows Barry is a narcissist who needs the attention - 'It's all about ME'...but, he's a PROFESSIONAL narcissist. He got paid $400k to draw attention to himself. :p
That's not very hard to accomplish when you DESTROY the existing health care system, leaving Obamacare the ONLY 'choice'.

Obama gloats: Let’s face it, ObamaCare is more popular than Trump is - Hot Air

"So that’s why he’s getting $400,000 per speech from Wall Street. They’re paying him to show up and epically troll the world’s grand master of trolling."

Amazing - $400,000 to be an asshole, bragging about a minority-supported piece of Socialist Agenda legislation forced into law against the majority will of the people, a collapsing POS built on LIES ('The ACA will pay for itself', 'won't cost a dime', and the award-winning whopper 'If you like your plan you can keep your plan') and false promises...

Only Barry, Liberal King Douche, would be brazen enough to take that much money from Wall Street to be HIMSELF - an asshole!

"The only choice"? Can you people tell a bigger lie?

If you can afford your own health insurance you are as free as before to go buy it. Stop your whining and go buy your own. Nobody has to use the ACA if they have their own insurance. So this lie you tell is flushed down the sewer.

If someone needs help to get health insurance you can go through an exchange and choose from at least three different levels of plans provided by the big insurance companies like Blue Cross and Anthem.

When cons believe a lie they go all in.
EVERY insurance plan is 'Obamacare' because the ACA mandate things EVERY insurance policy HAS to have in it, whether you want it or not. Yes, you can buy your own insurance, if you can find any and if you can afford it. With several companies pulling out of exchanges, some areas have been left with no insurance in to buy.
That's not very hard to accomplish when you DESTROY the existing health care system, leaving Obamacare the ONLY 'choice'.

Obama gloats: Let’s face it, ObamaCare is more popular than Trump is - Hot Air

"So that’s why he’s getting $400,000 per speech from Wall Street. They’re paying him to show up and epically troll the world’s grand master of trolling."

Amazing - $400,000 to be an asshole, bragging about a minority-supported piece of Socialist Agenda legislation forced into law against the majority will of the people, a collapsing POS built on LIES ('The ACA will pay for itself', 'won't cost a dime', and the award-winning whopper 'If you like your plan you can keep your plan') and false promises...

Only Barry, Liberal King Douche, would be brazen enough to take that much money from Wall Street to be HIMSELF - an asshole!

"The only choice"? Can you people tell a bigger lie?

If you can afford your own health insurance you are as free as before to go buy it. Stop your whining and go buy your own. Nobody has to use the ACA if they have their own insurance. So this lie you tell is flushed down the sewer.

If someone needs help to get health insurance you can go through an exchange and choose from at least three different levels of plans provided by the big insurance companies like Blue Cross and Anthem.

When cons believe a lie they go all in.
EVERY insurance plan is 'Obamacare' because the ACA mandate things EVERY insurance policy HAS to have in it, whether you want it or not. Yes, you can buy your own insurance, if you can find any and if you can afford it. With several companies pulling out of exchanges, some areas have been left with no insurance in to buy.
Yet, the right wing has nothing but repeal, instead of better "heath care market exchanges".

Do we need to get some hot blondes involved, to discuss straddling options, as well.

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