Obama called a 'Traitor' In France

You seem to have everything upside down and backwards. Barney got worthy poor mortgages. Pubs made it a fraud bubble.

You clearly have absolutely no idea about Franks, his connection to this particular mess, or the facts of what actually happened. I'd stop digging now if I were you.

this clown brings out the real heavy equipment when he digs. he'll be to china in no time
At least Fonda's consistent.. he's been a complete spoiled douche his whole life.

I have my differences, and lots of them, with this President, but how dare he go on foreign soil and do this.

What a dick.
For example, I watch the Mentalist to see the Citroen. Are you talking about Barney Franks causing the housing bubble and the 2nd Pub Great Depression? Hilarious!

Sweetie.... no one is saying Franks caused it. But some of us actually recognize that both parties fucked the American people on this one. The evidence is all there for anyone with brains enough to think critically and logically.

Interestingly, about the only guy in DC who actually raised concern about it was George W Bush. And both his own party, and the Democrats dumped on him for it.
For example, I watch the Mentalist to see the Citroen. Are you talking about Barney Franks causing the housing bubble and the 2nd Pub Great Depression? Hilarious!

Sweetie.... no one is saying Franks caused it. But some of us actually recognize that both parties fucked the American people on this one. The evidence is all there for anyone with brains enough to think critically and logically.

Interestingly, about the only guy in DC who actually raised concern about it was George W Bush. And both his own party, and the Democrats dumped on him for it.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RYz1rbB5V1s]YouTube - ‪Who is Responsible? (Meltdown): Fannie Mae - Freddie Mac - Wall Street - Bill Clinton - George Bush?‬‏[/ame]

But Bawney poo-pooed it...

Along with Chris DODD whom BAILED from re-election...
since when do rightwingnuts care about anything anyone in any other country says?

I DO care when an American citizen goes abroad and does shit like this. That is ENTIRELY different from caring about what some foreign national has to say.
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since when do rightwingnuts care about anything anyone in any other country says?

I don't care what another country says, but what I care about is an American citizen going to another country disrespecting America and it's President. You know how I feel about obama. Keep the beef here don't take it to another country.
since when do rightwingnuts care about anything anyone in any other country says?

I don't care what another country says, but what I care about is an American citizen going to another country disrespecting America and it's President. You know how I feel about obama. Keep the beef here don't take it to another country.

Especially when that same Country's POTUS goes outside the country and disparages h9is own COUNTRY...

And YES Obama DID do this...and HE should Lose on this alone...despite what he is doing NOW.
since when do rightwingnuts care about anything anyone in any other country says?

I don't care what another country says, but what I care about is an American citizen going to another country disrespecting America and it's President. You know how I feel about obama. Keep the beef here don't take it to another country.

Especially when that same Country's POTUS goes outside the country and disparages h9is own COUNTRY...

And YES Obama DID do this...and HE should Lose on this alone...despite what he is doing NOW.

You're right he did. two wrongs don't make a right. No matter how much youthink the president is a piece of shit keep it here in the states. We give Fonda a pass we have nothing to say against the dixie chickenshit. for their bullshit aganst Bush.
I don't care what another country says, but what I care about is an American citizen going to another country disrespecting America and it's President. You know how I feel about obama. Keep the beef here don't take it to another country.

Especially when that same Country's POTUS goes outside the country and disparages h9is own COUNTRY...

And YES Obama DID do this...and HE should Lose on this alone...despite what he is doing NOW.

You're right he did. two wrongs don't make a right. No matter how much youthink the president is a piece of shit keep it here in the states. We give Fonda a pass we have nothing to say against the dixie chickenshit. for their bullshit aganst Bush.

*OBAMA* above all others being the leader of a free Country should be held accountable...The Statists DON'T

Obama TODAY made the CASE why he should.

HE will LOSE on this alone.
A Yeah, Duh, it's me- what was it, the "hellofrom warsaw"?
B. Fond DID make a MOVIE about the BP spill ya know!! PR much?
C. Yup, it's always the Pubs who screwed it up, for money...
Obama is a tyrant, and so are many on the left.

The guy only took over a goddamn company like socialist dictators do.

You would think that in the United States of America the goddamn president who is allegedly a constitutional wizard would view seizing a company to be a total Fourth Amendment violation.

Who the fuck specializes in a philosophy they don't even respect??

A real socialist dictator would have siezed the company entirely.

Thats exactly what he did...

Chavez comes to mind..

He had no business doing what he did.

If GM failed then sobeit..... He didn't want that tho because UAW (among other unions) got him elected.

Obama is a fucking tyrant for that alone.

So you are actually trying to claim that obama seized GM entirely?? I am sure that you can back that up with something REAL can't you??

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