Obama Doctrine: Ft. Hood Was Not Terrorism, Wounded Soldiers Get No Benefits


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Victims of the Nov. 2009 Ft. Hood shooting are being denied benefits commensurate with combat injuries because the Obama administration refuses to label the attack an act of terrorism.

Instead, the shooting Maj. Nidal Hasan carried out after screaming "Allahu Akbar" it is still being labeled "workplace violence."

The difference between labeling the incident "workplace violence" and "terrorism" is not only the rightful recognition 13 of our troops deserve for being killed in service to their country on Nov. 5, 2009, but also ongoing benefits that would help survivors pay for the physical therapy, and other medical and psychological treatments that might be necessary to a full recovery.

Texas Gov. Rick Perry has openly stated that the shooting, which took place in his state, was an act of terrorism and that the president such recognize it as such. He said, "President Obama's refusal to call it an act of terror is a shining example of this administration's devotion to political correctness over the defense of our men and women in uniform."

From Obama Doctrine: Ft. Hood Was Not Terrorism, Wounded Soldiers Get No Benefits

The real tragedy of this is how the victims of this scumbag are being mistreated. As this is not considered combat related, they are ineligible for benefits worth tens of thousands of dollars and their status. In other words, the Obama administration, in its efforts to deny terrorism exists, are once again screwing our men and women in uniform – and their families.

Nadal insists on wearing his beard and military vest. 2 things that are against Military code and Courtroom code for PRISONERS.

My uncle went to prison for Armed Roberry and they shaved ALL of his braids off, put him in a orange jumpsuit with NO SOCKS and flip flops on in a ice cold courtroom. you could see the goosebumps on his forehead he was so cold and uncomfortable. and the Judge didn't blink when he sentenced him to 10 years.

But this dirtbag scum terrorist Nadal gets to wear his beard, military vest and condemn america in the process but his actions were not an act of terror nor is his grandstanding and refusing to have his beard shaved???.

This is ABSOLUTE PROOF that the Muslim community and it's laws trump the laws of the land.

I say shave his head, his butt , his back AND his balls!!!!! FK HIM!
Nadal insists on wearing his beard and military vest. 2 things that are against Military code and Courtroom code for PRISONERS.

My uncle went to prison for Armed Roberry and they shaved ALL of his braids off, put him in a orange jumpsuit with NO SOCKS and flip flops on in a ice cold courtroom. you could see the goosebumps on his forehead he was so cold and uncomfortable. and the Judge didn't blink when he sentenced him to 10 years.

But this dirtbag scum terrorist Nadal gets to wear his beard, military vest and condemn america in the process but his actions were not an act of terror nor is his grandstanding and refusing to have his beard shaved???.

This is ABSOLUTE PROOF that the Muslim community and it's laws trump the laws of the land.

I say shave his head, his butt , his back AND his balls!!!!! FK HIM!

They were all active duty military. What benefits do you claim they're being denied?

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