Obama gives $228 million to colleges that discriminate against whites


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Article says 85% of black doctors come from these inferior all black schools! That should scare you.

Obama White House Awards HBCUs, But How Will the Money Be Managed? | American Renaissance

September 20, 2012

The Department of Education recently announced it is providing $228 million in grants to 97 historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) in 19 states. The funds will be used for campus expansion, counseling programs, science equipment and faculty training.

The announcement is welcome news for financially challenged institutions who, like the black community as a whole, have been hurting during the U.S. economic downturn. In addition, the grants will ease the concerns of critics who believe President Obama has not done enough to help the black community, his most ardent supporters.

Nevertheless, with the collapse of Morris Brown College—due to financial mismanagement, corruption, financial aid theft and foreclosure—and the overall precarious fiscal state of HBCUs, some are wondering if these schools can be trusted to properly manage their finances.

Although the 105 HBCUs account for 3 percent of all U.S. colleges, they enroll 12 percent of black college students, produce 23 percent of all black college graduates, 40 percent of the nation’s black science graduates, and 60 percent of blacks holding engineering degrees. Further, these institutions are responsible for generating 50 percent of all African-American professionals and public school teachers, 75 percent of African-American Ph.Ds, 80 percent of black federal judges, and 85 percent of all African-American doctors.
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More proof we have a super-wacist in the WH. Why are these wacist colleges even allowed to exist? We all know what would happen if say Ohio State was 99% white.

Sorry, where's the evidence these schools discriminate against whites?

They're 99% black. If harvard was 99% white, you'd be screaming discrimination.

What does what I would or would not do in a hypothetical situation have to do with whether or not HBCUs are discriminatory against whites? Other than your conjecture about what I might feel in a hypothetical situation, what evidence do you have they are discriminating against whites? That they are 99% black? a) they aren't b) HBCU's offer minority scholarships to whites to attend.
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There is no proof and besides, whites go Harvard, Spelman, Grambling etc.....

By the way this guy has no proof they're inferior obviously he mentioned black docs who I might add, take the same test as whites and asians to practice medicine. Ah yes..
There is no proof and besides, whites go Harvard, Spelman, Grambling etc.....

By the way this guy has no proof they're inferior obviously he mentioned black docs who I might add, take the same test as whites and asians to practice medicine. Ah yes..

Same tests but the required scores for blacks to get into college are much much lower for blacks than whites/asians. That's well documented and i'm sure the same lower standards apply once they are in college.
There is no proof and besides, whites go Harvard, Spelman, Grambling etc.....

By the way this guy has no proof they're inferior obviously he mentioned black docs who I might add, take the same test as whites and asians to practice medicine. Ah yes..

Same tests but the required scores for blacks to get into college are much much lower for blacks than whites/asians. That's well documented and i'm sure the same lower standards apply once they are in college.

Stop deflecting....By the way when I went to college I had to take the same entrance exam as everyone else. Students that sucked at math was assigned to take remedial math. Students that did well, took the general education requirement. The fact that you would say this means you never went to college in the first place. The test is called "placement exam" FFS you're bright!
We have to debate whether a "Historically Black College" lets in more blacks than whites?


Welcome to Race in America, The Magical Thinking.
Same tests but the required scores for blacks to get into college are much much lower for blacks than whites/asians. That's well documented and i'm sure the same lower standards apply once they are in college.

Stop deflecting....By the way when I went to college I had to take the same entrance exam as everyone else. Students that sucked at math was assigned to take remedial math. Students that did well, took the general education requirement. The fact that you would say this means you never went to college in the first place. The test is called "placement exam" FFS you're bright!

Here's a website that shows how much easier it is for a black to get into medical school than a white or asian. It's mindboggling.

CARPE DIEM: Medical School Acceptance Rates, 2008-2010
Obama gives $228 million to colleges that discriminate against whites

Sorry, where's the evidence these schools discriminate against whites?

My niece went to one of them. She was told she was a "mistake" because her mother was white. She had a full 5 years scholarship and ended up not finishing and transferring due to the racism against her just because her mother was white.

If that's what they do to someone who is 1/2 white, imagine what they do to someone who is all white?
Obama gives $228 million to colleges that discriminate against whites

Sorry, where's the evidence these schools discriminate against whites?

My niece went to one of them. She was told she was a "mistake" because her mother was white. She had a full 5 years scholarship and ended up not finishing and transferring due to the racism against her just because her mother was white.

If that's what they do to someone who is 1/2 white, imagine what they do to someone who is all white?

That's a bullshit story. How do I know? For one if your story was true it would be in the news and that college would be sued for millions and instead you'd be telling us how rich your family is and two, historical black universities are not private schools like BYU or American University so they can't discriminate on race. What all universities do, they implement quota systems. Each university gives an account of the ethnic demographic of students they admit.

For example if there are too many whites that go to UCLA the school may admit more asians until that quota is satisfied. Now the school wont tell you nor can you prove admission or rejection is race based.

UCLA is 70% Asian, 20% of that, are international students. Big universities tend to cater to foreigners because they pay more out of state student fees.
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Obama gives $228 million to colleges that discriminate against whites

Sorry, where's the evidence these schools discriminate against whites?

My niece went to one of them. She was told she was a "mistake" because her mother was white. She had a full 5 years scholarship and ended up not finishing and transferring due to the racism against her just because her mother was white.

Do you know the difference between evidence and personal anecdotes? Someone told someone who told you who is telling me now? Really? I care?

If that's what they do to someone who is 1/2 white, imagine what they do to someone who is all white?
I used to work at one. I'm all white. What did they 'do' to me other than pay me?
Sorry, where's the evidence these schools discriminate against whites?

My niece went to one of them. She was told she was a "mistake" because her mother was white. She had a full 5 years scholarship and ended up not finishing and transferring due to the racism against her just because her mother was white.

If that's what they do to someone who is 1/2 white, imagine what they do to someone who is all white?

That's a bullshit story. How do I know? For one if your story was true it would be in the news and that college would be sued for millions and instead you'd be telling us how rich your family is and two, historical black universities are not private schools like BYU or American University so they can't discriminate on race. What all universities do, they implement quota systems. Each university gives an account of the ethnic demographic of students they admit.

For example if there are too many whites that go to UCLA the school may admit more asians until that quota is satisfied. Now the school wont tell you nor can you prove admission or rejection is race based.

UCLA is 70% Asian, 20% of that, are international students. Big universities tend to cater to foreigners because they pay more out of state student fees.

Feel free to come over here and call me a liar to my face, I'd love to watch you crawl away.
My niece went to one of them. She was told she was a "mistake" because her mother was white. She had a full 5 years scholarship and ended up not finishing and transferring due to the racism against her just because her mother was white.

If that's what they do to someone who is 1/2 white, imagine what they do to someone who is all white?

That's a bullshit story. How do I know? For one if your story was true it would be in the news and that college would be sued for millions and instead you'd be telling us how rich your family is and two, historical black universities are not private schools like BYU or American University so they can't discriminate on race. What all universities do, they implement quota systems. Each university gives an account of the ethnic demographic of students they admit.

For example if there are too many whites that go to UCLA the school may admit more asians until that quota is satisfied. Now the school wont tell you nor can you prove admission or rejection is race based.

UCLA is 70% Asian, 20% of that, are international students. Big universities tend to cater to foreigners because they pay more out of state student fees.

Feel free to come over here and call me a liar to my face, I'd love to watch you crawl away.

Wow, a lot of 'put up yer dukes!' around here lately. Must be gettin' on fightin' season!

(Btw, I thought you were a woman...no?)

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